Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan

Chapter 324: while feeding the fish

So far, Hattori Heiji's understanding of the Black Organization has all come from Conan's dictation.

Therefore, he is actually more curious than fearful of this mysterious organization. Since Conan said so, Hattori Heiji did not stop him.

And when solving a case, someone thinks together and compares them, which is more interesting than solving a case alone.

When the two communicated, the fire in the box in front had also been put out.

A group of people inspected the body, dragged Kujii Sadao to the restaurant, and forced him to ask him the specific situation - it was his performance just now, no matter how you looked at it, it seemed that he knew a lot of inside information.

Shigeo Kashii has his own script.

Although the retired police officer in front of him was fierce and terrifying, he still stood firm and continued to maintain his "I'm panicking, I know a lot" expression while saying "I don't know I don't know anything".

Seeing that they couldn't ask anything for a while, Heiji Hattori and Conan left the restaurant and went to the nearby to ask the crew.

Then I learned that except for the passengers, all the crew members, including the captain, acted together with more than two people and had a perfect alibi.

These people sitting in the restaurant together also have alibi.

Therefore, the missing old man "Ye Caisan" and the other two people who had been hiding in the room and never showed up became the main suspects.

"Kameda Teruyoshi, and a Tanaka Isao..." Looking at the passenger list provided by the crew, Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other, knowing that the latter "Tanaka Isao" was probably a pseudonym made up by "Bourbon".

When boarding the ship, the crew only registered their names - this is the same as the check-in registration in some hotels, no identification certificate is required, and the name to be written is entirely conscious.

However, the two also knew in their hearts that although Bourbon did not have an alibi, he should have little to do with the murder this time.

- The matter of Ye Caisan happened twenty years ago.

Judging from Bourbon's approximate age, he was in elementary school at most, and may even be in kindergarten.

Unless Ye Caisan is his father, or some other important relative... but that's unlikely. There is no need to bring other members of the organization to revenge. Since it is a team of two, it should be on a business trip, not a personal revenge.

Considering that bug, and what the current members of the organization know about them... Hattori Heiji and Conan didn't dare to come forward directly.

It would be easy for Bourbon to find out that the two were targeting him, and Bourbon might think that Conan had some evidence of his crime - I heard that these people are very skilled in silence, and now that the situation on the ship is so complicated, it is best to stay away. provoke him.

Since Akai Shinji was still poking next to him, the two of them couldn't directly remind Officer Shaozaki. They could only hint with frantic eyes, asking him to take the lead in inquiring about Bourbon's alibi, and by the way to ask for other information.

It's not easy for Bourbon to feel "targeted" by a retired police officer who is dedicated to tracking down Ye Caisan, so he thinks more.

However, Officer Shaozaki has his own ideas.

He also felt that the middle-aged Kameda Teruyoshi was more suspicious than the young man who had only met once when he got on the boat, so he chose to go to Kameda Teruyoshi's room first.

The door of the room was closed, and several people gathered around the door, waiting for the crew to find the room key.

However, before finding the key, Hattori Heiji was fine, and with a click, the door opened—it wasn't locked.

Pushing the door open, you can see that there is no one in the room, only a luggage bag beside it.

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at the empty room, and then looked at the door, suddenly startled, and had guesses.

Immediately, they didn't care about urging Officer Shirasaki to check Bourbon, and invariably focused their attention on Ye Caisan's case, and searched for traces on the boat according to their own ideas.

Shiraishi was sitting in the room, and when he heard someone at the door ignore the sign "Don't run in the corridor", he rushed over.

He looked at his watch, and through the gap in the curtains, he looked at the darkened sky outside, feeling that it was time to do the task.

He remembered that in this case, when Hattori Heiji was looking for clues, he accidentally saw something remarkable and was knocked into the sea by Xiao Hei with a stick... It was about this time.

The task of saving innocent people on board, of course, also includes Hattori Heiji.

Shiraishi put away his laptop and walked out the door in the dark.

A few minutes later, Hattori Heiji and Conan followed different routes and ran to the charred corpse at the stern at the same time.

The two of them each found some evidence, and then you began to tell the reasoning one by one.

Originally, they thought that one person could share half of the lines, complete the reasoning tacitly, say the answer at the same time as the final word, and then look at each other and smile.

However, while talking, Hattori Heiji and Conan both found that the other party was thinking differently from their own.

No one obeys the other, and if you want to convince the other party, you can only find more clues.

The two separated again and searched carefully.

At the same time, almost all the people surrounding the restaurant dispersed.

Although Police Officer Shaozaki told them not to walk around, the words of a retired police officer are not too binding.

Conan was walking on the boat, his back was chilled by the sea breeze.

Although he felt that he had not been exposed yet, when he thought that the two members of the organization were on the boat, he was still worried that he would be taken away unconsciously.

The original plan was to follow Hattori Heiji all the time, so that he could make the other party have some scruples, but just now he was addicted to solving cases and accidentally forgot about it... When he finally remembered it, he found that Hattori Heiji also forgot, and also began to indulge in solving cases.

Conan had to run back to the living room as soon as possible, and while looking for the information from the waiter, he increased the number of people who witnessed him, so that it would be more difficult for others to play tricks on him, and he concentrated on fighting with the air.

On the other hand, according to his own reasoning, Hattori Heiji asked the crew to borrow a flashlight, trying to find out if there was any hidden place, and then find the murderer hiding there.

However, after looking around, I didn't find anything suspicious.

He leaned against the railing and sighed. He wanted to find another place to continue searching, but when he retracted his hand, the light beam of the flashlight flickered and suddenly illuminated a figure outside the hull.

Hattori Heiji was stunned, and swung the lamppost that had strayed back again. After a closer look, he found that the person hanging outside turned out to be the long-disappeared Kan Jiangjiu.

But it was different from his previous inference—Xi Jiangjiu obviously didn't hide there on his own initiative. This middle-aged uncle seemed to have lost consciousness, and was tied tightly by ropes to the soft ladder hanging down the hull Hattori Heiji stared at this scene, his scalp tingling for a while.

Of course, he was not shocked by the appearance of Kan Jiangjiu, but this kind of horror of "suddenly discovering that the real murderer is someone else" is really refreshing.

Hattori Heiji tensed up, but it was still too late - a gust of wind rang out from behind him, and he turned his head sharply, just as Kujii Sadao threw up a metal stick with a fierce expression, and slammed him head-on.

Hattori Heiji reluctantly raised his flashlight and blocked it.

At the moment of the collision, his mouth was numb, the flashlight was knocked out, and the whole person was knocked off the railing, thumping into the sea, and smashing a huge splash of water.

Although the water surface was below, the drop was not small, and Hattori fell flatly.

He pressed his forehead and vaguely saw that the flashlight had landed a few meters away. However, after swimming past, the beam of light had already sunk into the sea, and the surroundings quickly became dim.

Hattori Heiji chased down a few meters, but failed, he could only struggle to surface first.

He couldn't think of a way to get back to the boat for a while - the hull was bare, there was no focus, and the hanging ladder looked very close, but it was actually a long way from the water.

Moreover, the surrounding water was very loud, and the cries for help not only could not reach the cabin, but also could be locked by Kashii Shigeo and shot with a gun.

At night, without a flashlight, there is no way to ask for help from passing boats...

Hattori Heiji was in despair when he felt a chill on his neck.

He raised his hand suspiciously, and then his expression became horrified - at some point, a very thin wire rope was wrapped around his neck.

...Jingxiong Kashii hasn't given up on killing mouths yet?

The thought just flashed, and as the ship moved forward, the steel rope tightened sharply with the strength that could snap his neck.

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