Lin Chen smiled when he heard Zhang Guoshi's words.

He knew that the other party had listened.

For this director who he still admires, he is also willing to let the other party make some money.

The two talked and laughed, and walked to the special effects department of Tianchen Entertainment together.

In the special effects department, the department leaders were already waiting at the door.

Seeing Lin Chen and the two coming, he hurriedly greeted him: "Mr. Lin, Mr. Zhang, you two are here!"

Lin Chen and Zhang Guoshi both nodded.

And they all entered in together.

The [Zhuxian], which has gone through all the completed special effects production and the final product, has already been waiting for the arrival of Lin Chen and the others.

He pointed to the special 3D screen and said excitedly: "Mr. Lin, take a look at the finished film, it's just shocking, I've been engaged in special effects for so many years, and it's the first time I've seen special effects of this level!"

"I don't dare to say anything else, but crush Hollywood, I absolutely dare to say this, it's not that I'm drinking too much and blowing, just look at it!"

Lin Chen naturally knew his shocking thoughts.

Whoever is in 09 and sees the special effects technology after 2022 is afraid that he will be shocked to death.

Lin Chen smiled, he also wanted to see what this immortal looked like now.

And Zhang Guoshi next to him, although he has seen some clips, he still doesn't know much about the whole.

The two of them sat there, watching the lights dim all around them.

The film has officially begun.

A film of more than 100 minutes.

From the background at the beginning, all the way to the various fighting effects in the middle, the sword light and sword shadow, the true trick of the sword and thunder, and so on.

It can be said that from the very beginning, Zhang Guoshi was shocked.

He really didn't expect that he would be able to make such a movie in his lifetime.

Or, is this kind of special effects movie that transcends this era really something he can shoot?!

After the movie was played for a long time, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Lin Chen.

"Mr. Lin, this movie, I'm afraid it's going to refresh my career box office high!"

Hearing Zhang Guoshi's words, Lin Chen said with a smile: "Don't be too happy, this kind of big production, big special effects movie is good, but you also need an imax screen and a 3D screen to really see its charm!"

"But how many of these cinemas do we have in the country today?"

"Twenty-two! That's what I learned!"

Hearing this, Zhang Guoshi couldn't help but sigh.

But in the next second, he froze.

Because Lin Chen said again: "So, in order for this movie to be seen by more people, I decided to take out some money to invest in theaters, mainly for 3D movie screens!"

Zhang Guoshi was stunned for a moment.

But soon, he also nodded and said: "I am also optimistic about the future development of the film industry in Huaguo, and as the people become richer and richer, the spiritual demand for watching movies will also increase more and more, Mr. Lin, I support you to do this!!"

Lin Chen smiled and said to Zeng Jia, who had been following him beside him: "In this way, you take out 5 billion from the company's account, find me some popular places in major cities across the country, preferably the most lively business districts, and then buy a place and directly build a theater for me, 5 billion, which should be almost enough for a small scale!"

Zeng Jia nodded in understanding.

5 billion.

For Mr. Lin, it's just a little money, a little money!!

But these words made Zhang Guoshi next to him instantly stunned.

Nima !?

5 billion, that's a small amount of money!?

And most of the theaters are rented?!

When I get to Mr. Lin, I just buy and buy it directly!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


Sure enough!

5 billion, I'm afraid it can instantly increase the number of IMAX theaters in Huaguo by hundreds!?

The most important thing is to buy land, which is the most expensive.

Seeing that Zeng Jia got the order, he was about to go over and prepare.

Lin Chen thought for a moment and said, "Hmm...... If you don't know the market, you can ask Liu Qiangzi of Goudong, he has been buying land in major provincial capitals some time ago, and he should know some market, although he bought land in remote places. "

For the hoarding land in Goudong, as a transit warehouse and a self-operated warehouse, it is natural to buy those remote places.

Because it's big enough and cheap.

And this time, the cinema line, which is still the top cinema of IMAX, is to be opened in the best place.

The difference in the price of the land in the middle is definitely not a star and a half.

But Liu Qiangzi has been doing it for so many months, and he will definitely understand it better than Zeng Jia.

Zeng Jia nodded again and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I will give you the purpose after choosing the address!"

After saying that, she went over to prepare.

According to the time period when this movie was released during the Chinese New Year, that is, it was almost the Spring Festival.

There is not much time left for Zeng Jia, she has to be busy with a series of tasks such as site selection, decoration, and recruitment.

Watching Zeng Jia go away, Zhang Guoshi woke up from his shaking mind for a long time.

Seeing Zhang Guoshi looking at him, Lin Chen also smiled and said: "I have too much money in my hand, just make an investment, like you, I am also quite optimistic about the development of our Huaguo!"

"This year, maybe the total box office of our country can exceed 10 billion. "

"In the future, I am even more optimistic that the box office revenue will exceed 100 billion yuan in a year. "

"With such a track with a 10-fold growth rate, why don't I spend a little bit of money into it? And it can also give my film more opportunities to meet the filmmakers!"

"Xianxia movie, You (Zhao Haozhao) It is this kind of epoch-making special effects Xianxia movie, which will definitely set off a storm in this era!"

"I will never allow the absence of a movie screen to be a pity!"

Listening to Lin Chen's words, Zhang Guoshi felt that the shock of this year was going to be used on Mr. Lin.


Just because I feel optimistic that the box office of Chinese movies will exceed 100 billion in the future, I will spend 5 billion to build such a bunch of theaters now.

Although owning a theatrical chain, it is true that it can have supreme privileges in the film industry.

But you, Mr. Lin, are not engaged in theaters because of this, you just want your movie to have more film schedules.

So you spent a lot of money on such a movie?


It's really invincible!!

Zhang Guoshi has never served anyone in his life, and today is really an eye-opener! .

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