Police Chen Shu

Chapter 734 Love or Debt

Chen Chuan pouted and muttered: "These traffic police officers are checking drunk driving in broad daylight. Aren't they deliberately looking for trouble? How can any normal person drink during the day?"

As everyone knows, those who dare to drink and drive are not normal people.

It is different from what most people imagine. People think that people drive early in the morning to go to work and take their children to school. How can they drink?

In fact, this is not the case. A considerable number of people have the habit of being hungover, and there are various reasons for getting up early the next day, so drunk driving occurs.

This phenomenon, if calculated purely in terms of quantity, may occur more than in the middle of the night.

However, considering that alcohol checks in the morning will cause traffic jams, generally speaking, traffic police will not perform alcohol checks on weekday mornings, especially on busy roads.

But exceptions are not excluded, such as during the World Cup.

Not to mention, you can see quite interesting things when checking for drunk driving.

For example, a tall and thick-set man in autumn wears a T-shirt, revealing a social eldest brother with a tattoo of a five-clawed dragon. Originally, we were driving in the opposite lane without incident, but then we made a 360-degree U-turn at the next intersection and suddenly broke into the scene where the traffic police were investigating drunk driving.

As soon as the traffic police handed him the stick, he kept screaming, and the cool red lights flashed at the same time.

The momentum of throwing oneself into a trap makes people sigh. The big brother in society is extraordinary.

"Outlaw gangster." The onlookers also gave him high praise.

There was also a young man who saw the confusing tutorial from somewhere. He parked the car in front of the traffic police stop and got out of the driver's seat with a bottle of liquor in his hand. While blaming the camera in the middle of the road, he threw his head back and drank wildly. Then he swore that he didn't drink while driving, but only drank when he got out of the car.

Now it is found that the smell of alcohol is due to drinking, so it does not count and cannot be counted as drunk driving.

He definitely didn't have the final say on whether it counted or not, and the result was of course that he was taken away with his head pressed.

As an aside, this kind of behavior is considered drunk driving, and you may be given a heavier sentence.

For example, when this young man was driving a vehicle, his blood alcohol content was 70mg/100ml. When I encountered a traffic police officer checking the alcohol in front of me, I immediately got out of the car and drank half a bottle of wine. As a result, the content increased to 80mg/100ml.

After going to the hospital to draw blood to fix the evidence, the drunk driving turned into drunk driving. What was originally an administrative violation with a 12-point demerit turned into a criminal offense that required admission to a detention center. What a loss!

The target was almost completed, and after taking away the two drunk drivers, the traffic police began to pack up their equipment and evacuate. Chen Shu and others also drove Huo Xi and followed the large traffic police force to their squadron.

When they arrived at the team, an internal police officer from the squadron was responsible for receiving Chen Shu and others. He printed out a very formal agreement, signed it, and finally transferred 500 yuan.

When Chen Chuan got his driver's license back, he still joked: "Why are you going to all this trouble? Wouldn't it be over if you just paid the money earlier?"

The internal police officer was quite good-tempered and patiently explained: "The police were checking alcohol on site, and the crowd watching the excitement and the drivers who were caught were generally angry. As soon as you transferred the money and had someone take a video and put it online, we Even if you can't explain it clearly even if you open a hundred mouths, you can't explain it clearly even if you jump into the Yellow River."

Chen Chuan disagreed: "What are we afraid of if we are doing well? Can't we just issue an announcement and explain it?"

The internal police officer smiled and said, "Do you think netizens believe your explanation, mine, or just join in the fun? By the time we explain it clearly, the day lilies will be cold."

Zhu Yiba suddenly realized: "So there is still this meaning. It is really not easy for you grassroots police."

The internal policeman shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Who says it's not the case?"

A small episode ended like this. When a few people gathered for dinner in the evening, everyone drank a lot of wine. Even Jiang Hai, who was still studying in the police academy, was poured four or five beers.

As a policeman, alcohol is a hurdle that cannot be overcome, so Chen Shu did not stop Chen Chuan, Zhu Yiba and others from having a drinking contest with Jiang Hai intentionally or unintentionally. It was better to fall into the hands of his own people than to have it exposed in front of outsiders later.

According to Chen Chuan, can a policeman who doesn't drink be a policeman?

Zhu Yiba was simple. He said that the first thing a new recruit does is to get drunk, and he has to be very drunk.

In the bustling and noisy atmosphere of the restaurant, the seriousness of the two people's words made people laugh, but Chen Shu really couldn't do anything against these two guys, especially one who was more eloquent than him and the other with incredible strength.

Seeing Jiang Hai start to speak slurred and repetitively, Chen Shu waved his hand to signal that Chen Chuan was done and asked him to stop pestering Jiang Hai for drinking.

Chen Chuan, who remained calm-faced, held the cup with a smile, came over, and joked: "My handsome Chen, you haven't even married Director Yan yet, and you already feel sorry for your brother-in-law?"

Before Chen Shu could refute, Zhu Yiba, who was sitting next to him, had a drink alone and mocked: "Getting married? Don't be fooled by the temptation and end up in vain."

"Zhu Yiba, what are you talking about? Drink your wine!" Chen Chuan glared at Zhu Yiba, turned around and asked with a smile on his face, "Shu, my eyes are very vicious, the female forensic doctor It's very interesting to you. Wouldn't it be nice to find her and become the son-in-law of a high-ranking official in the system comfortably in the future?"

"It's up to us brothers to talk about this. Don't talk nonsense outside. Zhu Li and I have nothing to do." Chen Shu picked up the wine glass, touched it with Chen Chuan for a while, then drank it, put down the glass, and said casually, " She is Zhu Ting’s daughter, even if you think about it with your toes, you know it’s impossible!”

"Shu, this kind of thing is about mutual consent. Zhu Li's thoughts are well understood by the gossips in the city bureau." Chen Chuan hugged his chest and looked confident.

Chen Shu thought that he was a very strict man with his mouth. As a woman, Zhu Li would not be able to talk about the love between children, so how did they know?

Looking at Chen Shu's puzzled eyes, Chen Chuan smiled and said: "The selection notice was issued in the hall some time ago. Everyone knew that this was a carrot pit for Zhu Li, so they naturally paid attention to it. But when it came to the interview, they themselves I don’t want to go. I don’t want a provincial office position that can be envied by others for a lifetime. Do you know why?”

Chen Shu shook his head: "I don't know."

Chen Chuan stretched out his finger and tapped Chen Shu: "Forgot? At that time, you were disqualified from the interview because you were investigating pornography in a five-star hotel, so Zhu Li didn't go."

"Tsk, tsk, what a sin." Zhu Yiba sighed, interjected at the right time, and then pretended to be sad and stroked the head of Jiang Hai, who was already lying on the table and sleeping soundly.

Seeing that Chen Shu was silent, Chen Chuan continued to pursue the victory: "Let me tell you again, in this day and age, sometimes you really have to think about things with your butt. First of all, you and Zhu Li are consensual. , What do you care about Zhu Ting? Secondly, fate is a wonderful thing, maybe you owed her something in your previous life, and you have to pay it back in this life."

Speaking of this, Chen Shu suddenly thought of another person for some reason, that is Zhang Yang, who had been running around, asking for orders for the people. After all, he owed her so many lives or so much gold and silver in his previous life that he had to run around to save her in this life.

Then he thought of Jiang Hai's sister who was sleeping soundly next to him, this woman who had been silently paying for him. Could it be that she owed him a debt in her previous life, so she had to bring her younger brother to repay the debt with him in this life?

But, is this love?

"at last!"

Chen Chuan raised his hand and said happily: "Julie is recognized as the most elegant beauty in our bureau. Her long legs have fascinated many people. Cherish the book!"

After the show, Chen Chuan and Zhu Yiba clamored to go to the second half to see the beauties of Southwest China, while Chen Shu naturally took the drunken Jiang Hai back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Chen Shu was worried about Jiang Hai being drunk, so he took him to his room. But because when he originally booked the room, it was all a double bed room, and Chen Shu was not used to sleeping on the same bed with others, so now he could only ask the waiter for a quilt and sleep on the sofa.

The long sofa in the hotel was not long enough, so Chen Shukan could only squeeze most of his body into it, and his knees had to rest on the armrests. It still felt like his sleep was a little uneasy.

In the middle of the night, Chen Shu vaguely felt someone calling him.

Waking up with a start, Chen Shu listened to Jiang Hai's steady snoring in his ears, looked at the dark ceiling above his head, and couldn't help but recall the dream he had before.

The man in the dream seemed to be calling for help, calling for help.

The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was.

After frowning for a long time, Chen Shu suddenly smiled. He felt that he had stayed up most of the night, thinking about the stories in his dreams, and he had really been busy traveling these past few days.

I turned over and tried to see if I could go back to my dream and see who it was.

"Do you want to show off?"

Slowly closing his eyes, at the moment when his consciousness was about to fall into darkness, Chen Shu had a slight awakening.

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