Qin Official

Chapter 342: Your Majesty, the spectacle is ruining the country!

Zhuo Tie's eyes widened. He was an old blacksmith. He had been blacksmithing for more than 20 years, but he had never seen so many weapons gathered together.

Fellow traveler Zheng on the side also opened his mouth wide, and finally spoke out after a while: "How many weapons must there be!"

Zhuo Tie couldn't answer him. From a visual inspection, there were more weapons than the Handan arsenal in the Zhao Dynasty.

They saw one heavy ox-cart after another driving westward along the Weishui River. After arriving at the location, the escorting Qin soldiers took down all the guns, spears, swords, halberds, 殳, and beryllium from the vehicles and piled them into many seats. A hill with thousands of weapons piled up!

After being amazed, the question arises. What are the plans of the Qin officials to allow the copper and iron craftsmen and merchants from Shandong who moved to Guanzhong to serve here?

The mystery was soon revealed. A Qin iron official named "Sima Chang" asked thousands of craftsmen and merchants to separate the sharp edge of the weapon from the wooden handle.

Zhuo Tie and Cheng Zheng looked at each other, but under the whip of the Qin official, they did not dare to ask any more questions, and each stepped forward to get busy.

They are all Handan blacksmiths and have been dealing with weapons for half their lives. They have reached the point where they can tell the place of origin just by looking at the shape or the color of the gold and iron.

"This is definitely Han Jian!"

Zhuo Tie held a two-foot sword in his hand, his eyes sparkling with brilliance. He had not touched a Han sword for almost ten years since the fall of Korea.

Although Han is a small country with few people and is the weakest country among the Seven Heroes, there is one thing that is worth bragging about. The most sophisticated weapons in the world are all produced in South Korea. It is said that "all the strongest bows and crossbows in the world come from Korea" and "all the most powerful bows and crossbows in the world come from Korea". Sword, Korean for all!" Especially Korea's Tangxi sword, after countless efforts by craftsmen, has reached the level of "cutting off cattle and horses on land, swans on water, and cutting through the iron curtain when facing the enemy"!

It's a pity that the best sword was bent when hit with the hammer, separated from the hilt, and fell to the ground helplessly.

He picked up another spear. The tip of the spear was made of iron. If he looked carefully, there were inscriptions on it, including bird and insect inscriptions...

Although I couldn't understand what was engraved on it, I could at least confirm that it was a spear from the Chu State. The Chu spear was not bad either. People often say that a giant iron spear is as miserable as a bee. Zhuo Tie secretly said it was a pity and removed the tip of the spear with all his strength. Throw the long handle aside.

After that, they also discovered the armor of Yan, Qi, and Wei one after another.

Wei also had elite soldiers, especially the Ge soldiers who were most famous for their weapons.

The Qi State had relatively few weapons, although Qi had begun to specialize in salt and iron as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, boiling the sea to turn into salt, and digging into the mountains to turn into iron. Ironware was the most popular. But after forty years of peace, even weapons are rarely forged. There are only practical tools such as needles, knives, rake, squid, ciao, catties, saws, awls, and chisels. Zhuo Tie and Cheng Zheng hold them. The hammers and saws came from the state of Qi.

There is also the Yan State. The target is hundreds of rusty pockets. There is a saying in their craftsman circle called "Yan has no letters." Almost everyone can make a pocket, and there is no need for Hanren to exist. It can be seen from this that the Yan people paid the most attention to protection when fighting. These mou were probably taken away by the Qin people after the Yan army was destroyed. There were dried dark brown blood stains inside...

After a whole morning of sharpening, a hill of weapons was empty. Zhuo Tie and Cheng Zheng walked to the next hill and found that all the weapons here were Zhao's weapons!

"This is the iron staff of Hengshan. I have made it for others!"

Cheng Zheng's hands were trembling a little. The iron staff was the most famous weapon of Zhao Guo Hengshan. Its inside was made of iron, with a copper cap on the top and a black-painted rattan skin on the outside. Under the command of Wu'an Lord Li Mu, there was a group of hundreds of Hengshan warriors. They often wore iron armor and used iron staffs to fight, and everything they struck was broken and everything they struck was broken...

Thinking about that scene, Zhao Ren's eyes filled with tears.

It's a pity that everything has been wiped out. Six kingdoms have been destroyed, famous cities have been destroyed, princes have surrendered, heroes have died. Even the weapons that have lost their masters are not immune. They were brought here as trophies, separated from their heads and broken into pieces!

"The people of Qin gathered the troops of the six kingdoms here and sharpened them. What on earth do they want to do?"

Zhuo Tie was also full of doubts. Three days later, when they were ordered to push the heavy Fengdi to the north of the Weishui River, they suddenly realized it.

In front of them was a huge construction site, with thousands of simple shacks on the outermost edge. Tens of thousands of laborers lived here, most of them farmers from Guanzhong with dark skin.

Further inside, there is a smelting site that is familiar to both Zhuo Tie and Cheng Zheng. Thirty-four oval-shaped furnaces were erected on the ground, forming a circle. Not counting the convex rammed earth platform under the furnace, but only counting the furnace body, each one was more than ten feet high.

Along with countless carts of dysprosium, there were also firewood and charcoal. The prisoners kept placing fuel under the furnace. The newly delivered copper and iron were put into the furnace indiscriminately and smelted day and night.

The hot copper, iron and gold liquid rushed along the copper canal and towards the pit surrounded by many smelting furnaces.

Zhuo Tie approached cautiously and found that it was several feet deep, and inside was a huge model that had already been made! Look at that appearance, it seems to be a giant being cast, with a high nose and deep eyes, wearing a Di suit, standing and holding hands in a sign of submission...

Zhuo Tie, Cheng Zheng, and the Shandong craftsmen were all shocked. Cheng Zheng even sat down on the ground in a daze. When he raised his head, he found that the thick smoke from the surrounding furnaces rose into the sky, merged into a stream, and shot straight into the sky!

Standing at the top of Zhangtai Palace, Heifu's field of vision was much wider than that of Shandong craftsmen, so he could see that there were twelve smelting sites on the entire north bank of the Weishui River. Twelve strands of black smoke gathered, forming a dark cloud, as if To cover the sky of Xianyang!

"It's really spectacular..." Heifu took a deep breath, and he even looked forward to what it would be like when the golden man was placed in Xianyang Palace.

These twelve golden figures were not cast for no reason, but came from an "auspicious event". In the month when Qin Shihuang officially proclaimed himself emperor, there was a five-foot-long giant wearing Di clothes. Twelve people were seen at the western border of Qin State. Lintao, but quickly disappeared, leaving only a six-foot-long footprint...

After the captain of Lintao reported this matter to the emperor, it attracted the attention of the emperor and those Qi Yan Yin and Yang families, thinking that this was a good omen for Qin to unify the world and claim the throne of emperor! So in order to commemorate this event, Qin Shihuang ordered that the collected weapons of the Six Nations be transported into Guanzhong and cast into twelve golden figures that were five feet high and weighed a thousand stones!

In addition, Heifu guessed that Qin Shihuang also wanted to treat this as a ceremony. First, imitating King Wu of Zhou and letting his horse go to Nanshan to collect the weapons of the world, which was equivalent to announcing that there would be no more wars in the Nine Provinces. At the same time, the weapons used by the six countries to resist Qin were gathered together and forged into golden figures who surrendered to Qin and guarded the palace for Qin, symbolizing the fusion of the world.

Third, in the emperor's view, as long as there were no weapons, the survivors of the Six Kingdoms were like wild beasts deprived of their claws, and they no longer had the power to resist Qin.

The first two purposes were understandable, but for the third point, Heifu could only shake his head.

"The hoe you ji jin (hu you ji jin) is not the same as the long spear of the hook and halberd..."

"What Qin Mo said is not unreasonable. If you don't cast gold figures and cast agricultural tools instead, you will have to replace many old wood and stone tools. If the 120,000 farmers and tens of thousands of craftsmen and merchants who served this time were allowed to work on reclaiming wasteland, or Millions of acres of fertile farmland will be opened up..."

A few days ago, Qin Mo Cheng Shang came to visit. His implication was that he wanted to ask Heifu, a Zhonglang Huling who could often see the emperor, to advise Qin Shihuang: Forging gold is not beneficial to the country or the people. It's useless, so let it go...

Heifu couldn't agree immediately, so he could only tell him to let him think about it.

"What can I say?"

While taking turns in the palace, Hei Fu pondered secretly.

"Your Majesty, the spectacle is harming the country!?"

"Aren't you looking for death..." Hei Fu shook his head. Qin Shihuang was still a person who allowed his ministers to visit him. He would not die, but he would definitely lose trust and even be driven away from a distance.

He could see that the emperor's endless desire to conquer the world was turning to his obsession with collecting: collecting the concubines of the Six Kingdoms, collecting the palaces of the Six Kingdoms, and even collecting the weapons of the Six Kingdoms to make large figures, and in the future there would be terracotta warriors and horses. Qin Shihuang was in high spirits, and his decisions were rarely abandoned halfway. He couldn't be persuaded, so it was better not to get into trouble.

And without these wonders, the color of the Qin Dynasty seems to have lost a lot...

Therefore, instead of advising the emperor to stop casting gold figures, Heifu made a small suggestion in the memorial.

"Your Majesty can have the craftsmen cast thousands of swords from the Six Kingdoms with fierce fire, and make them into iron couches, with the sword blades stretched back like a peacock's screen. Place it in the palace, and let future generations sit on it. Then you will know how difficult it is to conquer the world, and guard the world better. It’s difficult…”

After the memorial was handed over, Heifu began to think about it. If Qin Shihuang approved of this matter, there would be an extra couch made of steel, full of ferocious spikes and sharp horns and weird twisted metal in the Qin Palace.

It’s inappropriate to call it the Iron Throne, but how about the Iron Emperor’s Couch?

There seems to be nothing wrong with seven kingdoms and one emperor...

Unfortunately, his narrow-minded suggestion was ultimately rejected.

In June, as the twelve gold figures were cast, they began to be slowly transported to Xianyang Palace. The emperor also brought hundreds of civil and military officials from Zhangtai Palace in Weinan to Xianyang City to witness this grand event!

It was in Xianyang Palace that Hei Fu met the emperor's heirs for the first time...

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