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“The battle begins!”

After the host yelled, he ran down the arena without stopping, for fear that he would be killed if he stopped here for a second.

Although the start of the battle was announced, Hit and Son Gohan were standing next to Arena 2, and no one moved.

Compared with Son Gohan’s rigorous waiting, Hit was more casual, with both of his hands in his pockets, and the collar of the windbreaker raised high, wrapping everything he could as tightly as possible.

“Drink Ah!”

Son Gohan a light shout, a blue lightning arc flashed all over his body, and aura burst out like a jet.

Although I heard my father said many times that he can jump a distance of 0.1 second, Son Gohan has never seen it with his own eyes after all, and there is not much concept in his mind.

After Super Saiyan Transformation 2, Son Gohan’s figure rushed out for an instant, turning into a group of golden lightning, Hit’s gaze was indifferent, standing still motionless.

Son Gohan suddenly changed direction when he approached Hit’s ten meters around him. His body flickered a few times. The next second he suddenly appeared behind Hit, his right fist raised high and suddenly blasted out.

“Hit, why doesn’t that guy move? You are not scared to be stupid!”

Upon seeing this scene, the audience held their breaths, and the next second of the defense would see Son Gohan punch Hit out of the field.

There was a loud noise on the arena, and then it was beyond everyone’s expectation.

The person sent flying is not Hit, but Son Gohan!

The audiences, especially the audience of Universe 7 suddenly solidified their smile on their faces. I thought that Son Gohan’s punch would make a hit, but didn’t expect not to know when, Hit’s fist had already been taken out of his pocket. Leaning on the weak spot of Son Gohan’s abdomen.

“Is this the flashing power?! He didn’t see his movement at all!”

Son Gohan’s body turned to the ground in midair, and his brain was running fast. He couldn’t fight against the opposite side with an opponent attack like Broly. The power of Hit was very strong, and he could not bear the weakness. Son Gohan could not bear it. .

The rest can only predict the opponent’s movement, that is, it needs to be 0.1 seconds ahead of Hit.

“Drink Ah!” Son Gohan let out a low growl, his figure rushed out again, his eyes fixed on Hit’s hands and feet, and then he found the time to thunderbolt take action.


“Wow Ah!”

As before, Son Gohan’s fist was less than 1 cm away from Hit’s body, but the next moment it became a scene where Son Gohan was knocked into the air, and Hit sent Son Gohan to fly, and then slowly retracted the fist. In the pocket.

The audience was silent, including the God of Destruction and Angel in the two universes. No one could see the movement of Hit. However, Champa and Vados knew the ability of Hit and knew that Hit’s skill could not be seen through with naked eye.

Son Gohan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, he slammed on the ground and moved towards Hit again to attack.

Dong! dong! dong!

After being sent flying each time, Son Gohan quickly turned back, desperately looking for various tricky angles to attack.

“You are not my opponent, hurry up and surrender, don’t ask for trouble!”

Hit’s hands were taken out of his pockets, and he looked at Son Gohan expression indifferent, as if he was looking at an insignificant person.

“Hu hu Hu!” Son Gohan panting with a big mouth, the pain in his body inspired his surging fighting intent: “Drink Aaah…”

With bursts out of powerful aura all over, the hair of Son Gohan golden continues to grow, impressively Super Saiyan Transformation 3!

Seeing their own Big Brother body transformation Super Saiyan 3, Son Goten and Trunks were particularly excited, two little fellows shouted outside the court: “Big Brother, keep it up, beat that person! Keep it up!!!”

On the arena, Hit curiously looked at Son Gohan of Super Saiyan Transformation 3, and asked faintly: “Why don’t you become the same as the two people before, it seems that blue and green are stronger!”

“Well, it is true that blue and green are stronger, but I am not Legendary Super Saiyan, nor have I mastered God’s Force, so this is my strongest body transformation!”

After speaking, Son Gohan suddenly accelerated, and the long play dance behind him, once again moved towards Hit, launched an attack.

“It’s useless!” Hit said faintly, as if Magistrate had set the life and death of others, and lightly activated the flashing power.

Hit’s time suddenly stopped, his body twisted slightly, first dodged Son Gohan’s fist, and then went around behind Gohan, preparing to punch Son Gohan in the back of the neck.

But just as Hit was about to start, Son Gohan, who had been motionless, unexpectedly raised his left fist, and moved towards Hit’s face with a shock.


Hit’s complexion greatly changed. He hurriedly terminated the movement that attacked Son Gohan and hurriedly dodged Son Gohan’s fist, but his fist still rubbed Hit’s cheek.

In this scene, in the eyes of audience on the field, it was that Son Gohan’s fist was about to hit Hit in the last second, and Hit suddenly appeared behind Son Gohan in the next second. He was retreating, and there was still a scar on his face.

“What exactly happened?”

“I don’t know, how does it feel like a few seconds are missing from the movie clip suddenly!”

The audience discuss spiritedly on the arena, Hit wiped the wound on his face, and the remaining calm and collected asked: “How did you do it? I happened to guess that I would appear behind you?”

If Son Gohan could keep up with his movement, Hit would not believe that it was jumping time and had nothing to do with speed. How could naked eye mortal flesh pass through time to see through his movement.

“The subtle movement of your tip-toe has exposed your inner thoughts!” Son Gohan’s eyes still looked back and forth on Hit’s body, and then disappeared in place.

First, he confused Hit’s judgment with a false move, and after observing the subtle movement of the hands and feet on the opposite side, Son Gohan’s eyes lit up and he suddenly took action.

“I see it, weak spot!”

Almost at the same time, at the moment of Son Gohan’s take action, Hit raised his hand weirdly. During the next half breath, Hit’s thigh slammed into force and moved towards Son Gohan’s abdomen.


“Wow Ah!”

Son Gohan’s chest sank, and his whole body flew upside down, finally stabilizing his body, but he saw Hit’s knees bend slightly.

This movement is the prelude to the sprint!

“Damn!” Son Gohan cursed secretly, and hurriedly raised his hand to respond.

Bang! bang! bang!

Hit’s attack became more and more fierce, and the gap between ordinary attacks was interspersed with flashes from time to time, and under the rhythm of high-intensity, they constantly moved towards Son Gohan to launch attacks.

At first Son Gohan can still be parried, but as the pace of battle accelerates, Son Gohan’s brain has no time to process such fast information, and gradually loses.


Hit’s fist smashed on Son Gohan’s riddled with scars body, and the accumulated injuries finally completely shattered Son Gohan’s defense. He shook his body, fell on his back, and his hair became the black of the Base Form.

“Gohan!!!” On the audience seat, Chi-Chi saw that her son was severely injured by Hit, and she jumped off the audience seat eagerly, pulling her latest fashion bag and going up and talking Hit desperately.

Goku stepped forward to stop Chi-Chi, “Chi-Chi, don’t worry, Gohan is okay, it’s time for me, don’t worry, I will defeat that person for Gohan!”

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