Public Executions From King Duma

Chapter 96 Kenneth jumped on the street? (4K, 13000/16000)

Chapter 96 Kenneth jumped on the street? (4K, 1300016000)


Bluebeard's words directly confused people all over the world.

It was full of tears and words full of emotion. To be honest, if you don’t look at the face, it is quite touching. I thought it was a man who traveled across thousands of mountains and met his beloved girl after going through many hardships. It was a classic love story. Drama plot.


This guy is so ugly.

That image and temperament give people nightmares, so when he says this to match his image, he is completely like a perverted lunatic stalking a beautiful girl, making people want to call the police immediately after seeing him.

The most important thing is...

The fact that Blue Beard is the former Gaul Marshal Gilles de Rais has been guessed for a long time and has been popularized through the Internet.

As we all know, Marshal Gilles de Rais of Gaul was a loyal follower and even a fanatical believer of Joan of Arc, and the saint in his mouth could only be Joan of Arc.

What's more, there were hundreds of years between the two sides' lifetimes. Unless King Arthur could live until the Hundred Years' War between Britain and Gaul, it would be impossible for him to be encountered by Gilles de Rais.

So the question is, why does this bluebeard with a pair of frog eyes regard Saber as Joan of Arc?

Do they look alike?

Or is this Bluebeard just as blind as the ancient Britons?

If Saber is really similar to Joan of Arc, is there any relationship between the two of them?

It's really curious...

The whole world was extremely curious, but Arturia herself had goosebumps, her scalp was numb, and she felt sick.

Bluebeard's fanatical and infatuated attitude was really terrifying, especially when the target he faced was King Arthur. It instantly filled Artoria with a sense of empathy and made her whole body feel bad.

Although it is normal for a beautiful girl to be liked by others, and Artoria is used to it, but if the other person is a perverted murderer, it will be purely a horror movie. Anyway, she is extremely uncomfortable now.

Next to him, Morgan didn't speak, but there was a trace of disgust deep in his eyes, and he looked at Bluebeard with a very sharp look.

There is no doubt that if the other party existed in the real world, she would definitely not mind using her status as the second heir to Holy Britain to destroy the other party's humanity.

Her lovely sister is not something such a pervert can covet.


In the light screen image, after Bluebeard made an excited speech, his master Uyu Ryunosuke said he didn't understand. However, after seeing the battle between Saber and Lancer, Uyu Ryunosuke was extremely excited and felt a lot. It's cool. It's the first time I find the so-called Holy Grail War super interesting.

Then, Ryunosuke Uyu, who didn't know the truth, saw Bluebeard's desire, and with a hearty smile asked Bluebeard to meet his 'acquaintance' - the saint in his mouth.

As for his words, he said that the 'art materials' are almost used now, so he has to go out and find another batch.

The so-called artistic materials are naturally the children who were brought back, and the situation in the light screen image is actually processed with black screen.

The sewers where Ryunosuke Usumu and Bluebeard were were already covered in blood, and the pillars and walls also had strange magic circles carved with blood.

The surrounding ground is looming, and you can see the stumps of some children. You can imagine what the children who fell into the hands of these guys went through.

This scene made many people in the real world feel nauseated and angry. Many people even hoped that the national army would intervene immediately in the light screen image and kill these two perverts to ashes.

Or maybe a powerful servant would find these two guys and kill them all.

It's a pity that we can only think about this kind of thing. The next development of the plot is that Bluebeard was very moved by Ryunosuke Uyu's understanding, and then made an agreement with the other party to hold a party after welcoming the Saint back. A grand death party can definitely satisfy Ryunosuke Uyu's desire for the art of killing.

Anyway, what he said is anti-human. Just these words have made many people around the world feel uncomfortable.

However, there is something to appreciate about these two things.

For example, people from the Church of Mysterious Words all think that these two people should naturally join the Church of Mysterious Words. In fact, Ryunosuke Uyu has been a priest of the Church of Mysterious Words for a long time, but the last time he hunted 'King Arthur' It's really a pity that he sacrificed everything he had to the great mystery, but failed to solve 'King Arthur'.

However, this Bluebeard is a talent. He doesn’t know if the real world exists. If it does exist, he must be involved in the Church of the Mysterious Word.

What attracts the most to the Church of Mysterious Words—even to those high-level mysteries—is the human-skin book in Bluebeard’s hand.

They can naturally see that Bluebeard relies on this book to summon those disgusting octopus-like tentacle monsters, and based on the chaotic attributes of this book, it is completely like it comes from the same lineage as Mystery.

Therefore, the mysteries are all interested in this book, and some high-level mysteries have also considered the possibility of finding or creating this book.

Yes, if this book does not exist in the real world, the advanced mysteries can even create this book - as the mystery space continues to erode this planet, the large amount of mystery energy distorts reality more and more seriously. .

Although the Mysteries don't know how to use imagination, they can still create some interesting things if they use Mysterious Energy.

For example, the Lightless Miko, as the spokesperson of the mysterious will, is fully capable of creating this chaotic human skin book.

The reason why no actual action has been taken is just to collect more information and understand more about this book - even through the influence of the light curtain, the high-level secretaries have begun to analyze the composition of the human leather book in Bluebeard's hand. And want to reproduce it.

Su Yun didn't know about this, and it was something he didn't expect at all - while he was using the stories shown in the light screen images to collect fantasy power and create extraordinary beings, the Mysteries also used the light screen images in reverse.

Perhaps at some point in the future, Su Yun will be able to see the chaotic objects in the light screen image appear in the real world.

Of course, it is possible that we will never see you. After all, the unpredictability of secrets is well known. What those high-level secrets will do next is beyond human comprehension. These guys really want to kill you one day, and then the next. Something that can completely forget about it.


In the light screen image, the camera turned back to the Einzbern Castle. The battle between Saber and Lancer continued, and inside the castle, the battle between the two Masters also reached a critical moment.

Accompanied by the intense and exciting BGM, Emiya Kiritsugu's heartbeat was too fast due to repeated use of inherent time control, and rapid blood circulation caused shortness of breath. He leaned against the wall and panted, and his expression was a little painful.

However, there was no trace of nervousness on this man's expression, he was very calm and calm, and his posture revealed that he had figured out Kenneth's fighting style and was sure of victory.

Then, Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly pulled out a pistol.

This pistol is completely different from the gun he used before. The shape is very old, like a decorative gun, but gun enthusiasts can recognize it at a glance. It is actually a modern firearm, called the Thompson Competitor, also known as the TC gun. , a single-shot firearm, but more powerful than a pistol-style sniper rifle.

At the same time, Emiya Kiritsugu also took out a special bullet and loaded it into the TC gun skillfully and quickly, waiting for Kenneth's arrival.

At a corner, Kenneth caught up again, and Emiya Kiritsugu used inherent temporal control to rush out at this moment, and raised his gun to shoot.

In the original animation, Emiya Kiritsugu's attack movement at this moment was very slow, and he even used a POSS. However, according to the attack speed of the Moon Spirit Essence Liquid, he would have been hacked to death long ago if he had used a POSS, and he had no chance to shoot.

Therefore, Su Yun's handling here was slightly modified for the sake of rationality, allowing Emiya Kiritsugu to use inherent time control to rush out and shoot. Only in this way was it possible to attack Yueling in a frontal attack. Complete the aiming and shooting actions before launching the marrow automatic attack.

So, what people saw was Emiya Kiritsugu's decisive and swift attack.

The bullet came out of the gun at this moment and swept towards Kenneth in slow motion.

People clearly saw that the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid formed an automatic defense. Just like before, it was easy to block this bullet. It was said that sniper rifle bullets and even rocket launchers could not penetrate the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid's defense.

To be honest, in slow motion, the audience had enough time to think, and they all thought that this attack was likely to fail again.

After all, in the previous image of light, the power of the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid had been clearly demonstrated, making countless people drool after seeing it.

Especially the powerful people in high positions are even more jealous. After all, with the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid, there is no need to be afraid of assassinations, car accidents and accidents, because this thing will automatically protect its owner, and its ability to protect its owner is better than the most professional The bodyguards are a hundred times a thousand times more powerful.

For those rich and powerful people who care about their lives, it is a priceless treasure. If it is auctioned, it will easily make the rich and powerful around the world go crazy.

Some people are even so jealous that they feel that Kenneth is not qualified to have such a good thing. If the other party is sensible, he should obediently contribute this thing instead of keeping it in his own hands.

Don't doubt, these people really think so, and they have even planned to find Kenneth in the real world and force him to hand over the Moon Spirit Essence Liquid.

When their own lives are involved, the IQ of those guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death can definitely be reduced to a level that is unimaginable for normal people.

However, no matter what people in the real world think, the story of light curtain images continues.

At this moment, the bullet was in contact with the Moon Spirit Essence Liquid. In slow motion, the screen zoomed into the inside of the bullet, showing that it contained extraordinary power and shone with a dark red light in the microscopic world.

Then, the camera zoomed out again. Under the influence of the mysterious energy, the originally strong defense of the Moon Spirit Marrow Liquid was instantly broken through. A hole the size of a fist was opened under the impact of the bullet, and the bullet also hit Kenneth's chest. Attack past.

At this moment, Kenneth's pupils were shrinking rapidly, and the slow motion was still maintained. Kenneth seemed to be able to see the trajectory of the bullet, but he had no way to avoid it. He could only watch as the bullet kept approaching his chest.

At this moment, the camera locked on Kenneth's left eye. The approaching bullets were reflected in the pupil, and the camera moved towards Kenneth's pupil, and soon passed through the pupil.

The camera zooms out again at this moment, and the bullet rushes into Kenneth's left chest.

In an instant, the power contained in the special bullet exploded, and in an instant, from the special microscopic world, Kenneth could see many energy-radiating 'lines' in Kenneth's body, and they were transmitting huge amounts of energy.

Also, narration subtitles explain what it is.

[Magic circuit: The simulated nerves held in the body of magicians, the qualifications of being a magician, and the way to convert life force into magic power are the key to magicians becoming magicians. Ordinary people without magic circuits cannot Become a magician. 】

[At the same time, the number of magic circuits determines the lower limit of a magician, while the quality of the magic circuit determines the upper limit. As the Lord of the Clock Tower, Kenneth is top notch in terms of quantity and quality of magic circuits, and is undoubtedly the top genius. 】

When the subtitles were displayed and people saw Kenneth's magic circuit clearly, the energy of the special bullet also burst out, instantly tearing Kenneth's magic circuit apart, cutting it off, and connecting it back up in a messy and disorderly manner.

In an instant, Kenneth's magic went wild due to this rough cutting and reconnection, creating an explosion scene in the magical world.

The camera returned to the outside. Kenneth's blood vessels suddenly bulged all over his body, his eyes vomited out, and with a "wow" sound, blood spurted out of his mouth. Blood vessels burst out everywhere in his body. In an instant, he turned into a bloody man and was in pain. And fell down miserably.

At this moment, the screen changed to a bird's-eye view of Kenneth lying on the ground. The latter was looking up, his eyes blank, and blood was still coming out of his body, as if he had hit GG.


In the real world, countless people have the emotion of 'ah...' in their hearts. They are all shocked by this sudden invitation. No one expected that the situation would suddenly change. It was obviously Kenneth who had been suppressing Wei. How come Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly turned defeat into victory when Miya Kiritsugu was fighting?

Why was his last bullet able to penetrate Kenneth's defense and directly cause damage to Kenneth's magic circuit? What on earth was that bullet?

In an instant, many people suddenly remembered Emiya Kiritsugu’s other identity—the magician killer!

There is no doubt that the last bullet fired was a special bullet that directly destroyed the magic circuit. Considering the identity of Emiya Kiritsugu’s magician killer, it is not difficult to guess that that bullet was specially used to hunt magicians!

Should I be called a magician killer? Even the top magicians were tricked by him.

It's a pity that Kenneth, who clearly had all the advantages, overturned in the end because he was too arrogant. If he had been more cautious, prepared more magic props or conducted a frontal assault less openly, maybe he wouldn't have been able to do it. ended up like this.

For a time, many people began to feel sorry for Kenneth, feeling that this man just threw himself into the street without even using any of his skills.

However, at this moment, the light curtain image underwent a new and surprising change.

I saw that the camera kept zooming in on Kenneth's eyes at this moment, and it was close to the left eye that had been close before. After blending into the left eye, the camera quickly zoomed out again.

As a result, people in the real world were shocked to see that Kenneth was not hit by the bullet, and his pupils still reflected the special bullet that was approaching, as if time had gone back.

Then, when people didn't understand why, they heard Kenneth's voice.

"This is... what Marisbili told me... I will lose miserably because of this..."

"Tsk, it's exactly what that guy said... That guy's Caster is really scary. He has such accurate future vision... Who is that Caster?"


With a crashing sound, the bullet hit Kenneth's left chest 'again' - just like a reappearance of a classic scene.

Today’s fourth update is actually almost 14,000 words, but again, any word count less than 1,000 words will be given away and will not be counted in the update word count!

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