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Vegeta entire group watched the battle in midair, and had already set off a stormy sea in mind. In fact, if only Goku can defeat Cooler, it is still in everyone’s expectation. The key question is…

Goku is now Base Form Ah!!

Kaio-ken is not used, and there is no body transformation Pseudo Super Saiyan!

With Base Form, amazingly beat Cooler!

“Has Kakarot become so strong?” Vegeta only felt a panic in his chest, and finally caught up with Goku’s footsteps. Only a month away, the opposite side flung himself a large margin again.

Piccolo’s eyes lit up suddenly, and he said in surprise: “I understand! Goku… he… he promoted his anger to the extreme the moment he made the move!”


Everyone’s faces were startled, but they soon understood. When they looked towards the battle in midair, they found that, as Piccolo said, Goku only promoted his qi to the extreme when he made a move.

Because his movement is extremely fast, it is difficult for others to find out without careful perception!

“Only lift the energy at the moment of the take action, which can greatly reduce the consumption of physical strength. However, if you can achieve this point in such a high-intensity battle, then Goku’s control of’Ki’ has reached abnormal To the point!”

Piccolo analyzed it and said that he guessed it was pretty close, but they missed one point, that is, after using Power Fruit, Goku’s powerful body is so big that it has exceeded their imagination!

With superb martial arts skills, offensive and defensive are in an orderly manner. At this moment, to deal with Cooler is like bullying a primary school student, relaxed and casual.

Although on the surface Goku seems to have a great advantage, Cooler’s 100000000 Power Level is still real. Although Goku’s attack caused him a very difficult situation, he did not suffer much substantial damage.

After a few more style matches, Cooler deflated again. He was like an angry lion. Both eyes scarlet looked at Goku and shouted: “Unforgivable! Unforgivable! You dare to tease me Cooler like this, I want to Kill you, I will destroy this planet!!!”

His voice is like a surging thunderbolt, and a terrifying murderous aura permeates the air, like a volcano about to erupt, which is daunting.

“Is this flustered and exasperated?” Goku stood tightly opposite Cooler, saying with a smile: “The so-called Cooler is also just this!”

Hearing Goku’s words, Cooler’s face showed a hideous expression, “Your ignorant is very pitiful! Saiyan, don’t you know, I have one more body transformation than Frieza, my final Power Level is 470 million !”

“Oh? There are 470 million, such a high Power Level, I have never encountered it before, so don’t you let me know.” Goku’s tone was a little flat, with a hint of excitement.

Cooler didn’t expect Goku to give himself time for body transformation so simple, he didn’t know what he was about to face, “I admire your courage, you wouldn’t want to take advantage of my body transformation, Sneak attack on me, right?”

Goku indifferent shrugged, said: “I like to fight against the powerful opponent, I hope you are also a powerful guy.”

Indeed, as its own strength continues to become stronger, Goku is more and more eager to fight with a stronger opponent, meets a strong opponent, and then surpasses him. This kind of invigorating feeling, whoever tries, will know!

“Hmph, you don’t know anything about my strength!” Cooler smiled coldly, and said secretly in one’s heart: “When my body is transformed into the final form, you will regret it!”

“Drink Aaah…”

Cooler clenched his fists tightly and let out a roar like a wild beast. The bloody cold light was seen in his ferocious eyes, and the muscles of the whole body began to tremble.

The energy of ice-cold spewed out, and the skeleton and flesh of Cooler whole body began to change crazily. The dark purple energy swallowed Cooler’s body like flames, and suddenly there was a’thump thump’, like a heartbeat. Vibration.

With the beating of each time, Cooler’s energy will soar a lot, and his body has undergone great changes.

“Aaah, Saiyan, your death date has come, you are all crawling under the feet of this King, tremble!!”

With Cooler’s final angry roar, the white outer skeleton on his forehead began to change, and 4 sharp bone spurs grew behind the moved towards, all of which were covered by white hard armor.

His arms, calves, and even his tail are armed with a piece of white hard armor. The white skeleton on his body looks like a tank top. It also bulges with the expansion of the muscles. It seems that everyone’s back is born. Coolness.

“This is Cooler’s Final Form?”

“His Ki, there is more than 2x just now, Goku shouldn’t let him body transformation Ah!”

“Kakarot, how do I think you will respond this time?”

Everyone has different expressions. Although Vegeta says so, if he is replaced, it will definitely leave Cooler time for body transformation.

This is Saiyan, Saiyan who aspires to be strong, and is proud of fighting against experts!

The restless air suddenly calmed down. After Cooler completed the body transformation, he confidently moved towards Goku said with a smile: “Hehehe, Saiyan, you seem surprised? Your hands are shaking a little! Hahaha…”

Cooler feels incredibly refreshing. It has not been the final form of body transformation for how many years. Even if Frieza and Kurdish two people are in this form, he can easily deal with it.

The Power Level of 470 million is enough to crush everything!

“Trembling?” Goku looked at each other Cooler, said with a smile: “I was excited!”

Suddenly, the surging power spread out from the bodies of the two people within the body, bringing an inexplicable shock to the whole world. They seemed to have agreed, and at the same time moved towards the opposite side take action.

In the sky, the two energy balls of one gold and one purple collided violently, dividing the entire sky into two sides. The frantic aura constantly impacted, forming an entirely different confrontation picture.

Rumble! !

With two people as the center, a hurricane-like shock wave swept all directions. In midair, there were fighting sounds of crack and rattle. Their hand-to-hand combat each time was a planet-level disaster.

Pā! Pā! Pā!

Both Goku and Cooler used the most primordial attack. They punched after punch each other and attacked the opposite side. After entering the final form, Cooler’s values ​​in all aspects are a long way in front and Goku. This gap is no longer a superb combat. Skill can make up for.

As the battle progressed, Goku suffered more and more injuries. Cooler laughed frantically and said, “Do you regret it, Saiyan? You are now desperate! Hahaha…”

Goku gasping for breath, in a short match, he was already riddled with scars, but the wound on his body stimulated Goku’s nerves, making him more excited: “Regret? Do you think that only you can body transformation? Cooler , You should have heard of it, Super Saiyan!”

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