Police Chen Shu

Chapter 715 Extra 718: Zhu Yiba’s past (End)

Border guard station, training and fuck ground.

A group of silent armed policemen lined up in order.

The sun shines on their hard faces, leaving only sadness.

Stationmaster Wang Hai stood at the front of the team. His tall and mighty body had always given people an invincible feeling in the past, and the large scars on both sides of his cheeks confirmed his heroic and tenacious struggle experience.

His voice was loud and powerful, leading all the armed police to shout, which resounded throughout the playground.

"We are the Chinese Armed Police!"

"It is our responsibility to be invincible!"

"At the critical moment, we will sacrifice our lives with everything we have!"

There was a solemn atmosphere permeating the entire fuck field, and everyone was immersed in the memories of their comrades. Their existence will be engraved in everyone's hearts forever.

On this special day, they are not only a team of soldiers who protect the border for the country and the people, but also a family who live and work day and night, declaring to heaven the memory of their family members who sacrificed their lives.

Those are the comrades who share their joys and sorrows, those are the brothers who eat and sleep with them, and those are the comrades who train and go on duty with them.

We were together every day, together every day. The familiar faces and accustomed voices had long been engraved in everyone's memory, but they were gone so suddenly.

I feel empty in my heart.

For a very, very short moment, they even thought that it would be great if they were not armed police wearing military uniforms and protecting their homes and country.

This is an escape, but it is also a responsibility.

"Hats off, moment of silence!"

With a snap, the team neatly took off their big-brimmed hats and placed them on their left forearms. The soldiers lowered their heads slightly and stared at the ground quietly.

The heroes sacrificed their lives for their home and country, and the compatriots who died also hope that the country will be safe.

Pay tribute to the martyrs, remember our compatriots, and may the deceased rest in peace.

May the deceased return home.

"Martyr? Do you think you are the emperor? Are you still having this sweet dream?"

Wang Hai smiled coldly, and Zhu Yiba, who was standing in front of him with his fingers pointed, mockingly said, "If I hadn't been protecting you, you would have been kicked off!"

"How many times have I told you!"

"How many times have I told you!"

"Safety first!"

"Safety first!"

"Even a pig knows it!"

"You are worse than a pig! You are worse than a pig!"

The extremely angry webmaster cursed hysterically, grabbed a pile of documents on his desk and threw them over. The pages clattered against Zhu Yiba's body, and then scattered weakly on the ground.

The webmaster stood up and shouted angrily: "Get out! Get out of my office!"

Zhu Yiba lowered his head, turned stiffly and walked out of the office.

Not long after the people left, a police officer with two poles and one star draped over his shoulders pushed in the door, frowned and said: "Zhan Wang, the political commissar disagreed and said that there is really no way to report as a martyr this time. After all, They crossed the border. For this kind of thing, you are very lucky not to be punished. If it hadn't been for the sacrifice of the person, you might not even have received any subsequent compensation."

Wang Hai sighed and sat down on his chair: "Instructor, I understand."

Many times, soldiers just want to complete their missions, regardless of sacrifice.

Seeing Wang Hai's sadness, the instructor advised: "Wang Zhan, we have already settled the outcome. Zhu Yiba also knew how to bring everyone back. Fortunately, the trafficker had already forgotten because of his serious injury and amnesia. I have memories of escaping back to XX by car, otherwise I don’t know how this would have ended.”

"Fuck! Why isn't this scumbag dead?" Wang Hai slapped his hand hard on the table, paused, and asked slowly, "Have you found out who the boss of this group of people is?"

"The person in the mountain has not been found yet. The man we captured alive is nicknamed 'Zoro Song', and his real name is still being investigated. His boss is from the Burmese civilian military, and people outside call him Aung Soling. General, well, he has also opened several large-scale fraud parks, and he is quite powerful in Myanmar."

Wang Hai raised his head, looked over the instructor's shoulder, and looked at the honor list on the wall behind him. At this time, in addition to the original black and white photo, there were two more photos in the row below.

The instructor stopped introducing the people involved in the case, followed Wang Hai's line of sight to look at the photos of the victims, and then thought of the survivors of the incident, and asked: "Will Zhu Yiba stay during this restructuring?"

"What's the opinion of the detachment?"

"Now that he can no longer hold a gun, the political commissar wants to arrange for him to join the detachment to do logistics."

"The logistics are pretty good too."


"But what?"

"But everyone else in the detachment said he would be a deserter."

Wang Hai pondered for a moment and said: "We are soldiers. To put it nicely, we are to protect our country. In essence, we learn how to kill people and how to destroy things. Fighting is not a fun thing, and it is not as good as in the propaganda film. The colorful and glorious thing is, in fact, a very cruel thing. Its cruelty does not only involve destruction on the material level, but sometimes it can even destroy the human spirit.

"Whether Zhu Yiba will be a deserter in the future or not, it cannot cover up the sacrifices and contributions he has made to the country in the past few years. Personally, I respect any choice he makes. Well, any choice."

At this time, the sun suddenly shines through the window into the dim light, which reflects on the row of black and white photos on the bookcase, making people feel lonely.

Wang Hai stood up and walked to the window, staring at the setting sun outside the house, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Zhu Yiba stumbled back to the dormitory and sat on his bed beside the door, lost in thought.

It would have been better if I had listened to the squad leader and not acted bravely and chased him outside the mountain.

It would have been better if I had listened to the squad leader and not fired.

If at that time

In the end, he indirectly killed them.

Zhu Yiba didn't dare to raise his head or turn his head.

Because there is the monitor's bed next to him, every day when he gets up early and goes to bed late, the monitor is always the first to greet him with a smile.

A little further away is Fatty's big bed, with wrinkled sheets and crooked quilts every day. He is always criticized but always smiles about his appearance.

Oh, he also said that if he wants to get third-class merit, just dream about it.

The innermost seat is Huangmao's seat. According to the rules, recruits have to sleep next to the wall and the washstand. But that kid didn't care at all. Every time we met, he kept shouting "class seats" and "seats in rows."

Not too embarrassed, I heard that the nickname "row of seats" spread to the detachment.

For a moment, Zhu Yiba suddenly felt that the two dead people were alive again. As the whistle for turning off the lights sounded, they would rush into the dormitory from outside.

They were talking and laughing and calling the platoon leader one after another, as if nothing had happened.

Zhu Yiba's lips trembled, but after all he couldn't control the tears in his eyes: "I just want things to return to the way they should be. As soldiers, shouldn't we catch bandits?"

Slowly, a strong anger radiated from Zhu Yiba's body.

His body was shaking slightly and his eyes were red, like a volcano waiting to erupt.

"That scumbag, why didn't you die?"

"Why should we save him?"


"I want you to die!"


(Extra, end)

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