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The battle between Hit and Goku was more boring than expected. Most of the time, the audience could only hear the sound of fighting in midair, but could not see the silhouettes of both sides.

And Vegeta, Broly and others can roughly see some vague movements. After all, the battle between Goku and Hit involves the confrontation of strength of time.

Hit constantly uses the flash to attack, and with the help of Goku’s Ultra Instinct, it constantly predicts the movement of Hit, and directly uses brute force again and again to blast Hit out of the flash.

The battle lasted for a while, and the two sides had hand to hand combat for several thousand rounds, several thousand offenses and defenses, Hit finally successfully hit Goku once.

Of course, this time is just hitting Goku’s arm.

“0.5 seconds!”

Hit’s mouth bursts out with a roar, everyone present has not understood what he meant, but Goku immediately understood tacitly, this is the time that Hit will flash promoted to 0.5 seconds.

The battle between experts, even if it is 0.1 seconds ahead, can take a big advantage, and Hit’s flash function jumps for 0.5 seconds, which is enough for him to cross the world.

In the 0.5 second Timeline, Hit conforming with the norms of society moved towards Goku throw a punch, and the strength reached their level. Often simple move is the most practical, because at this level of battle, the competition is speed and strength!

Punched, Goku disappeared in place as usual, this time Hit slightly tick the corner of his mouth, 0.5 seconds, enough time for him to find out Goku’s movement, and then respond.

After a quick glance around, Goku appeared on his right side.

“Got you!”

Hit was on the right time, without the slightest hesitation’s moved towards Goku take action, watching his attack get closer and closer to Goku, Hit’s heart beating excitedly.

However, just when Hit was about to hit Goku, mutation suddenly occurred!

Goku’s eyes suddenly moved, and the whole body suddenly emitted a blue misty steam. At this moment, his hair changed from red to blue, and Hit’s attack flashed on one side of his body. At the same time, fist moved forward and hit Hit hard On the weakness.

Bang! !

The silhouettes of Goku and Hit appear on the arena at the same time, but Goku is standing on the ground, and Hit is sent flying out.

Seeing this scene, Champa sat weakly in his seat, and the battle was here, and the outcome was very obvious.

It’s just that Hit is still unwilling, he struggled to look up and attacked again.

Bang! bang! bang!

In the flash space, Goku and Hit constantly clash, and the collision of the two fist is like two hard steel hits at a high speed, and a little fire star is actually rubbed out for a while.

The only thing that suffocates Hit sense is that the Ki on Goku is constantly changing. When his body flashes and defends, he maintains the form of Super Saiyan God, and only when he makes a move, it becomes instantly Super Saiyan Blue.

Even with such a high-intensity battle, the opposite side can still control the power so perfectly and without blemish, which makes Hit deep in one’s heart involuntarily questionable.

What kind of monster is facing myself Ah!

Two people once again fought for 1000 rounds. The fierce Ki from both sides collided wildly, suddenly penetrating the space of the flash, spreading to the entire venue, and then, the terrifying aura storm directly swept the audience, even Whis and The protective light curtain set by Vados trembled under this force too!


Goku himself can’t remember how many times he strikes Hit’s abdomen, the opposite side bows his body, and the pupils of both eyes are shrunk. This fist is like the last straw that crushes a camel, making Hit’s upright posture crash. collapse.

Pu tong!

Under the gaze of the audience, Hit both eyes shook a few times without a sense of spirit, fell to his knees, and then fell down.


The audience was silent for 4 seconds before bursts out with a burst of cheers. The host also stood up in time and announced loudly: “Universe 5 Hit contestant is defeated. The winner is…Universe 6 Contestant Son Goku! “


With the announcement of the host, the entire venue was boiling, and Champa was very uncomfortable to chop the ground with his feet, “bastard, bastard, I still lost, my Super Dragon Balls are now Beerus’s!”

“Hey! Champa, Champa!” Beerus suddenly called Champa’s name, and his voice was very anxious.

Champa thought it was Beerus who wanted to laugh at himself, and replied impatiently: “Beerus, Super Dragon Balls is for you. Don’t be here to sneer me!”

“Idiot, look over there…Lord Zeno is here!”

“All…all all…Lord Zeno?!!!”

Looking in the direction Beerus was pointing, the two Universe Gods, including Champa, climbed up to Zeno, and bowed down humbly.

Goku and others also looked up and saw that at the top of the audience seat, there were two short and three silhouettes standing.

Two of the tall and thin people are wearing high-collar trench coats, half of their faces are buried in the collar, only a pair of sharp eyes are exposed, and the one in the middle of the two people is similar to a 2-4 years old child. The head is round and surging, with two eyes looking at the venue dumbly.

“When did Zeno come? I was fighting just now and I didn’t notice it at all!” Goku was a little surprised.

On the steps, God of Destruction Champa and Beerus squeezed out a smile to please Zeno: “Welcome to Zeno, I don’t know… what are you doing today?”

“Today, because you organized this kind of competition without authorization, I am here to remind you…” Zeno’s voice is particularly immature, and even makes people feel that he is just a child’s illusion.

As soon as Zeno explained his intentions, Champa and Beerus sweated on their foreheads: “I’m very sorry, Lord Zeno!”

“But after I watched it, I think this kind of competition is quite interesting, and I even want to hold a competition like this in the far Universe.” Zeno continued.

Seeing that Zeno didn’t mean to blame, Champa and Beerus immediately kowtowed and thanked: “Yes! Lord Zeno!”

Goku came to Beerus and Champa at this time, stretched out a take action and smiled and said to Zeno: “Let’s do it, this kind of competition must be very interesting!”

The two guards next to Zeno saw Goku talking to Zeno in this way, and their expressions were immediately gloomy. Zeno gave Goku a blank look and stepped forward, learning how Goku looked like and stretched out the take action and held Goku together. .

“Goku, go back, how can you talk to Zeno like this!”

Beerus’s forehead was cold and sweaty, but Zeno didn’t feel any discomfort. Instead, he said happily: “Okay, then it’s a deal!”

Goku briefly introduced himself to Zeno. The two people talked for a while. Goku kindly called Zeno’Zenny’, and Zeno called Goku’Goku’.

“So, Goku, I’m going back, I’ll look for you next time!” Zeno stood in the middle of the two guards, then waved.


Goku and everyone also waved goodbye.

After Zeno left, Beerus came to Goku angrily: “Hey, your young fellow dares to talk to Zeno like this, do you know who he is?”

“Isn’t it the supreme king of the 12 universes? You are so afraid of him because you worry that Zeno will destroy the entire universe.” Goku shrugged indifferent.

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