Chapter 33: Evil Man Chen Xingye

“…… It’s really big in the forest, there are all kinds of birds, the world is big, I can see any strange things…” A comrade of the traffic police, who was idle and bored to check the monitoring of the intersection, saw a scene that made him speechless.

“What’s wrong? Two of his colleagues heard the sound and came over to watch with slight interest.

A minute later, their eyes widened too.

I saw that five meters below the monitor, a black nanny car was parked.

The footage transmitted from the pulled in camera can clearly see a man lying on the front and passenger cab.

At first, they thought that there was a murder, but after watching for a while, they found that things were not simple, and even a little outrageous.

The following is a briefing on the inside of the traffic police.

A suspiciously shaped nanny car stopped at the auxiliary road of the intersection without warning.


“You guys said… What are they doing? After watching for a long time, a traffic policeman finally couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s not clear… What religious ceremony, perhaps? The one in the middle, the traffic policeman who first discovered Chen Xingye, guessed.

“But… What religion would have such … This kind of …” The traffic policeman on the far right, shouted this and this for a long time, and did not find a suitable adjective to describe the picture he saw.

“This perverted but not so perverted ritual? The traffic policeman on the far left said for him.

“Yes! That’s what I meant. ”

“Perversion refers to an abnormal state of mind. The traffic policeman on the left continued.

“Perverted, secretive behavior that is incompatible with common sense. The traffic police officer on the right added.

“To sum up, this group of people should just have perverted proclivities. The middle traffic police said with a hammer.

Other clerks in the room: ???

“You guys look like some kind of criminal police…”

“However, I think it is necessary to go and check it, although we can’t control their behavior, they have violated traffic laws.” The middle traffic policeman thought for a moment, but still spoke.

As soon as I heard that I was going to go out and work overtime.

The traffic policeman on the left covered his stomach, “Shhh… Axi, the food you eat at night is not clean, and your stomach suddenly hurts! No, I have to go conveniently, and the scene will trouble you two. ”

Saying that, the traffic policeman ran out with his butt covered.

Traffic police on the right: ??? I’m Nima! Stomach hurts, what are you doing with your ass.

After a moment, he noticed that the middle traffic policeman who looked at him kindly, Kikube tightened.

Hurriedly said: “Axi! Damn it, even if you have diarrhea yourself, how can you still infect me? This doesn’t delay anything! I obviously want to go to the scene so much…”

After speaking, he looked at his colleague apologetically and said with a regretful face: “Miane, be careful on your way!” ”

Then he walked and cursed and covered his butt, “Bastard, why did you even infect me with a stomachache and a problem covering your ass?” What a strange symptom is this…”

The last comrade of the traffic police: …

Other clerks in the room: ⊙_⊙

In desperation, he had to go to the scene himself, after all, as a responsible civil servant, he had the obligation to investigate all potential dangers in his jurisdiction.

After putting on his equipment, he took his helmet and rode his police motorcycle towards the target area.

After he left, his two colleagues walked back casually and stared at the surveillance footage.

Seeing this, the others pouted and did not dare to speak.

The monitoring location was not far from the traffic police team, and the speed of the motorcycle was still very fast, and in less than five minutes, Liu Yinxiang arrived at his destination.

With a distance of more than twenty meters, Liu Yinxiang saw the nanny car under surveillance, still parked there gloomy.

He swallowed his saliva, summoned up his courage, and stopped the motorcycle a little, afraid that the noise would disturb the other party.

His hand touched the Taser stun gun on his waist, which added a lot of courage to him.

Liu Yinxiang controlled his footsteps and slowly approached the nanny car.

And the two colleagues who were guarding the monitoring of the traffic police team, saw Liu Yinxiang appear on the screen, and couldn’t help but take a breath and watched nervously.

One of them clutched the walkie-talkie in case of emergency.

When Liu Yinxiang approached the rear of the nanny car, he stopped, intending to observe the situation from the rear, but unfortunately, the color of the privacy film sticker of the nanny car was too dark, except for black paint is black paint.

Liu Yinxiang had no choice, so he could only squat down and walk to the cab position against the body, because the color of the glass film over there was much lighter than that of the body.

He slowly straightened up and did not stop until he showed a pair of eyes to see the situation in the car.

At the same time, inside the car.

Chen Xingye put his hands under his head and slightly straightened his waist.

He! Finally raised his eyebrows in front of them!

Kim Tae-yeon: We… How long do you have to applaud?

Lin Yuna: I don’t know, but I just want to applaud, and I can’t stop feeling!

Xu Xian: A… A wonderful sense of inspirational déjà vu!

Zheng Xiujing: I don’t know how strong it is, but it’s good that Oppa can “cheer up” again, at least I don’t feel so guilty in my heart.

Jeong so-yeon: … Crash, am I not normal or are they not normal?

“And that man is still my ex-boyfriend! God, if I do something wrong, please punish me! Stop torturing me, okay? ”

Zheng Xiuyan couldn’t help herself with sadness.

It’s okay that the ex-boyfriend has become a neurotic, and now even the teammates are developing in the wrong direction.

“The baby is bitter in his heart, who will save Da Mao!” Zheng Xiuyan wanted to cry and looked around without tears.

Suddenly, she and the traffic police comrade Liu Yin looked at each other.

Both were stunned!

Zheng Xiuyan opened her mouth, but did not make any sound.

But in the eyes of Liu Yinxiang, who had been observing for a long time, she was asking for help.

In an instant, the truth of the matter sketched a complete picture in Liu Yinxiang’s mind.

“This strange man is a member of a cult who has deceived several ignorant girls out of nowhere, and now he is performing some kind of evil ritual that he does not know the principle of, and most of them have been tricked (referring to non-stop clapping). ”

“But fortunately, there is a girl who is still strong in spirit, and she is struggling to resist the hypnosis of the other party? Look at her eyes, look at her mouth shape, she is asking me for help as a messenger of justice! The more Liu Yinxiang thought about it, the more sure he was of his thoughts!

A sense of pride suddenly surged in my heart!!!

Thanks to the author of The Peninsula Restaurant Story for the great reward, plus more to give!

(End of chapter)

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