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Unlike Buu’s arrogance, Son Gohan and the others clearly sense the terrifying energy that Goku has produced.

That kind of aura is just like a grandiose of the entire sea, and Son Gohan and others feel that they are just a flat boat on the sea, and any wave can knock them down.

“Really strong gas… Kakarot’s gas was obviously not as good as Broly before, why now he… bastard, Son Gohan, you give me to be honest, does Kakarot have a new body transformation?”

It is obvious that Vegeta’s sense has already surpassed Super Saiyan 2’s energy at this moment. If this is not a new body transformation, Vegeta absolutely does not believe it.

Son Gohan’s gaze was always on Goku, his eyes flashed with proud radiance, and he said, “Well, yes, my father 3 years ago, during Grand Kai’s Planet training, I already surpassed the form of Ascended Super Saiyan. that is what he said, Super Saiyan 3! Now he…I am afraid he is much better than then!”

Beyond the form of Ascended Super Saiyan?

East Supreme Kai and Kibito were confused, but Son Gohan was not in the mood to explain to them the stages of Super Saiyan. Vegeta stared at Goku with utter horror. He reached the realm of Super Saiyan 3 3 years ago. ? So how strong is he now? !

“Drink Aaah…”

Goku’s face became ferocious, and with a long roar, the Ki on his body erupted to a new height again. If the vast ocean of Ki gathered before, then the moment is as vast as the sky.

Rumble ……

With the continuous promotion of Goku Ki, the entire Sacred World of the Kai was shaking. East Supreme Kai and Kibito almost thought it was an earthquake.

Finally, a series of golden lightning landed in the sky, illuminating the whole world in an instant, while Goku’s silhouette stood in midair, and the golden hair on the head suddenly grew, moving towards the back.

Super Saiyan 3 !

“This is…” Vegeta complexion changed. He looked at Goku’s latest form, whispered: “This is the form of Super Ascended Super Saiyan? Super Saiyan 3!”

In midair, the golden long hair behind Goku danced with the wind. Because of Super Saiyan Transformation 3, his eyebrows had disappeared, his forehead was prominent, and his eyes became sharper.

Buu looked at Goku whose body transformation was over, and smiled disdainfully: “There is nothing amazing, just the hair has become a little longer.”

“Is it?”

Goku asked with a smile, and then dived forward suddenly, the movement seemed to move towards Buu throw a punch slowly and fast.


This fist slammed into Buu’s abdomen steadily. Buu’s face was startled a second, and he spits out a mouthful of blood.

Goku made a hit, not at all stopped, but instead turned his waist, raised his right leg and kicked Buu’s neck with a’pop’.


Buu was kicked directly by this kick, and when his body flew out, he carried the splitting the air sound. He fell from in midair, like a meteorite from the sky, and hit the earth heavily.

Rumble! !

Suddenly, the large floor block of Sacred World of the Kai could not withstand such an impact, emitted loud noise of Boom, and then suddenly broke.

Among the gravel on the ground, Buu’s figure slowly stood up. Because he absorbed Broly, after his body was seriously injured, he even shed blood-like liquid.

Buu…Blood? Is he seriously injured? !

Vegeta is stunned, is Buu careless? Did not use full strength? Or is Goku… too strong?

East Supreme Kai was also stunned, because in his memory, Buu had always rubbed others on the ground. Ever thought that Buu would have such a difficult situation.

Buu raised his hair in the gravel and roared: “bastard! bastard! I will kill you, I swear I will kill you!”

Buu’s face became terrifying, his body disappeared, flashed a few times in midair, and suddenly appeared in front of Goku.

His Ki’s momentum exploded to the extreme, and even the whole body exuded a shining green radiance, which was the power of Legendary Super Saiyan Broly that was absorbed by Buu.

Between the dancing of the fists, there were bursts of howling splitting the air sound, moving towards Goku like raindrops.

Those who saw the extremely fierce attack in the eyes of Son Gohan Vegeta and others, when facing Goku, seemed like a child’s not worth mentioning.

I saw Goku’s body swing back and forth, effortlessly dodge Buu’s attack, and casually said, “Buu, I thought you could be stronger after you absorb Broly, but is it only this level?”

Not only did Goku break through to Super Saiyan 3 3 years ago, his Ultra Instinct was also one step short of training successfully!

Simply put, Goku’s consciousness and body can already be separated by 90%, but the last step is still unable to take it.

One step difference, 1000 miles away, although it’s just a little bit, but without training successfully, it’s not training. Without training successfully Ultra Instinct, you can’t burst out Ascended Super Saiyan like Goku battle Jiren in original work. power.

Although it failed to train into Divine Art, Goku’s combat response has reached the Peak at this time, especially after Super Saiyan Transformation 3. The entire universe can hurt Goku. I’m afraid there is only a sleeping Gods!

“Buu, you disappointed me too much. If you absorb the power of Vegeta and Gohan, you may be able to fight with me. It’s a pity that Gohan is my son. I won’t allow you to hurt him… So, you don’t Chance!”

Goku’s eyes were full of killing-intent, he suddenly raised his left hand, clasped Buu’s wrist, and pinched his other hand into a fist, hitting Buu’s abdomen severely.

Just listen to the sound of’boom’, the violent energy poured in from the abdomen, the strength of 10,000 jin burst out instantly, Buu both eyes burst, the whole person arched up, the abdomen was smashed and collapsed, the whole person once again flew upside down Get out.

“Bastard, I won’t let you go! bastard…”

Buu was unwilling to shout out of anger. Since he was Bibidi Creation, he has never received such a serious injury. After all, Buu has a special life structure. As long as one cell is still alive, it can be reborn infinitely.

However, Goku’s attack made him feel that he was hard to describe the destruction of Ki. That seemingly simple punch and kick, strikes in his body caused Buu to feel a sense of near death in his heart.

“If this continues, I will die!” Buu’s heart trembled.

In one ear and out the other sound hu hu rang, Buu has not stabilized his figure yet, at this moment Goku not to know when stepped into the air, came behind him, rescued Buu’s horrified eyes, Goku raised his leg fiercely Kick and wave the fist constantly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another The blow resounded across the sky, and the shining energy flashed the sky, bursting out a fierce impact.

The people underneath turned their necks mechanically, looking at Buu who was beaten by Goku with bloody nose and swollen face, swallowed one after another, “What’s this…Is it beating Majin Buu?”

“And it is Broly’s…strongest Majin Buu!” Son Gohan added.

Everyone felt shivered for a while. If you put yourself in the position of Buu, I’m afraid you won’t be able to withstand a punch like Goku!

(Thanks to the readers “Racing Oranges”, “Harry Potter yy”, “Frozen Corners”, “Frozen God Generals”, “Emperor Swallowing”, “After Silence” “Little Salted Fish”, “Book Friends 20171026…” and others for their reward .

I have encountered some headaches recently, I am very tired, and the update has been affected. I am sorry here! )

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