Not to mention, the current exam is not so easy to pass.

In the unlikely event that something goes wrong during this special exam, the final result will be a group of students dropping out.

If Airi Sakura didn’t play so well, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t get his ideal results because of negligence.

At that time, there is no doubt that Haruki Yamauchi will drop out of school with Airi Sakura, and there will be no other possibility.

Even with these in mind, Haruki Yamauchi would not say that he would release water in this exam, he already had this idea.

It’s just that after eating, Haruki Yamauchi’s mobile phone rang.

After turning on the phone, Haruki Yamauchi looked a little surprised, because it was Satoru Kaneda who contacted him.

In past exams, especially special exams involving other classes, Haruki Yamauchi and Satoru Kaneda were tacitly and almost intimately connected.

As a result, now 30 Kaneda Satoru, he actually began to contact Haruki Yamauchi, which had to make Haruki Yamauchi think of something else.

“Is there something going on?”

As always, Haruki Yamauchi asked directly, and he also wanted to know why Satoru Kaneda was looking for him.

In other words, Haruki Yamauchi wants to know more about why Satoru Kaneda broke the tacit understanding with himself.

Generally speaking, Haruki Yamauchi and Satoru Kaneda are the kind of people who are reticent, but more committed to their principles.

Now Satoru Kaneda is starting to break his own principles, so what prompted him to do so?

“Nothing else, it was Shiina-san who asked me to inform you that she has something to find you, and this is her contact information. ”

A series of numbers came out of Kaneda’s mouth, and soon he hung up.

It seems that Kaneda Satoru made such a phone call just to talk about this matter, and after he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, which was incredible.

Haruki Yamauchi was a little puzzled, he asked himself if he had no connection with Shiina Hiyori, why did she ask Kaneda Satoru to tell him about it?

Even if you want to contact Haruki Yamauchi, Hiyori Shiina only needs to ask Haruki Yamauchi’s contact information from Satoru Kaneda, which is not a difficult thing to say.

As a result, Shiina Hiyori didn’t do this, but had to relay it through Kaneda Satoru, which is a bit puzzling.

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Is it worried that if you find Haruki Yamauchi directly, Haruki Yamauchi may not take care of her, so she specially found Satoru Kaneda to enhance Haruki Yamauchi’s attention to herself?

There is no doubt that this is a possibility, and perhaps it is.

The relationship between Haruki Yamauchi and Hiyori Shiina is indeed not very good, it is just a nodding relationship.

Not to mention, there were some unpleasant things that happened between Shiina Hi and Haruki Yamauchi in the previous time.

Although on the surface, no one mentioned those things, but neither of them was stupid, at least they understood the good and the bad.

So those things are also very clear in my heart, and the two of them are definitely not friends. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It stands to reason that if you think about it like this, you can naturally fool this matter over, but in Haruki Yamauchi’s heart, there is always a bad feeling.

It’s as if you’ve glimpsed some kind of conspiracy without discovering its full picture.

Looking at something terrible, I didn’t realize it, or I ignored the past, and as a result, I was subconsciously warned, and Haruki Yamauchi felt like this.

“What is it?”

Haruki Yamauchi put down his phone, and instead of immediately dialing the phone number he heard from Satoru Kaneda, he began to think about the slightest trace of his mind in his mind.

To be honest, Haruki Yamauchi has been low-key enough lately, and he always tries his best to avoid places where he might be exposed.

In other words, Haruki Yamauchi had no idea that something would put him in danger now.

Anyway, Haruki Yamauchi couldn’t see the factors that led to that outcome, so 320 was rightfully puzzled by this.

But even if Haruki Yamauchi can’t find it now, somewhere in his subconscious, he has always been warning him, constantly telling Haruki Yamauchi something.

Perhaps this intuition, in the eyes of many people, is just a change in one’s own heart, but Haruki Yamauchi doesn’t think so.

By now, Haruki Yamauchi’s body is very strong, and what comes with a strong physical ability is a keen intuition and a flow of smell.

Since Haruki Yamauchi is constantly feeling the slightest sense of danger, it would be better to take all this seriously.

Otherwise, I will suffer a big loss on this kind of problem in the future, and I am afraid that Haruki Yamauchi will become extremely remorseful because of this incident.

Of course, Haruki Yamauchi didn’t want to see that moment coming, so he kept looking back, what he had done, and wondering if he had missed something.

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