Prime Assassin: The Evil King's Wife

Chapter 48 Master and Servant Training

Shadow rubbed his head vigorously, and slapped himself again. Sure enough, this is not a dream!

He was really poisoned by a little fool.

After hesitating for a while, Ying Ying muttered: "Damn, this little fool is really evil."

Little fool?Evil door?

Yun Tingruo's right hand was as light and nimble as a butterfly grasping a flower, and the green leaves were in her fingertips.

A sharp gaze flickered past, with a half-smile on his face.

Shadow quickly shrank his neck, subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "What are you going to do?"

"Do you want to live!"

Shadow's face was full of surprise, and his mouth grew wide: "Of course—I want to."

Who wants to die.

If it is said that he treated this little fool before, no, Fourth Miss Yun still disdained him.

So at this moment, he didn't dare to underestimate it in his heart.

He can make the little green leaf more powerful than a hidden weapon, just by this one hand, he is far behind.

"Before dawn, remove all the skulls under this silk tree."

Hearing this, the corners of Shadow's mouth twitched. There are over a hundred skulls here, and it would be fatal to clean them up at dawn.

"I don't like threatening people. If you don't want to, you can leave!" Yun Tingruo calmly glanced at him.

The words made Shadow vomit blood.


He is poisoned by her now, the poison is very powerful, his body is numb and painful now.

There is only one choice, and that is to obey.

The understanding of Yun Tingruo in his heart has risen to another level. This is not like a seven-year-old girl. This method is not much better than that of the master.

Shadow nodded aggrievedly.

Only then did a satisfied smile appear on Yun Tingruo's face. It's great to find a labor force and not have to do it yourself.

She turned around leisurely and walked back.

Seeing her leave, the shadow behind her hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"


"Will you not give the antidote--."

The night wind wrapped the falling leaves, whistling and circling in the silence. .

"Am I like that?"

Yun Tingruo didn't stop, and smiled mischievously, there was no antidote for the poison.

Back in the room, it was about one o'clock in the morning.

Close the windows and blow out the candles.

He stepped into the space, and as soon as he stepped in with one foot, he stepped on a round thing.

Rang Yun Tingruo's feet slipped, and his body suddenly jumped forward.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly enough, and with a flash of flexibility, she avoided the fall.

She fixed her eyes and saw a certain egg rolling towards her happily.

The excitement was like seeing candy.

"Boring, boring." A certain egg jumped up and down in front of Yun Tingruo, venting the emotion of not paying attention to it today.

"Don't make trouble." Yun Tingruo couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw a certain egg jumping up and down energetically.

"Hmph, don't do it." Mou Dan twisted her thick waist and began to play a little naughty.

It is really boring, if it is in the forest, can it still threaten its beast people every day, and can also tease the beast eggs.

But here, it can only be threatened by this woman, and has always succumbed to this woman's lust.

Think about the coercion of the king of all beasts.

Thinking of this, a certain egg suddenly became arrogant, and even more tugged and tugged: "If you don't play with me, I will crush your poor baby."

The treasure that a certain egg said is the spiritual grass in the space.

That milky voice, although vague, was like the voice of talking while drinking water.

But Yun Tingruo caught it all at once.

Yun Tingruo raised his eyelids, and Mou Dan shivered.

Yun Tingruo rolled his eyes, and the certain egg had already retreated three feet.

Hey, our great king of beasts, you once again succumbed to the power of this little girl.

"Crush them, and I'll make you an egg forever."

Yun Tingruo's words made Mou Dan unconsciously imagine a scene in his mind.

Thinking of it standing proudly on the high platform, there are all black beast people below.

It moistened its throat, and just opened its mouth to speak, all the animal people shouted: You are an egg, you are an egg, you are an egg.

Thinking of this, Mou Dan gave a chill.

Like a withered flower, ran to the corner and started drawing circles.

Yun Tingruo smiled, fighting with me, you are always an egg.

Without the disturbance of a certain egg,

Yun Tingruo came to a plant named Nine-Tailed Nightshade, and seven golden feather-like flowers had bloomed.

Contrary to the rich floral fragrance in the courtyard, the flowers of this spirit grass have a faint grassy smell.

Picked two at random, this Nine-Tailed Nightshade Flower Spirit Grass is for beauty.

She's going to get a bottle of whitening cream.

Everyone has a love of beauty, this body is not only thin, but also not white.

This made Yun Tingruo, who was once the number one beauty ranking, how could she accept it.

Holding the flowers in his hand, he stepped out of the space. As soon as he stood in the cabinet, he noticed that something was obviously wrong.

It turned out that a certain egg had also slipped out with her.

This time he became smarter, but he knew how to sneak around.

Yun Tingruo glanced at it, seeing that it was bored in the space today, and it was really bored, so he couldn't help saying: "Okay, I allow you to go out and wander, but don't let anyone find you."

When Mo Dan heard it, his body was like a shooting star, and he twisted his body against Yun Tingruo in mid-air, and then jumped out of the window.

Once freed, a certain egg is like a wild horse that has run free.

Jumped out from the courtyard.

Yun Tingruo didn't worry about it either, although this bastard was stupid and confused, but his speed was extremely fast.

A certain egg was humming a ditty, and after a while, after turning left and right, she lost her way.

It jumped up and stopped outside a certain yard, and heard a lot of cock crowing inside, and couldn't help being curious.

I have heard the roars of wild beasts and the murmurs of spirit beasts.

But never heard such a cry.

A certain egg is a little upset, as long as there are beasts in the world, they are all its subjects.

As soon as the body rolled, it quickly rolled in.

The yard is huge, and it was already dead of night at this time. Hearing the crowing of chickens, a certain egg quickly found a large chicken coop.

There are more than twenty colorful chickens inside, and several chickens are squatting in the nest, motionless.

Under these chickens, there are quite a few round bodies like it, but they are not as big as it.

A certain egg leaned over curiously, popped out a little, and watched the every move of those chickens.

After a while, a chicken's body moved, and an eggshell burst.

A shriveled, dried-up little thing popped out of it.

As soon as a certain egg lit up, it was as happy as if it had found an organization.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!" There was another series of voices, several egg shells were cracked, and several tender yellow chickens were born.

Seeing this, a certain egg seemed to understand something.

It turned out that it had always been an egg, not under those asses like they did.

Thinking about it this way, the egg of a certain king of beasts rolled into a nest as soon as it rolled.

The overpowering smell made it almost jump out.

But then it occurred to me that small things emerged from those cracked shells.

A certain egg couldn't bear it anymore.

Soon, a chicken opened its eyes, and when it saw this round and big egg, it couldn't help but exclaimed excitedly: "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

How could it have such a big baby chicken.

As soon as the rooster crowed, several roosters gathered around it.

They all looked at the round and big egg.

"Big sister, why is the egg you laid so big?"

"Hehehehe, how did you lay such a big egg?"

A slender and strong chicken with a big crown on its head jumped out angrily: "You actually steal a man behind my back, who is it, who is the father of this egg! Who is it! Who is it!"

So, after a while of chicken and egg beating.

On a certain egg, a chicken squatted on it and began to hatch this big and round-chicken baby!

Its body only covered a third of the egg's body.

But a certain egg thought happily that it was finally about to break its shell.

Broken shell ~ broken shell ~ broken shell ~ broken shell ~ broken shell ~ broken shell ~

From now on, that woman will not be able to bully it as an egg.

Yun Tingruo didn't know at all that a certain second egg actually got into the chicken coop.

Waiting to hatch, to be proud of in front of her.


At night, the light moon cages the gauze, graceful and graceful, and gradually, the sky reveals a hazy light.

In the early morning, contained in a mist, the breeze blew by, and the green leaves fluttered with the wind. After hovering for a few weeks, they inserted into the trunk without a sound.

A small figure came quickly, looking at the green leaves inserted into the trunk.

Take a look at the depth!

The green leaves are only inserted five centimeters, not fully inserted.

It didn't meet her requirements at all.

"Miss, how long will I have to do this action?"

Not far away, Dong'er was wearing a set of modified clothes, with his feet spread apart in a half-squat position, with his toes facing forward parallel.

This posture is so strange and embarrassing, and my arms are so sore and uncomfortable.

Yun Tingruo came forward and waved the branch in his hand: "Put your chest up, draw your stomach in, raise your head, a cup of tea!"

The basic requirements of the horse stance.At the beginning, it was not easy to stand for a long time, and a cup of tea took 10 minutes.

Dong'er is simple and honest in nature, and never abandons her original owner, so Yun Tingruo will naturally not abandon her.

"Miss." Dong'er gritted her teeth, but still squatted properly.

The young lady said that only by suffering through hardships can one become a master.

She doesn't want to be a master, as long as she can protect the young lady from being bullied, that's enough.

Yun Tingruo took a look at Dong'er's hand. After several days of observation, Dong'er's palm was not big and his fingers were nimble, which was very suitable for a dagger.

A dagger is a short weapon shaped like a sword but not as long as a sword, and is used for self-defense in close combat.

Ignoring Dong'er's flushed face, she walked towards the inner room.

After freshening up and changing clothes, Yun Tingruo came to the desk, spread out a piece of rice paper, brushed as he pleased, and slowly, a picture of a dagger appeared on the rice paper.

It's just that this dagger is a little different from ordinary daggers, its tip is curved, and its thickness is almost transparent!

Yun Tingruo plans to use silver silk to make it!

The dagger made of silver silk is not only soft to the touch, but most importantly, when the dagger is out of the sheath, there will be no cold light flashing. This is the most important thing.

Whether it is killing or defending oneself, such a weapon can increase the attack tenfold.

Silently, people can't detect it at all.

After putting away the blueprints, Dong'er's horse-riding time was over. She rubbed her arms and dragged her sore feet and walked in: "Miss, the task is completed."

"Okay, run with me."

Yun Tingruo stopped talking nonsense and ran out directly.

If someone came, they would find that there were two figures running around the courtyard.

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