Chapter 62: FX’s Gathering

Chen Xingye parked the car under the guidance of the “welcome”.

But he sat in the car for a full five minutes, not realizing that the man in front of him, with his hair dyed green and his clothes flowing flower, would be a greeter.

“Could it be… Is it our Chen family’s enemies who came to kidnap me? Chen Xingye guessed.

However, looking at the other party’s face with a kind service expression, Chen Xingye shook his head again to expel this idea.

Opening the car door, Chen Xingye stepped out of the car.

“Sir, do you have an appointment?” The welcoming man said kindly.

“Make an appointment? Do you have to make an appointment for a coffee? Chen Xingye was stunned and asked meaningfully.

“Yes, our Purple Wing Cafe is a full-membership system and does not accept visitors from outside the membership because a large part of our members are stars, so I hope you understand. The welcoming man replied with a smile.

If it weren’t for his appearance and not suitable for good people, I think guests would appreciate their service attitude when they saw this.

“Oh, understand, I didn’t have an appointment, but I was invited by a friend. Chen Xingye spread his hands and replied.

“Oh? Then take the liberty of asking you who your friend is, and I will consult with the store to help you. The welcoming man continued to ask, but his expression was obviously a little serious.

Because, he encountered many paparazzi reporters pretending to come to find friends to come in and secretly take pictures, although in the end, without exception, they were all thrown out, but it also caused trouble for so many star members.

Therefore, the owner of the Purple Wing Cafe attaches great importance to this aspect.

“Well, that friend of mine is Krystal, FX’s Miss Cheng Xiujing. Chen Xingye replied.

Hearing this, the welcoming man understood and took out the walkie-talkie and asked something on the other end.

Less than a minute later, the other party confirmed Chen Xingye’s identity, so he bowed and apologized, “I’m really sorry to delay you for so long, please come with me.” ”

Chen Xingye waved his hand, and at the same time was full of curiosity about this café.

The two walked along the passage and came to the main entrance of the café, and Chen Xingye, who had sharp eyes, saw a back that was very familiar, but did not recall it for a while.

After giving up his thoughts, he also walked into the café.

He was led by a waiter in the café, and a welcoming man who returned to his job, everything was so orderly.

Of course, if you ignore that the waiter looks like a bodyguard or an agent…

Turn left and right, Chen Xingye followed the agent, bah! Follow the waiter to the door of the box where Xiujing and they are.

The waiter stretched out his hand and left.

Chen Xingye is very interesting, the owner of this store is really interesting, and there is a chance to get to know each other.

Turning his head and knocking on the compartment door, it was Victoria who opened the door.

When she saw that it was Chen Xingye, she was stunned at first, and then hurried to take care of him in.

Chen Xingye smiled and walked in, “Hello everyone, I’m Chen Xingye, I’m sorry to be late, something happened on the road.” Chen Xingye first greeted when he entered the door, and then explained to everyone.

It was not so much to everyone, but to explain it to Little Crystal alone.

But immediately, Chen Xingye was stunned.

He saw the person with a familiar back just now, this person was the owner of the BMW car that he had just rear-ended.

The other party was obviously very surprised, but they didn’t expect to meet again so soon.

Song Xian subconsciously nodded at Chen Xingye, and the latter did the same.

After all, although there was an accident, the first meeting between the two was quite “pleasant”.

“Oppa~ what happened? Zheng Xiujing interrupted the embarrassing scene between the two and asked.

“Oh, nothing, there were some collisions in the car, but fortunately they were all solved. Chen Xingye replied and glanced in the direction of Song Xian.

The latter was startled, and then nodded a little flustered.

This strange behavior made everyone in the house a little strange.

“You guys… Do you know each other? Cui Xueli on the side finally couldn’t help but ask.

Song Xian’s face changed, he didn’t want to know this “gangster”, not to mention, he had just finished reporting him.

When it comes to reporting, Song Xian is in a cold sweat.

“I’ll go, no, if the Liu Criminal Police brought someone over to arrest him and recognize himself, wouldn’t it prove that the initiator of all this was me, then I would definitely be retaliated by him, no, no…” Song Xian thought, so he took out his mobile phone to send a message to the Liu Criminal Police Officer.

It means that he is now with the suspect, and if you bring someone to arrest him, don’t say that you know yourself, it’s better to ignore yourself.

After sending the text message, Song Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

Cui Xueli watched as the two did not answer their own questions, and pouted unhappily.

Song Xian also noticed that the Shirley she was pursuing did not have a good expression, and remembered the question she had just asked.

Hurriedly replied: “Ah… If you can’t talk about acquaintance, just… It’s just that side of the meeting. ”

Song Xian replied with a smile, and secretly smiled towards Chen Xingye by the way, for fear of causing him to be upset.

Chen Xingye, on the other hand, didn’t think so much, but echoed out loud, “That’s right, it’s really not familiar, it’s just a relationship that has met.” ”

As the captain, Victoria obviously sensed that something was wrong between the two, but she was smart and did not choose to understand.

Although one is the rich businessman “uncle” who is chasing Xiao Xueqiu, the other is Sika’s “ex-boyfriend” who has an unknown relationship with Xiujing.

But for Victoria, neither of them is very cold, but she is not a person who likes to interfere with the feelings of her teammates, and can only rely on them instead of helping them make decisions.

After all, love is their own business.

So Victoria sat quietly on the side, taking a sip of coffee without speaking.

“Hmm… It turns out that this is the case, then this time it is not just right to get to know it in depth, uncle, you are mine… My friend, Starry Night Oppa is Little Crystal’s friend, then you two can also be friends! Little Snowball said innocently.

When Song Xian heard this, he frowned secretly and smiled awkwardly.

And Chen Xingye also smiled perfunctorily, but his expression was well controlled.

“Oppa, introduce each other. Zheng Xiujing looked at the trend of the atmosphere going awkward again, and quickly pushed Chen Xingye beside her.

Chen Xingye was helpless, he could turn a blind eye to other people’s requests, but Sika and Crystal’s requests, he couldn’t refuse.

“Hello, my name is Chen Xingye, and I am a writer by profession. Chen Xingye blinked his eyes and said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was flustered.

“Huh? Wasn’t Oppa an agent in Girls’ Generation? How did you become a writer? Cui Xueli was surprised.

Victoria and the others also cast inquiring eyes.

Song Xian was even more stupid, “Moragu? Writer? Aren’t you a gangster? ”

(End of chapter)

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