Pretend To Be a Boss

Chapter 166: The strongest human with burning talent

  Chapter 166 The strongest human with burning talent

   Jiao is only an inferior species among dragons. Even so, it has decent strength.

  In the biological illustrations known to humans, most of the dragons are natural disaster-level boss creatures.

  Although this cave dragon has just completed its evolution, its strength is not weaker than any natural disaster grade creature.

   is an existence that Song Que absolutely cannot defeat at present.

   Jiaolong's eyes are full of contempt, and the voice of the dragon chant is full of mockery of inferior species.

  People crawling on the stone path and people hiding in the cave did not dare to look directly at Jiaolong.

  Before, there were curious people who were swallowed by Jiaolong because they looked at Jiaolong.

  After seeing many such things, no one dared to look up whenever this cave dragon appeared.

   It seems that if you don't look at it, you can avoid the fate of being eaten.

   But every time, someone will still be swallowed by this evil dragon.

  This time was an exception, Song Que stared straight at the cave Jiao.

   Jiaolong also seemed to be quite interested in Song Que, so naturally he didn't bother to talk to those crawling humans.

  The dragon's body gradually shortened, and the dragon scales on its body gradually disappeared.

   Not long after, it was no longer a dragon floating in the air, but a person.

  He was wearing a general's armor, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, his face was not angry and majestic, but there was contempt in his eyes. It really has the demeanor of a warden.

   Court of Ten Thousand Beasts There are not many creatures that can turn into humans.

   Among them, Guihejiao is the most famous.

   Bu Zhougui is responsible for monitoring the entire mining area.

  Jinghe is responsible for obtaining information about the human world.

  The cave dragon is in charge of the slaves transported from another world.

  Song Que had seen such a scene seven days ago, so he was not that surprised.

  According to what Tang Xian said in the blacksmith shop before, the strength of the beasts in human form will be compressed to one-sixth of the beast form.

   Even so, Song Que has no chance of winning,

  【Switch to me, you should be aware that your ability cannot match him, even if he becomes a human. You can't fight him on this narrow stone path. 】

  Song Que didn't speak, but took out the forehead mask from the item bag.

   At this moment, he turned into a masked monster.

   Cave Jiao is not in a hurry either.

   Watching a group of untalented people in this place is too boring.

  Seeing the change in Song Que's temperament, it actually found it interesting.

   "I've heard the ape king say that human beings have complex personalities. Some people even have multiple personalities. Once the personality is switched, the ability, personality, and fighting style will all change. Even the ability will change."

  Song Que sneered and said, "You know a lot about human beings. What a troublesome enemy. I would rather I have no way to see your ten kinds of data."

   Ten values, such as life value, life recovery power, attack power, defense power, critical strike chance, etc., were presented in Song Que's eyes.

   Some attributes of the Cave Jiao have obviously been compressed. The overall strength is weakened to one-sixth of the beast body.

  But it still has a value that Song Que can't match.

   But there is always a mask-like smile on his face.

  The chaotic will brought Song Que not only a change in thinking, but also a great change in fighting ability.

  In the realm where the cave flooded into the sky, many huge rocks suddenly appeared.

   These rocks are changing without any rules in the three-dimensional space.

  But it didn't attack the cave dragon, it was more like a stepping stone for Song Que.

  Song Que's current ability is stronger than that of the clown back then.

  Because the clown is not as good as Song Que in talent statistics.

  In people with higher talents, their chaotic will can also be brought into full play.

   Originally, the clown really wanted to infect Tang Xian.

   But the possibility of infecting Tang Xian is probably lower than Tang Xian infecting his clown. In the end, he gave Song Que his chaotic will.

  This kind of personified power will produce various variations due to different hosts. But the character will become bad.

   It's just that even the clown himself doesn't know that Song Que's innocent heart will turn into a person who is both good and evil with "just results and evil processes".

  He is a person so kind that even chaotic will can't completely corrupt him.

  For the evolutionary zone, the birth of the clown is also an extremely accidental and irreproducible result.

  Song Que said: "It's very interesting to drive humans away like ants, isn't it? When these weak and pitiful reptiles are struggling to climb, isn't it particularly interesting to have a heavy rain full of life and death?"

   Song Que's voice was not loud, but he did not deliberately lower it.

  It doesn't matter if it's a bell suit, it doesn't matter if it's a person crawling on the stone path, or it doesn't matter if it's a person hiding in a cave.

  In the empty sinkhole, most people heard Song Que's words.

  It was like a needle pierced through the nail, and it hurt into the soul.

  The heavy rain was caused by this dragon? Not really heavy rain?

  When this idea came to mind, they all felt the bone-chilling cold.

  Song Que didn't care, and even wanted to look back and admire the enlightened appearance of these idiots.

   Unlike the gentleness of the other personality, under the chaotic will, the masked monster doesn't care about these people's ridiculous and pathetic hopes.

   A group of non-talented people want to climb out of here?

  Even in a deep sleep, when he heard these words, he wanted to laugh at this group of people.

   Cave Jiao looked at Song Que wearing a mask with great interest.

   It doesn't even care about Song Que's means, because it believes that Song Que himself understands how big the gap is between the two.

   "Your life span is less than the last hour. Are you planning to make everyone fall into grief when you are about to die? That's really bad."

   Guarding the tiankeng is a very boring thing for the cave dragon, and teasing these humans in the tiankeng has become its pleasure.

  When Song Que was sent into the portal at the top of the tiankeng, he felt that he would have new fun.

   Now Song Que revealed a secret that it thought was not a secret at all, and it did not deny it.

   admitted frankly.

   Suzui, who collapsed in the cave, trembled.

  Those people who have died over the years...what the **** are they?

   Is it just a toy for this cave dragon?

  She stared blankly at the front, looking at the monster that turned into a human with a cruel smile.

  Suzui felt for the first time that maybe he couldn't take everyone away at all.

  Because the monster in front of them is not dead, an unprecedented heavy rain may appear at any time to extinguish their hopes.

   "Did you prepare these giant rocks in the past seven days? It seems that you have discovered the secret of rainwater a long time ago. You are indeed the rarest ten-talented person in the human camp." Cave Jiao said.

  Song Que didn't feel surprised. His chaotic thinking made him act like a clown, and he wouldn't be surprised by any unexpected actions of the enemy.

   Just for fun.

  Normal will sometimes forget some memories under chaotic will, but chaotic memory is the memory of both personalities.

  Song Que remembered the Ten Thousand Beasts Court mentioned by Tang Xian on the Saint-Derna Heights.

   "Sure enough, you have intelligence comparable to human beings... no, even surpassing most human beings. If I kill you here, how long will it take for the Court of Beasts to know?"

  Cave Jiao said contemptuously:

   "If you can, go ahead and try."

   "Although you didn't answer my result, I don't think I need to be polite, right?"

  There is no need to continue the conversation at this point, and the duel of one person, one dragon, and super disparity begins.

  Song Que launched an offensive first.

  His swiftness was like thunder, and he jumped onto the floating rock.

  This kind of thought power is different from that of the blue-eyed witch and Qin Qian. To be precise, it is not about controlling objects.

   Instead, create a gravitationally chaotic stand. But this force field is not stable, because even Song Que himself does not know where the direction of the force field will lead.

  So this ability cannot be used to escape the sinkhole.

   But he has the eye of the scales. Able to predict for a short time.

  Although it is not as far away as it seems when I look at my personality.

   It was also when he was dodging the movement that the cave Jiao felt that his body seemed to be a little heavier.

   "The moth shakes the tree!"

  Even in the distorted force field, the Cave Jiao was far faster than Song Que.

   "Surprised, it turns out Wanshou can also speak idioms! One is worth two, take it!"

  Song Que, with a chaotic personality, made fun of Tang Xian.

  Song Que's body constantly used his strength to bounce irregularly on several floating rocks.

   Irregularly transformed rocks, plus irregular bouncing trajectories.

  Cave Jiao couldn't judge where this chaotic attack intention would fall in the next second.

   The cave dragon floating in the air was about to hit Song Que several times, and the dragon's claws swept across to create a strong air current.

  But they were all avoided by Song Que in a seemingly coincidental way.

  Song Que's knife landed on the general armor of the cave dragon.

  But it didn't leave any trace on its body.

  【The speed is 1.4 times that of mine, which is the closest attribute to me. The attack power is very abnormal. If you are hit, you will be seriously injured, but the difference is 1.4 times. With the eye of the scale, you can avoid his attack. 】

  The voice of knowing the sea was made by the real Song Que.

  Although the masked version of Song Que didn't want to rely on the self who believed in ridiculous justice, he had to accept such help.

  Because no one has been able to single out a natural disaster grade creature so far.

  Akas, who is ten-talented, couldn't do it, and Song Que didn't think he could do it either.

  After narrowly avoiding several attacks from the Cave Jiao, the huge boulder suspended in the air and constantly changing its orientation suddenly exploded into countless tiny stones.

   "There is no place to stand, let's see where you hide!" Cave Jiao mocked.

  Song Que also returned a mocking smile, although it was covered by a mask.

   It's like walking in a position where the direction of gravity changes all the time.

   Jiaolong was not deeply affected because he was too powerful, but Song Que was involved by this force field.

  Relying on the eye of the balance, Song Que predicted the direction of the force field change, and stepped on those tiny rocks when the force field was facing upwards.

  The whole person is as light as a feather.

   Immediately jumped to a high place.

  At this moment, the force field changed again.

   Overlaps down with gravity.

[The chaotic force field will last for 3.7 seconds, and the acceleration of the chaotic force field is also 9.8m/s2, attacking his head from directly above, at this time his dodging is in the direction of the wind, but this dragon is arrogant by nature, There is a high probability that they will not dodge, but will forcibly defend against stronger gravity to show their tyranny. The speed difference of 1.4 times will be slower than us! 】


  In order to deal with the overpowering Cave Jiao, the two personalities had to join forces.

   Song Que with chaotic personality finally adopted the real Song Que's strategy.

  He punched Jiaolong in the sky.

   The speed and strength of this punch have been greatly enhanced.

  Everything is as Song Que expected. In the eyes of the balance, Jiaolong's next second is not dodging, but a hard catch with one hand.

  The violent punch stopped instantly.

   Jiaolong's body shook slightly, showing a slightly serious expression.

  Although everything went as Song Que calculated, Song Que did not gain an advantage.

  He just has a lower disadvantage.

Jiaolong said: "Too weak. I heard that you are the commander-in-chief of human beings. Among the talented humans, you are the top combat power, but now you have to understand that the strongest combat power of you humans, in my opinion, is It's no different from those crawling bugs, but bigger bugs."

   Jiaolong's palm was like a wall, no matter how strong Song Que's fist was, he couldn't go any further.

   This time the force field changes again.

  【Speed ​​up the transformation time of the chaotic force field, and perform high-frequency continuous strikes! 】

  Jiaolong wants to see Song Que in his most desperate state, but both Song Que are strong-minded people.

  In the next second, the force field became even more rapid. Every strength changes instantly.

  Song Que retreated immediately when he failed a single blow, bouncing around in the chaotic space.

  Those floating tiny stones are also constantly changing their orientation during this process.

   Jiaolong frowned, Song Que's speed seemed to have more than doubled suddenly.

  His figure kept flickering, and he didn't know where he would be pushed by this force field.

   But every time he approached Jiaolong, it would bring a very troublesome attack.

  【Attack different parts as much as possible, maybe it has a weakness. 】

   "I don't need you to tell me!"

   It's like billiard **** being ejected by a powerful shot and constantly colliding on the table.

  Song Que started to fight crazily in a small space with Jiaolong as the center.

  Although most of the attacks were defended by Jiaolong, in the end, a small number of attacks fell on Jiaolong.

   It may not be able to break through its defense at all, but it does give Suzuki who is hiding in the cave in the distance a little hope.

  She remembered, Song Que.

  Even when I was a child, even in that fortress blocked by the Internet, I heard the name of the most genius of mankind.

  All the ten talents will be recorded in the annals of history.

  Song Que is the one with the strongest ability in all aspects among the ten talents in these years.

   So much so that in her eyes, she saw some hope.

   It was like in a snowstorm, someone suddenly lit a lamp.

   Song Que's terrorist attack was accompanied by sinister laughter.

   This laughter scared countless people in those radiant fortresses, but in the depths of darkness, Ling Yi felt so at ease.

  She wanted to shout something, but she couldn't.

  The fear of so many years finally suppressed her soul.

   Song Que's attacks became more and more insane.

  【Although there is only a little time left in my life, but... please, another me. 】

   "It's annoying, but it's just a backrest before death. Bitch is hypocritical."

   Song Que, who was confused, didn't seem to realize that he was scolding himself.

   Jiaolong is Jiaolong after all, even in such a chaotic position, he can't find the target's position, and even can't control his own strength.

  But it still counterattacked Song Que several times.

  Song Que's arms, chest, and ribs all suffered terrible injuries.

  What surprised Jiaolong was that Song Que seemed to have given up his defense.

  His crazy attack, those injuries that were confirmed to be unavoidable, he did not try to avoid, but launched a fierce counterattack.

   Song Que's speed was getting faster and faster, making Ling Yi's gaze a little unable to keep up.

  All the people who were prostrate still did not dare to raise their heads.

  They just heard the sound of heavy drums beating at an extremely high frequency.

   It's like two peerless powerhouses punching each other several times in one second!

  The sound of the drum hit deep in their sea of ​​consciousness. Several times, some people wanted to raise their heads and take a look at the duel in the sky.

   But after all, he didn't dare to raise his head.

  The fierce duel has changed again at this time.

   Seeing Song Que's speed getting faster and stronger, Jiao Long finally became convinced—

   This is not some kind of ability of this human being.

   Rather, he is really getting stronger.

  Song Que's fighting power is improving bit by bit with his fighting spirit!

   "You are so tenacious. I have to admit that even among reptiles, you are the toughest one."

   Jiaolong uttered a dragon cry with a human body.

  A terrifying shock wave exploded in the center of the force field instantly.

【retreat! 】

   "Too late!"

   Both consciousnesses felt the violence of this attack, but it came too suddenly.

  Even if it is foreseen in advance, it cannot be dodged.

  In the windless deep pit, a storm suddenly blew up. During the strong wind, Song Que's figure was blown away heavily, and his whole body hit the cliff.

  The body also fell into the stone mine.

  The power gap between humans and beasts is instantly revealed. Song Que could feel that none of his attacks just now were as violent as Jiaolong's attack on him.

   Jiaolong twisted his neck and said contemptuously:

   "This is really a wonderful attack. As far as ants are concerned, it can make me feel pain. You are very good. But you have been beating me for so long, it should be my turn to make a move, right?"

   Jiaolong's figure suddenly appeared in front of Song Que.

   It grabbed Song Que's neck, even though Song Que's body was still deep in the rock.

   Immediately, Jiaolong carried Song Que and began to fly continuously along the cliff.

  Song Que's body was dragged along the cliff with heavy blows.

  He is like a tool for digging a cliff held in the hands of a dragon.

  The sharp ore instantly cut Song Que into a **** mess.

  A strong human being with perfect talent naturally has a body as solid as a stone in the mining area.

  But under such high-speed movement, Song Que still suffered serious injuries.

   Jiaolong's flying speed is getting faster and faster.

  Everyone on the entire cliff stone path felt the vibration of the cliff.

  Ling Yi covered her mouth, unable to imagine what kind of attack Song Que was enduring.

  Li Yan pierced Song Que's lung. The ribcage is also pierced by huge rocks.

   Song Que, who didn't have a single intact body, was finally frozen on the cliff after Jiaolong flew along the cliff several times.

   It's like the savior who was nailed to the cross and kept bleeding.

   Jiaolong looked at this scene with satisfaction, and finally felt that the increase in combat power brought about by the strong fighting will of human beings stopped.

  Song Que's vitality was also rapidly draining.

   It was already very difficult to breathe, and almost all the bones in his body were shattered.

   Even a ten-talented person has a slight self-healing ability, but the body is nailed to the rock, and the self-healing of the blood seems to be cut off.

   "It's a fun day, I'm going to eat a few reptiles for fun before you die. Keep your eyes open and watch."

   Jiaolong imitated Song Que's laughter.

  Under the previous high-speed impact, Song Que's mask had also peeled off, shattered into pieces, and scattered in the sinkhole.

  He was breathing hard, and there was severe pain in every part of his body.

  This is the first time that Chaotic Will was suppressed alive by an overly powerful opponent.

  He returned to his original personality again.

  The strength gap between humans and natural disaster-level beasts is too great.

  Even though he had broken through himself, it only made the other party feel a little pain.

   Such pain, probably recovered after a few seconds?

  Song Que looked at the people on the stone road in the distance with compassion.

   They are still crawling, maybe they are more scared in their hearts?

  Thousands of people knelt down on the stone road, as if worshiping the king in the air.

   Instead, it was me, like a different kind.

  The most terrifying thing in this world is probably seeing hope, but falling into even greater despair.

  Human beings have been working hard for decades, but they may not be able to defeat the natural disaster-level boss, how can they defeat it.

   Song Que coughed violently. Cough with blood.

  Countless negative thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the end he denied them all.

  Because you will die. Even if he is not killed by Jiaolong, he will be killed by the rules.

"After all, my whole life has been boring. Sometimes, I really want to exchange identities with Tang Xian. Maybe standing on the opposite side of the world, I can be more qualified... to be an enemy of all the injustices in this world. .”

  There are no ifs in life.

   Song Que could only look at Jiaolong unwillingly at the end.

  He activated the eye of the balance, and even though his body could no longer move, he looked at it unwillingly, wanting to see the future in the next second, whether there was a turning point.

  Nothing changed, Jiaolong just stood there quietly, looking at Song Que mockingly.

  Song Que didn't even have the strength to shake his head.

  He wanted to push his body out of the boulder that pierced through him.

   But it's really hard to move.

   All he can do is continue to look at the future nineteen seconds later.

  That is the limit of the eye of the scale. From more than one second when I was a child, it has been honed to nineteen seconds by Song Que now.

   But this time, he still felt that it was not enough.

   Just a little deeper.

  He thought so, raised his head, and opened his eyes wide. I want to see further, one day, one month, one year, ten years, one hundred years!

  The last obsession before dying, Song Que still wanted to see these crawling people regain their freedom.

  He longed so much, as if he wanted some comfort when he was about to die.

   Jiaolong's figure gradually changed.

   Song Que's pupils shrank.

  He saw his future self.

  The body that is obviously already broken is still able to fight.

   How many seconds into the future is this? For a moment, Song Que suddenly had doubts in his heart.

  He continued to open his eyes wide, bloodshot in both eyes. The expression looked a little hideous and terrifying.

   Cave Jiao saw this scene, and suddenly felt very bored.

   It's like being stared at by some extremely annoying monster.

"If it's a last word, your last words are really obscure and useless. Shouldn't you say something cruel like going to **** and not letting me go? Worms with that kind of emotion taste the most delicious. Already!"

  In any case, as long as one more blow is added, this human being's strongest talent will die.

   "I originally wanted you to see how your kind pleases me, but I'm going to kill you now!"

   Cave Jiao raised a finger and pointed it at Song Que.

   But at this time, Song Que's expression changed a little.

  He had never experienced such an extreme near-death state.

   I never thought that the future more than four hundred seconds later would appear in my eyes!

   It's like the ancient gods wanted to fulfill the wish of this human being when he was about to die.

  The ability of the Eye of the Scale has increased crazily.

   Even dozens of times stronger than Song Que's efforts over the past ten years.

   At first, doubts flashed in my mind, but it was like a paradox. The vision of the future in my eyes was both the source of the question and the answer to it.

  Song Que wondered why he could see such a distant future in an instant.

  But the next second, when Cave Jiao raised his finger to point at himself, he got the answer from his future self.

  【It’s a balance. 】


   Knowing the two personalities in the sea, they started talking again.

  【This is the fairest thing in the world, a symbol of justice. 】

  The weird smile appeared in Song Que's mind again.

  【How far into the future you want to see depends on how much awareness you can make and how many things you can give up. I've already made up my mind. 】

"Me too."

   Song Que also smiled.

  The voice in the sea of ​​consciousness stopped abruptly.

  His smile is a little weird, like his usual silly self, and also like that evil self.

   Four hundred and forty seconds.

  Five hundred seconds.

  Five hundred and fifty seconds.

  There are more and more fragments of the future in the sea of ​​knowledge, like a revolving lantern or a film, starting to show in Song Que's mind.

"not enough."

  Song Que's body seemed to regain strength suddenly.

  His hands held the stone awl that pierced through him, and pulled one out bit by bit.

  The Cave Jiao was shocked, and a powerful impact popped out from his fingertips in an instant.

   Like an invisible sharp blade.

  Song Que didn't watch this scene.

  He has seen all the future after seven hundred seconds in the future.

  Now he can cope with the next battle even if he closes his eyes.

  He muttered softly:

   "Life Resilience."

   After the words fell, Song Que's vision was forever missing a piece of talent data.

  He can only see nine types of talent data now.

  The life recovery power has completely disappeared.

  But correspondingly, what shocked even Jiaolong was that Song Que took it's Qi Blade.

  The terrifying air blade that could split the cliff fell on Song Que.

  But in the next second, the blood didn't even have time to scatter, and was covered by the rapidly healing skin.

   At this moment, Song Que showed a life recovery power that amazed even dragon creatures.

   "Impossible!" Cave Jiao instinctively felt that something was wrong.

  The next moment Song Que raised his arm slightly, and a huge chaotic force field enveloped the cave dragon again.

   "Attack power. Critical strike chance. Critical strike damage." Song Que said softly again.

  The data in his eyes suddenly disappeared three more.

  At this moment, Song Que changed from a top genius with ten talents to only six talents left.

   But what followed was a terrorist attack that Jiaolong felt vigilant about.

  Cave Jiao couldn't imagine that a single human punch could whip up such a powerful airflow!

  Song Que's figure is centered on the cave Jiao again, constantly ejecting into the force field like a marble.

  The terrifying combo struck again, but this time Song Que's every attack caused severe pain to Jiaolong's heart.

  The kind of terrifying fist with tearing, like facing a natural disaster level monster.

  Cave Jiao finally no longer underestimated the enemy, and began to defend with all its strength.

   But even if he defended against Song Que's attack, he would still feel the terrifying penetration of that punch.

   Not only did he not attenuate because of his defense, but he felt several times more pain than before.

   "Attack speed, attack range!"

  Song Que's voice also revealed a certain sense of overload.

  His entire skin was about to burn.

  At this moment, Song Que's offensive finally reached the most terrifying level.

   The frequency, which was originally like a heavy drum beating a hammer, suddenly became more than ten times faster!

  The Cave Jiao was finally unable to maintain its human form.

  It let out a painful scream, and the huge dragon body burst out!

  But Song Que seemed to ignore this.

  The sound of the dragon's roar was like a condensed air pressure cannon, and the powerful wind pressure hit Song Que.

   "No problem, I have seen this scene 119 seconds ago! I can still fight!"

   Several types of data disappeared in his eyes again, not only talent, this time, Song Que's vision also became blurred.

  The cave dragon transformed into a dragon shows the strength of a real natural disaster-level boss creature.

  Even if Song Que is very powerful now, it is still in mortal danger to be chased and hit by countless wind roar cannons comparable to the speed of sound.

  Song Que's high-speed moving body finally stopped, but only for less than a second.

   "Movement speed, defense, endurance."

   Three talents disappeared from the field of vision again.

  Song Que's whole body exuded fiery red light, as if bathed in scorching flames.

  His speed becomes completely invisible.

   Even if Akas is here, he must admit that this speed surpasses him!

  Suzuki walked out of the cave, watching this scene in shock.

   All that appeared in her eyes was a red afterimage that was constantly changing in the dark pit.

   It's like a light breaking through the darkness!

  The rapid increase in endurance made the blur in Song Que's vision disappear, and the tiredness and pain disappeared immediately.

  The increase in defense power allowed him to forcefully attack against the dragon's roar.

   And the speed turned Song Que into a red thunder!

   At this moment, Cave Jiao finally understood what was going on.

   "Impossible! This is the sacrifice of the orderly, how can humans grasp it?"

no answer.

   There is only one violent attack that is stronger than one.

   Jiaolong howled in pain.

  The cave dragon's scales began to overflow with blood, and even many scales began to peel off.

  The ability Song Que demonstrated at this time was mentioned in the Ragnarok Notes of the court.

   Both Cave Jiao and Buzhou Turtle have seen it.

  This is also the thing that Cave Jiao least understands...

  Why would Song Que be able to use the ability of the Orderer to exterminate the Eden tribe?

   It’s just that the cave dragons don’t know that people who are born with full talents have been in single digits for hundreds of years and throughout human history.

  Akas and Tang Suoye are both acquired talents.

   As for Song Que, he is truly a top ten talent.

   Talent burns.

  If not relying on such ability at the end, how could the Eden clan decline?

  Cave Jiao finally felt the power of this ability.

  Song Que was able to suppress his dragon form by himself.

   It's not hard to understand why the Orderer was able to burn his talents to drive the sea monster into the deep sea and kill the rest of the doomsday creatures.

  Song Que's combat power has not only increased by a hundred times?

  Cave Jiao's gaze could barely keep up with Song Que's changing figure!

  An attack that cannot be defended, and a self-healing ability that heals when injured.

   Ignore the defense power of a powerful attack, and the attack range that cannot be dodged!

   All kinds of terrifying promotions like these made Song Que look like a weakened Orderer.

  Cave Jiao finally showed a panicked expression.

  It wants to escape!

  But Song Que's speed was far faster than Jiaolong's!

  He came to the front of Jiaolong in an instant, took advantage of the gap when Jiaolong stopped suddenly, and punched Jiaolong with the most violent punch!

   Jiaolong couldn't dodge in time, so he had to fight Song Que once!

   The lengthy battle will finally be decided at this moment!

  The red light is like a sharp blade, rushing towards the huge dragon body!

  The voice of the dragon's roar also contains unprecedented destructive energy.

   Suzuki stared at the battle with her eyes wide open, folded her hands together, and closed her eyes.

  She didn't dare to watch this scene, but kept praying that Song Que would win.

  She is not a talented person, so she doesn't know what Song Que has done.

  But she knew that Song Que had bet everything on this battle for the sake of these people who had only known each other for seven days!

   Two destructive energies collided together, and a violent explosion exploded 100 meters above the stone path.

  The entire huge pit was trembling continuously.

  In the dark pit, at this moment, it seemed to be illuminated by thunder.

  In that short moment, those who have not seen the light for several years, the eyes hurt by the light.

  Finally, a child raised his head, wanting to watch this scene.

   There are still many people crawling, terrified in their hearts.

  But after all, there were a few people who tried to raise their heads, hoping humbly that maybe that evil dragon could be killed by Song Que.

  Even if the eyes that have not seen the light for a long time are stabbed, they still want to see the almost impossible scene.



  The trembling of the cliff gradually stopped, and the echo of the explosion in the deep pit gradually calmed down.

   People who raised their heads, their eyes hurt by the bright light.

  Including Suzuki, no one saw clearly what happened.

   It was only vaguely, seeing the two figures being pushed into the cliff by a huge force.

  Time seemed to have stopped. After the violent confrontation stopped just now, one could hear the heartbeat seemingly quietly.

  In the darkness, a figure slowly moved above the stone path.

  While watching this scene, the look in Suzuki's eyes suddenly disappeared.

   At that moment, it was like the hottest ray followed by the most piercing cold.

  Even if she couldn't see clearly in the dark.

   But the huge dragon body moved in the air, and she could still see the outline vaguely.

  The sound of dragon chant came, like a cold wind that wiped out everything.

   Blow out the lamps that were finally turned on again one by one.

  The body of Jiaolong gradually changed into that of a human.

  The children who looked up at this scene shook their heads in fear, and then crawled down again in an instant, their bodies shaking more violently because of fear.

   Finally, there was a laughing sound that made people hope for complete extinction.


   Cave Jiao looked at Song Que, who was dying and his combat effectiveness was rapidly declining, and showed a smug smile:

  "You are such a complete idiot, I knew it would happen, I knew it would happen! Hahahahaha... You really met these human beings, for your poor and humble justice, give up this last blow."

  Song Que didn't speak, his consciousness was already extremely blurred.

  After his talents were exhausted, his current body was already fragile.

  Now Song Que is not only unable to fight anymore, he is even inferior to ordinary people.

  Like dead wood after burning.

   "You know, even if these people die, it doesn't mean anything to us. Because we can wait another ten years for the Holy Land Fortress to send another batch of bugs."

   "And your actions are pointless, you could have won me, but you are bound by your pathetic justice."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

   Mocking laughter echoed in the pit of emptiness and despair.

  Ling Yi was stunned. She didn't know what happened in the battle, but what she knew was that Song Que must have lost the battle in order to prevent Jiaolong from doing something to his group of non-talented people.

  In the decisive confrontation, Jiaolong suddenly changed the target of the attack to the human beings crawling on the stone path.

   is like the rules of a scale. When you choose something, you must give up something else. In order for these people to survive, Song Que made his own choice.

  He was breathing weakly, unable to raise any more strength.

"You really surprised me. Unfortunately, in less than half an hour, your life will be over. I was reluctant to kill you. You may be the human being with the highest degree of integration of genes and orderers. If you give Those ancient apes, they must be very happy to owe me a favor."

  Jiaolong opened his arms and smiled arrogantly again, as if to punish Song Que, a humble reptile, for his blasphemy. He said in revenge:

   "I want to kill everyone, Song Que, you can't be a hero! I want you to die and remember, these bugs could have lived longer, but now, they will all die because of you!"

  The horrible sentence fell on everyone's ears.

  A huge wind pressure condensed on the head of the cave dragon.

   Once that destructive energy falls, it is enough to destroy everyone, together with the stone road they have worked so hard to dig and build for decades.

   Jiaolong looked down at those reptiles who were about to die, wanting to admire their faces of pain, despair, fear, and even resentment when they were dying.

  Song Que could no longer move, as if everything was over.

  At this moment, Suzuki stood up.

  She raised her head and looked at the sky calmly.

  Some of the children who just raised their heads crawled again, but some, like Suzuki, kept their heads up.

  The moment Suzuki stood up, those children also stood up.

   Gradually, there were voices in the crowd.

   "Look up!" Suzuki yelled at first.

   But not many people responded.

  Only when the rain-like sunlight fell on some people's fingers, those people gradually raised their heads.

  The original expression of fear also slowly disappeared, gradually showing anger and unwillingness.

   "Heads up!"

   Suzuki's expression was calm, but he was crying with tears and anger.

  The sound echoed in the cliff, like a free flame.

  Those extinguished lamps seem to gradually light up again, even if the oil is exhausted and the lamps dry up.

   "Raise your head!" The girl's cry has more and more people responding.

  Just like those people before, they raised their heads and looked at the glimmers of sunlight in the darkness, gradually revealing expressions of unwillingness.

   This group of people were either sitting or standing, and some people with disabilities also poked their heads out of the cave, and moved their bodies as much as possible.

  They leaned their bodies to the outside of the stone path, just to get more sunlight.

  The evening rain is coming.

  A ray of sunshine like a ray of rain broke through the darkness. Gently hangs in people's sight.

   More and more people stop prostrate. The crowd on the stone path gradually raised their heads.

   Until Zai Lingyi's angry and shrill shouts came again and again, finally no one crawled down.

  Everyone looked at Xi Yu unwillingly. Looking at the sunlight that is as fragile as their lives.

  The people who were trembling and crawling before had the courage to face life and death when they saw those lights?

   Cave Jiao looked at this scene in puzzlement.

  He boasted that he knew a lot about the despicable creatures like humans.

  They are about to die, under the pressure of their own wind, maybe even the corpses will not be complete, and no one will know their death.

  But why are there longing and unwillingness, regret and anger in the expressions of this group of people, but no fear?

  Thousands of people raised their heads, trying hard to remember the bright appearance, remembering the last evening rain in their lives. They didn't even take a look at the Cave Jiao.

  Cave Jiao really didn’t understand—

  What they fear is actually not death. After living in such a place for thirty years, they will understand that death is not the most desperate moment in life.

  What they fear is that they will not be able to stand on the top of the sinkhole one day in their lifetime—

   Let the most genial sunshine wash away their thirty years of dark life.

  They have lived here for thirty years. During this period, there was some hope, and some hope is still there today. Some hopes have become dark nourishment in the years and months.

   But everyone here is working hard to live.

  They live because they believe that one day, they can leave the darkest place in the world.

  For this goal, hundreds of thousands of people died in the rotten pool with anger and unwillingness. No one remembers their first and last names. In the future, no one will know what happened to those soaked corpses under the deep pit.

  For this goal, how many twelve-year-old children have spent countless days and nights wielding mining hoes. They do not have a beautiful childhood and youth, but they are far away from death and close to death.

  For this purpose, they crawl like reptiles at the feet of the beasts that enslave them, living without dignity and humiliation.

  For this goal, the chosen man named Song Que burned all kinds of talents, abandoned all the gifts from God, and turned from the greatest gifted person into a useless person.

  For this goal, everyone’s idea is to try their best to survive, no matter how humble and ugly, no matter in the face of illness or loneliness.

  Everyone is suffering pain and loss to leave here, enduring hundreds of thousands of life and death in thirty years, just want to leave here. Get out of the darkest place in the world.

  But it's already like this, but still can't escape here, everything is like a dream. The so-called hard work is just a tease of the beasts to themselves.

  Under such despair, they have no energy to fear!

  It was like Suzuki’s hoarse cry, all the humiliation of the past thirty years exploded at this moment—

  They are not reconciled!

  Today's evening rain is extraordinarily long and extraordinarily quiet. Usually at this time there will be children's laughter and whispers one after another.

   Nothing today.

  During the most intensive moment of evening rain, the cave Jiao finally decided to give up thinking about the reason why these humans didn't show fear.

  But at this time, there was a faint voice.

   "It's beautiful... Even I who have lived in the light since I was a child... When I saw Xi Yu, I was shocked by such beauty."

  Lingyi was startled, and so was Cave Jiao.

  It couldn't imagine that Song Que was still alive, because just now, it couldn't even feel Song Que's breath of life.

  Even orderly ones must choose a container after burning their talents, otherwise, even if their bodies are not burnt out and necrotic, they will no longer be able to exert their true combat power.

   "This turns out to be really unfair. I...I always believe that one day, I will be able to bring people a happy life for everyone."

   "But the more I grow up, the more powerless I feel...Because someone is lucky, it must be based on another person's misfortune."

   Lingyi burst into tears instantly. She couldn't see Song Que in the dark, but when she thought of Song Que, she couldn't stop crying.

  There are such people in this world.

  The pitiful characters only have an ignorant and ridiculous sense of justice, especially in a world where everyone only cares about themselves, they are even ridiculed as the Virgin.

  Because those who make fun of them do not believe that there is such justice in this world, they use the most vicious language to ridicule such people.

  Song Que walked all the way, be it enemies, himself in the sea of ​​knowledge, or some friends. Song Que has been described more or less like this: smart but too naive.

   Even so, when someone needs him to save, he will save it without hesitation. When the world needs him to save it, he will still rush forward without frowning or blinking.

  He will go if he can be saved, and he will go if he can't!

  Song Que's voice was extremely weak and somewhat sad:

   "But this world...should give people hope, right?"

   "They... have been digging here for thirty years! Waiting for life is worse than death, there must be a hope that can be truly realized, right? No matter whether it is fair or not, they should be given a chance to change their destiny..."

  The body moved slowly, Song Que wanted to go faster, but couldn't exert any strength.

   Cave Jiao shook his head, not believing that people who had burnt their talents could fight again.

  All its attention fell on Song Que, and Longmu stared at Song Que for several seconds.

  Eventually it was convinced that the man was just dying. He no longer has any ability to fight, and is only relying on his own will to forcibly drive his already damaged body.

  But suddenly, Jiaolong's pupils shrank, revealing a horrified expression.

  Song Que raised his head in the dark, with a calm and stubborn expression on his blood-stained face:

   "You regard them as ants, but do you know... ants also have the right to be illuminated by light."

   Majestic vitality surged in Song Que's body.

  The originally withered life became stronger at this moment.

  Song Que's hand slowly stretched forward, touching the sunlight like silk threads.

   "These lights... are dug out by Suzui and the others, day and night, betting all their hopes, as long as I'm still alive..."

   "You are absolutely not allowed to destroy it!"

   It was difficult for the body that was still dying to get rid of the shackles of the rock, but suddenly, Song Que exhausted all his strength and rushed towards the dragon like an arrow.

  While Cave Jiao was shocked, he could tell that Song Que couldn't hurt himself at all.

life value.

  This stupid human should have burned the last talent.

  But other talents have long been exhausted, even if it rises up to strike, its power is far less than before, and it doesn't even need special defense.

  Evening rain will eventually dissipate, just like this man's life.

  But at this moment, Jiaolong suddenly panicked. He was even more flustered than Song Que, who was in the strongest state.

  A terrifying force descended from the sky!

   That's a thunderbolt!

   Really Thunder!

  The huge lightning is like a spear piercing the darkness, it breaks all the darkness along the cliffs of the deep pit!

   Just for a moment, everyone felt the strong light enough to sting their eyes!

  Jiaolong finally understood Song Que's intention...

   This humble reptile is not trying to attack itself, but to push itself to a certain landing point!

  The terrifying lightning did not aim at Jiaolong, and there was still a deviation from the thunder that was directly received.

  But Song Que's impact from burning life, although unable to cause damage to Jiaolong, finally made Jiaolong lose his balance.

  It wanted to fly away, but suddenly a chaotic position interfered with it.

  Even if it only blocked Jiaolong for a short second, it was enough to change the situation of the battle.

  Two different dragon chant sounds sounded.

  The sound of a dragon chant carries the majesty of the king's presence in the world. Another dragon chant was full of pain.

  The huge thunder is only one step away from Song Que.

   But he stopped after all, and his whole body fell down.

  The warrior who slayed the dragon alone finally lost his strength.

  Like a withered flower, falling into the deep pool.

  He lit the extinguished lamp in everyone's heart. But I can no longer burn myself.

  When Song Que's whole body fell down, there was a smile on the corner of Song Que's mouth.

  In fact, as early as nineteen minutes ago, he wanted to show such a triumphant smile—

   One thousand one hundred seconds.

  The explosive talent allowed Song Que to see the future more than 1,100 seconds later.

  In that scene, he saw a man galloping down on a black dragon.

  That person is like the justice that Song Que believed in since he was a child, and he made all the darkness in the tiankeng fade away.

  Song Que closed his eyes contentedly, and fell into the deep pool.

  At the same time, the thunder flashed—

   It illuminated Tang Xian's angry face on the dragon's body.

   I finally finished writing. If I had written yesterday, I would have broken chapters. Fortunately, this Saturday, a single chapter of more than 13,000 words has been written since morning... Ah, I am too tired, I am too lazy to say a thousand words, see you tomorrow. (In the end, Xiao Song will not die, don't worry)



  (end of this chapter)

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