Police Chen Shu

Chapter 736 Visiting the Lawyer

"Li Xia." The short-haired man extended his right hand towards Zhang Yang and introduced himself, "People from the Northeast, come here and try your luck to see if you can get your brother back."

"Has your brother also been deceived into going to Myanmar?" Zhang Yang shook hands with the other party generously and asked immediately.

"Liar?" Li Xia smiled coldly and said, "However, he explained clearly on the phone that he was knocked unconscious and sent out of the country while drinking in a bar."

"It's so tragic. This is such an unforeseen disaster. Who would have thought that if you went out to drink some wine at night, you would be drugged and sent to that hellish place." Photographer Xiao Zhao thought of how many people Sister Liu had handed over to the people over there. A ransom of 100,000 yuan was paid, but his son still didn't come back. He couldn't help but sigh.

"Tragic?" Li Xia dismissed it, picked up the coffee cup, drank it in one gulp, wiped the corners of his mouth, and smiled, "Being able to take a living person weighing more than a hundred kilograms over mountains and ridges out of the country without anyone noticing. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the ability to smuggle some ice and powder of equal weight? Haha, to take a step back, it would be enough to just smuggle it directly, and how much money would you make by doing fraud? If there is such a method, keep it properly Begging for food on the roadside with a golden rice bowl!”

Li Xia's body exudes a unique aura, and his eyes also reveal a kind of battle-hardened mockery and ease, as if he is a man who has experienced countless trials and tribulations.

Listening to Li Xia's tone, Zhang Yang couldn't help but look at the other person again. Judging from her years of experience in interviewing various people, the guy in front of her was definitely not a good man or woman. At least his words and deeds were not what ordinary people should do. Some reactions.

Although they have never met, Xiao Zhao still helped explain: "Maybe he was stuffed into a car and transported out?"

Li Xia waved his hand and said: "Every place where you can drive a car has police and border guards. It's impossible to get through."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yang sat up slightly and asked curiously.

"Your guess is right. What kind of oral drug can make you faint after just one drink? If you sleep for more than ten hours, this dose can kill someone. In addition to walking on the mountain road, you may also need to take a boat to cross the river. This is not the case. The little brother just crossed that line and left the country."

Zhang Yang remembered a social event where a man of average build was drunk. He was so drunk that he dragged two or three people to a taxi with great difficulty. After comparing with this, he knew what this was. Feel it.

Xiao Zhao recalled: When he followed Police Officer Chen to Myanmar to rescue people, there was another police officer who spent money to clear the way as if it was free. As for Hu Kai's situation that day, he had to repeatedly toss cars and motorcycles. , boats and other means of transportation, and in the end inevitably have to walk through the mountains all night.

After a pause, Li Xia smiled miserably and said, "That's right, my incompetent brother came to Burma 100% of his own free will!"

Zhang Yang could see Li Xia's disappointment in his younger brother, but he was still his biological brother after all, so he could still be saved if he was in trouble.

"Li Xia, please come with me." The young and beautiful clerk came over and half-bent to invite.

Li Xia followed the clerk.

About ten minutes later, Li Xia returned to the front hall with a dark face.

Smiling politely, Zhang Yang got up and followed the clerk to the office area. Xiao Zhao put on his bag and followed Zhang Yang.

Several people were led by the clerk to Lawyer Liu's office.

The office is located in the northwest corner of the office. A green boulder is placed at the door as a barrier, and under the feet is a beautifully paved marble corridor.

There are several long tables with an ancient style on both sides of the corridor. The first thing that catches the eye is a pair of jade carved with dragons and phoenixes. There are also some expensive-looking ornaments placed on other tables.

There are landscape paintings hanging on the walls, which are calm and atmospheric.

Entering the office, a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses sitting behind a huge desk raised his head, smiled and raised his hand to motion for several people to sit down.

The clerk walked quickly, placed an A4-sized document in front of the middle-aged man, and then exited the room with a smile.

"Hello, this is reporter Zhang Da." Lawyer Liu greeted while sitting.

Zhang Yang nodded: "Don't take it seriously. Lawyer Liu, just call me Xiao Zhang."

"Reporter Zhang, what brought you here this time?"

The information had actually been submitted when making the appointment, and it was probably placed on the table in front of Lawyer Liu at this moment. However, Zhang Yang still politely explained: "Hello, Lawyer Liu, we want to save a person named Lin Yu in KK Park." , do you have any channels here?"

"Well, can I ask what this person's relationship is to you?"

"Lin Yu's mother begged me and hoped that I could help her find her son."

"What about Lin Yu's mother? Where is she now?" Lawyer Liu spread his hands and asked cheerfully.

Zhang Yang choked for a moment and was speechless for a while.

When Lin Yu's mother followed them to Cao Yang's company to ask for help, not to mention being insulted, just having her hopes shattered was unbearable.

Finding a law firm this time was a hopeless matter, and Zhang Yang didn't want to crush the hopes of the victim's family again and again.

Lawyer Liu adjusted his glasses and said leisurely: "Now the country has very strict control over anti-fraud. I believe that as long as we wait for a while, we will be able to crack down on these people from beginning to end. By then, this... this"

With that said, Lawyer Liu looked down at the information on the table and said quickly: "This boy named Lin Yu will definitely be rescued."

They are all the same old tunes and have no practical use at all.

Zhang Yang had many dealings with officials, so he asked directly: "Lawyer Liu, I would like to ask, how much would it cost to fish someone out of KK Park?"

Lawyer Liu stared at Zhang Yang's eyes for a long time, slowly shook his head and refused: "Reporter Zhang, I'm sorry, I can't help you with this matter."

Zhang Yang stood up to say goodbye, and when he left with Xiao Zhao, he was stopped by Li Xia, who had been sitting in the front hall.

Li Xia smiled and said: "You are a reporter. Even if you give Lawyer Liu ten thousand courages, he will not dare to take your job."

Zhang Yang stopped and asked doubtfully: "Is there any clue about your brother's matter?"

Li Xia glanced inside a few times and said, "I'm not sure about my appearance, but Lawyer Liu did give me a price."

"How many?"

"After the compensation is paid, give him another three hundred thousand."

"Three hundred thousand!" Xiao Zhao, who stood behind Zhang Yang and remained silent, exclaimed.

Zhang Yang breathed a sigh of relief: "Since he dares to ask for money, it means that this guy is confident. After all, the firm's signature is here, and it is impossible to blackmail us out of thin air."

"But I don't have that much money." Li Xia said lightly, with an extremely relaxed expression. "The last time they called me to ask for compensation, I spent all the money I had saved over the past few years. Now, I have no money. Penny."

"Brother Li, are you coming here today?" Xiao Zhao hesitated for a moment and asked.

Li Xia's eyes suddenly became sharp and he said fiercely: "I just want to know whether these people have anything to do with the people doing business in Myanmar. Now, I already know the answer. If you don't let them go, don't blame me. Anxi went to find a villa to do random things."

"Looking for a villa?" Xiao Zhao hadn't reacted yet, "Randomly? What are you doing randomly?"

"Hehe." Li Xia's eyes became ferocious and he said no more. (End of chapter)

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