Conan pondered for a moment at the real peach, and felt that he understood, since there is no problem with the peach itself... then there is only one truth! It was some kind of hint from the black cat to them.

Shiraishi was a little puzzled when he heard Conan suddenly ask him what peach meant, and then realized that Conan had once again overinterpreted the behavior of his vest.

Seeing his puzzled expression, Conan approached and added in a low voice, "It was suddenly given to me by the black cat yesterday."

Shiraishi recalled his mental journey yesterday and was silent for a moment. Also, black cats are not like people who will take the initiative to give fruit to people...

But this one is nice and round.

He pretended to think for a moment and explained, "'Peach もも' and 'hundred' are homonyms, I think what he means is that a lot of things will happen next, and you need to be prepared to deal with it... So what happened?"

"..." Conan was stunned.

That's it?

...But, on a down-to-earth thought, such a simple and crude connection is indeed the style of a black cat.

Conan twitched the corners of his eyes, feeling that he was an idiot after studying all night. Next time the black cat does something weird, he will definitely not...

No, it probably still has to be carefully figured out, there is nothing trivial about what the black cat did.

However, you must not think about the puzzles left by the black cat so complicated. Maybe if you give those puzzles to Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and even Moto to solve, there will be unexpected gains...

Shiraishi waited for a while without being curious. He didn't hear Conan answering his question, so he thoughtfully stopped asking and prepared to go to dinner.

He got up together, and Conan came back to his senses: "Wait a minute, Hai Yuan is sick today and has a cold and fever. She is afraid of infecting you, so let me come over and tell you."

Conan said and thought, and didn't know whether Haibara Ai caught a cold because he forgot to dry his hair while watching them study peaches yesterday, or whether there was something wrong with the peaches given by the black cat.

After all, from the perspective of Black Cat's plan, Belmod is a more cautious person. Before she starts, she will try to get close to Haibara Ai and confirm her identity.

If Haiyuan Ai had a cold and fever, she would need to see a doctor. At that time, the "new doctor" they were more familiar with would undoubtedly be their first choice, and yesterday, it was true that only Haiyuan Ai ate that peach.

But after thinking about it, Conan felt that it was not right. The black cat gave him the peaches directly. Later, after a series of accidents, the peach fell into Huiyuan's mouth.

If this was Black Cat's plan, it would be too difficult to achieve.

I always felt that if the black cat wanted Haibara Ai to catch a cold, rather than using this method with a high failure rate, he was more likely to go to the doctor's house and press Haibara Ai into cold water... He could definitely do it.

So Huiyuan suddenly had a fever, is it actually God's will?

Conan looked at the slightly hazy sky outside and felt that he smelled a strong scent of events.

At first, Haibara Ai refused to go to the hospital, saying that lying down would be fine.

But after lying down for a few hours, not only was she not feeling well, but her body temperature was getting higher and higher, and everyone was burning like a fool.

Just in time for the weekend, many hospitals were closed, and most of the rest needed to make an appointment. The three of them drove around for a long time without finding a doctor, and instead encountered a murder case.

In the end, I had to find a "new doctor".

Conan acted well at the critical moment, and because he was worried that Dr. A Li would be exposed, he did not tell the doctor that the new doctor was replaced.

Both of them behaved normally in front of Belmod, and Belmod didn't realize that his vest had been exposed on Conan.

She finally got the opportunity to examine the suspicious little girl at close range. After the investigation, she determined that this is definitely the Shirley who defected from the organization. She was able to hide and save her because she became a child.

Belmod installed a bug in the doctor's house, gave Haibara Ai medicine, and left politely.

It didn't take long for Shiraishi to receive a call from her.

He switched to the vest to answer, and Belmod politely asked him about his schedule first: "Do you have any plans for the next week? I need a little help from you."

"There is no arrangement, find me if you have something." You can turn it down if you have something. Gin still gives Belmod's face very much. As long as she doesn't betray the organization, Gin always turns a blind eye to what she does. One eye, and she doesn't care that she harms tool people everywhere.

While answering the phone, Baishi poked at the light screen in front of him. There were some pale yellow clay-like objects in the light screen, spread out into a pile, and squeezed the Q version assistant into the corner.

He had no problem with Belmod's finding him as a tool man. His only complaint was that the plan was dragging on for too long. have to wait another week!

A beautiful royal sister, how could she contract procrastination. It shouldn't, it shouldn't...

Belmod couldn't hear the resentment from the calm tone on the other side. She simply told the little brother when and where the trouble was, reminding him to bring a sniper rifle, then hung up the phone in a happy mood, and picked up the three letters on the table. letter.

The fire paint used to seal the letter has basically solidified. These are three invitations, which will invite and provoke the recipient to bring their companions to a ghost ship and participate in the Halloween party held on the ship.

One was sent to Kogoro Mouri, one was sent to Shiraishi, and the last was sent to Conan.

Belmod didn't plan to send a letter to Shiraishi - although she didn't know why Shirley kept leaving Shirley outside, but if he wanted to arrest someone, he would definitely not stop him.

However, when writing the letter, Belmode thought for a moment and decided to add one more.

In this way, if Shiraishi can't think about it and intervene in this matter, it's not his own problem - he has already tried to switch him It's Shiraishi who refuses to go.

So, although three invitations were sent, Belmod only cared about whether Conan went to the ghost ship or not.

In order not to involve her beloved coolguy, she deliberately wrote "To Kudo Shinichi" on the envelope, but the content inside started with "Dear Your Excellency Edogawa", indicating that the sender knew Edogawa Conan = Kudo Shinichi.

According to her understanding of coolguy, even if Conan feels dangerous, he will definitely go when he sees such content.

Sure enough, after the letter was sent, Belmod listened to the movement in the Doctor's house.

She heard Shelly's strong dissuasion, but soon the dissuasion disappeared - Conan put the man down with an anesthesia needle, and confided to the doctor that he was going to the Halloween party on the ghost ship.

The eavesdropping Belmode showed a relieved smile, unaware that her coolguy was uttering the ambitious words "If we stand still for fear of danger, we'll never be able to win". The women's clothes are ready, even the wigs are all ready.

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