Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 75 Charming Forest

Chapter 75 Charming Forest

Go to the mountains another day to see if I can dig some medicinal materials and plant them in the space.

Whether it is for sale or for emergency use, it is a very good choice.

After making up his mind, he ignited the fire book, ignited the firewood, and began to distill the perfume.

The entire stock of jasmine and lavender was almost steamed yesterday, and I was thinking about making a sachet, so there was only a little jasmine left, which is now drying in the dam.

Next, you only need to extract all the flowers saved in the past few days, and then you can mix the perfume according to the ratio on the fragrance recipe.

After several days of study, Jiang Xiaoxiao has already learned the unknown characters on Xiang Fang.

The fragrance is composed of jasmine, lavender, rosemary, rose, tulip...etc. The fragrance is called the Forest of Charm.

Inexplicably, she felt that the name of Charming Forest is quite suitable for this perfume. The top note of this fragrance is fresh and elegant jasmine, and the middle note is composed of light and deep lavender and rose, which is full of layers. The tail note is extremely inconspicuous, and only when you get close can you smell the subtle fragrance that seems to be absent.

It not only contains the freshness of the forest, but also contains a hint of the charm of the daughter's family. Although it is not strong, it can fascinate people.

Jiang Xiaoxiao moved quickly. After boiling the water, he threw the petals into the cauldron.

Or take water distillation; or take water distillation.

With yesterday's experience, it will be much faster to do it again today.

Four hours later, Jiang Xiaoxiao looked at Haiwan beside him with a sense of accomplishment.

All the petals for the Charming Forest were extracted today with the distiller, and the only thing left is to configure that one process.

But Jiang Xiaoxiao didn't have time to configure it right now, and it might not take long for his parents to come back.

She boiled a pot of water, then quickly took off her clothes, took a shower, washed her hair, and changed her clothes again.

He casually wiped his wet hair, and hastily washed and dried the flower-scented clothes.

Suddenly, there was chatter and laughter in his ears, Jiang Xiaoxiao's heart tightened, and he quickly put the jasmine flowers in the dustpan into the space.

Fortunately, the sun was strong enough, and the jasmine flowers were dried in the sun for an afternoon, and could be directly made into sachets.

After finishing all this, the sister-in-law opened the door, followed by Jiang He in a bullock cart.


Jiang Xiaoxiao patted his chest, calmed down, and greeted him with a smile, "Father, mother, eldest brother, sister-in-law, Yueyue, you are back."

"Little aunt," Jiang Xiaoyue threw herself into her arms, calling in a low voice.

Originally, she also wanted to come back to play with her little aunt, but grandpa didn't let her come back to disturb her little aunt's homework.

She wanted to kill her little aunt. Without her company, Jiang Xiaoyue was listless all afternoon.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaoxiao saw that she was depressed, so she couldn't help asking.

"I want to come back with my little aunt every afternoon, but grandpa won't let me," Jiang Xiaoyue pouted.

The corners of Jiang Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, she couldn't let her niece come back with her, otherwise where would she have the time to enter the space to make perfume?

He patted her on the back comfortingly, "Yueyue, you have to listen to grandpa, aunt will make you a sachet when the time comes, okay~"

Afraid that she would stick to this question, Jiang Xiaoxiao's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly changed the topic.

After all, she was a child at heart, she was quickly attracted by the sachet, her eyes were clouded, and she nodded vigorously.

Jiang Xiaoyue stretched out her little finger, "Then... let's pull Gougou."

"Okay, pull the hook," Jiang Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of doting, and he stretched out his little finger to pull the hook with her.

The words of the two little girls did not attract anyone's attention, but Wei Yumei, seeing her wet hair, urged: "Hurry up and wipe your hair, you will catch a cold later."

While giving the cow water to drink, Jiang He echoed, "I need to wipe it off, or I'll catch a cold later."

"I'm going right now."

When it was time to eat dinner, Wei Yumei raised her mouth, "I don't know if it's my illusion, but I always feel that there are a few bowls missing at home."

She just mentioned it casually, never thinking that the bowl would be taken by Jiang Xiaoxiao to hold the extracted perfume.

Zhou Qiuju was quite surprised, "Just get some from the restaurant tomorrow."

He does not mean that.

Jiang Xiaoxiao froze for a moment when he was chopping the rice into his mouth, and then continued to chop the rice as if nothing had happened.

After cleaning up the food in the bowl, he wiped his lower lip, "Father, I'm full, you eat slowly, I'll go for a walk to digest food."

After speaking, he moved his shoulders and walked out the door.

"Hey, remember to come back early, be careful..."

Before Wei Yumei finished speaking, she disappeared, her eyes full of helplessness.

But thinking that the villagers in Jinhua Village are quite simple, I let her go. Xiaoxiao is not in the mood to run around.

The sun has set, and it is no longer as hot as noon, and the ears are filled with the cries of various small animals; a little smoke rises from the houses in the distance, adding a breath of human fireworks to the village.

Jiang Xiaoxiao put her hands behind her head and walked leisurely in the village. Speaking of which, this was her first time walking in the village at night.

Along the way, Jiang Xiaoxiao met villagers who were returning home with baskets and hoes. Regardless of whether he knew him or not, Jiang Xiaoxiao greeted them with a smile.

Those who look younger are called brothers and sisters; those who are older are called uncles and aunts;

While walking, she also observed the soil in Jinhua Village, but since she was not a professional and did not have any equipment in this field, she could not see anything, so she had to give up temporarily.

Walking and walking, they came to the foot of the mountain backed by Jinhua Village.

At this time, the sky had already begun to darken, Jiang Xiaoxiao turned around and left without hesitation.

The ghost knows what's in the mountain at night, that is, the body has been transformed by the spiritual spring water, and the strength has become very strong. She didn't have the guts to rush into this black light.

When I got home, it was still dark, Jiang Xiaoxiao thought about it, and asked for a clean cloth, needle and thread from his sister-in-law.

"It's so late, and you still do something with needles and threads, and you hurt your eyes carefully."

Jiang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I won't do anything to hurt my eyes."

Zhou Qiuju stared at her, knowing that her sister knew how to measure, so she didn't say anything, and said:

"Rest early, and get up early tomorrow morning."

She nodded and went back to her room with her sewing basket.

Now it is estimated that it is only half past eight, because there were no recreational activities in ancient times, and most people went to bed at this time.

When she was in modern times, she was still working overtime at this moment, and slept very late every day.

Out of habit, if she is not particularly sleepy, she usually goes to bed later.

Now in the ancient times, there are no entertainment activities, Jiang Xiaoxiao is very lucky, fortunately, she still has space, at least she can find something to do when she can't sleep because of insomnia.

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