Qin Official

Chapter 380 Qin Song

"Sir, you are not the first Yan person to come here."

Wang Li, the commander of the army who was leading the way, had a young and casual voice. To Gao Jianli, it sounded like he was a general's son who had never experienced real fighting. His grandfather Wang Jian captured Jicheng, and his father Wang Ben destroyed Yan. country, but this general's son is like the tender grass in spring, unaware of the frost.

Indeed, he may have some fighting skills, but just like Qin Wuyang, who killed someone in Yan City at the age of thirteen, passers-by did not dare to disobey him, but so what?

Before Gao Jianli was blinded by smoke, he had only stayed outside Xianyang Palace, so he had no chance to see how majestic and tall the main hall of Xianyang Palace was, which could make Qin Wuyang, who was known as a brave man by the Yan people, change his face and frighten him...

All he knew was that it really took a lot of effort to go from bottom to top.

Wang Li and the accompanying visitors did not support him, as if they were watching a joke. They watched the blind musician, carrying the instrument, using his hands and feet to climb up the stairs. The guards of the Qin Palace also burst into snickers.

Gao Jianli ignored it. He now knew how Nian Jingke got here step by step.

The people of Yan were white, and the people of Qin were black. Gao Jianli could imagine that Jing Ke must be the same as Yi Shuibian, wearing all white, from the headscarf to the shoes, everything was white, and the white was shining. Like Gao Jianli, he was inspected by Bi Zhenlang at the gate of the palace, and passed through a group of Qin ministers in black. Like a pearl sliding into the black mud, he held Fan Yuqi's head and the map of Dukang high, entered the palace, and kept coming. Come before Your Majesty...

It's a pity that what Gao Jianli came to today was not the main hall where Jing Ke assassinated King Qin, but a side hall. This is where Qin Shihuang retired from the court. It seems that he thought of Gao Jianli after finishing the court meeting and before eating. That's why he was summoned.

"Your Majesty, bring Gao Jianli here!"

Wang Li bowed in front of him, and the two Lang guards behind him also kicked Gao Jianli's feet, making him fall to the ground.

Although he couldn't see it, Gao Jianli heard the sound of chewing food. Qin Shihuang was eating it. He could even smell one of the dishes: liver bones, dog liver wrapped in dog intestine net oil, coated with appropriate seasonings and grilled on the fire. Brown, sizzling, and fragrant. This dish was often cooked for them by their friend Goutu when they were in Yan State.

After a while, Qin Shihuang seemed to remember that Gao Jianli was kneeling next to him, and said very casually: "Get up and give the musician a seat."

Gao Jianli was unable to see the true appearance of Qin Shihuang. According to previous rumors, it was said that this monarch had the appearance of a bee, a pair of long eyes, a body like a bird, and a voice like a jackal. This kind of person lacks kindness and has a heart like a tiger and a wolf. Being frugal can lead to humility, but being motivated can kill people.

However, Qin Shihuang's voice sounded powerful to Gao Jianli's ears. He spoke in a cadence, and could not hear the sound of a jackal. However, judging from his actions, after he succeeded, he should not capture the tiger and wolf hearts of the people in the world. Poor.

Gao Jianli fumbled and knelt down to a place ten steps away from Qin Shihuang. He deliberately sat in the wrong position and in the wrong direction. He was corrected by the palace official. As a minister, he must face His Majesty.

This helped him a lot.

Gao Jianli thanked the courtesy officer. When he raised his head, he knew that Qin Shihuang was ten steps away.

Qin Shihuang was not in a hurry to listen to music, but saw that he was sweating on a hot day, gave Gao Jianli a glass of wine, and asked him a question.

"Gao Jianli, how is the fine wine in the palace better than the wine in Yan City?"

Gao Jianli lowered his head: "Yan wine is not as good as wine."

But when the fine wine entered his throat, what he missed the most was the taste of Yan's bad wine.

He met Jing Ke more than ten years ago. In a wine shop in Yanshi, Jing Ke, Gou Tu, and Gao Jianli, a ranger, a butcher, and a musician, three people who seemed unlikely to have any intersection, hung out together all day long, because They all have a common hobby: wine.

In Yan State, wine is not a luxury, but a necessity. When the cold winter comes, you can't go out without taking a few sips of warm bitter wine every day.

When the three of them were drunk, Gao Jianli was building a building, Jing Ke was singing in harmony, and Gou Tu was swaying, drawing his sword and dancing, carefree and extremely happy, but after the joy, he burst into tears and acted as if no one else was around. .

Jing Ke lamented that he had no talent and had traveled for many years. Although he was somewhat famous in the world, his luggage was empty and he had accomplished nothing.

Gao Jianli lamented the old age of beauties and the decline of strong men's temples. He also lamented that after the collapse of ritual music, music was also abandoned by people.

As for dog slaughter? They didn't know why he was crying either.

But now, three of his former friends, Jing Ke, went to Qin and died. He was injured several times and was even torn apart by a car after his death. When Wang Jian attacked Ji, Goutu also acted as a brave common man, but was shot into a sieve by random arrows.

Now, only Gao Jianli is left.

He was like a blind lone goose. He didn't want to drink water or eat. He just flew low and whined, missing his companions who were chasing him.

But he did not fly around in confusion, because he knew that the hunter who shot the geese was only ten steps away...

In a daze, Qin Shihuang had finished his meal. Before starting his work in the afternoon, he wanted to listen to some music.

"What do you want to hear, Your Majesty?"

Gao Jianli is a good player in playing music. Whether it is the style of the Fifteen Kingdoms or Chudi's "Yangchun", "White Snow", "Xia Li" and "Ba Ren", he can play it, and he has a melancholy atmosphere that ordinary musicians don't have. This was also the reason why the emperor was reluctant to kill him.

"If you have ambition in your heart, the music you play can be spirited."

However, the official of the Zhongche Mansion named Zhao Gao next to Qin Shihuang made a strange comment after listening to Gao Jianli's music.

Now, that person was not far away, staring at Gao Jianli without blinking.

But Qin Shihuang's vigilance had already been put down.

"You played "Qing Shang", "Qing Zheng" and "Qing Jiao" for me a few days ago. Although the songs are good, each one is more sad than the other. I don't like these tragic songs about the country's subjugation!"

Qin Shihuang especially remembered that the day before yesterday, Gao Jianli was twenty steps away. As the bamboo boards rose and fell, the sound of construction was like a continuous drizzle, but also like a heartbreaking cry of sorrow.

But he wanted to listen to something cheerful, something that could match the prosperity of the empire, the peace in the sea, and the salty customs of all the barbarians, but he didn't want the old tunes in the Book of Songs that made his ears grow calluses after hearing them since he was a child.

So Qin Shihuang had an idea.

"Praise is a description of beauty and virtue. It is also a person who tells the gods about his success. Shang, Zhou, and Lu all have praises. I use my body to raise troops to kill riots, sweep Liuhe, and my achievements are greater than those of the three emperors in one sea." How can one be without praise if his virtue surpasses that of the Five Emperors?"

Therefore, this ode was named "Qin Song". In the past half month, Yuefu officials have worked hard to fill in the lyrics. After experimenting with various musical instruments, Qin Shihuang still felt that the only one that best suited Qin Song's majesty and majesty was the impassioned Zhu Sheng!

And the one who is the best at building and attacking in the world is Gao Jianli.

Qin Shihuang wanted his former assassin friend, who was also the best musician in the world, to compose a new ode to himself!

The emperor was no longer satisfied with letting ordinary Guizhou officials kowtow and convince the six helpless kings. He needed to make his former opponents bow to his power and let the world know the emperor's virtues and merits.

Today Qin Shihuang asked Gao Jianli to come here just to hear how he was doing with his new music.

"My subordinates have already compiled it."

No emotion could be seen in Gao Jianli's dull blind eyes, but the corners of his mouth turned up: "I will audition for your Majesty."

Just like the previous times, Gao Jianli arranged the building with the help of his attendants, but before the music could be played, Qin Shihuang asked him to move.

"Five steps closer!"

There was one thing that, except for the imperial physician Xia Wuji, no one else, not even Zhao Gao or the concubines serving the emperor, knew about it.

During his last tour to the west, Qin Shihuang discovered that, perhaps disturbed by the roar of carriages and horses, his left ear had difficulty hearing sounds, and there was always an echo. This was why he sent Heifu and Li Xin to pray for him in the mountains and rivers. reason.

After returning to Xianyang Palace, the situation did not worsen, but it did not improve either. Qin Shihuang always felt that the music was not loud enough and could not be heard clearly, so he kept asking Gao Jianli to get closer and closer.

The emperor's voice was calm and confident. This was the third time Gao Jianli was allowed to move closer. The first time was under the palace stairs, then ten steps, and now it was five steps...

Gao Jianli restrained his mind. His teacher once told him that the first thing for a person to learn music is to meditate. If the mind is not calm, music will be chaotic.

He couldn't be messy, he still groped forward clumsily, sat in the wrong direction again, and was severely reprimanded by the etiquette officer.

But when Gao Jianli's hand picked up Zhu and held the bamboo board in his hand, his temperament was completely different from the clumsy blind man before!

The first is "The Voice of Change". This tone is desolate and empty, which perfectly matches the eulogy he sang loudly.

“Within Liuhe, the emperor’s land.

It wades through the quicksand in the west and ends in the north in the south.

There is the East China Sea to the east and Daxia to the north.

Wherever you go, there is no one who doesn’t obey you! "

This is a word that Qin Shihuang specifically asked Yuefu officials to change. Although Heifu's strategy of expanding to the west has just been proposed, and although the southern expedition to Baiyue is far away, the emperor has regarded those places as territory within his reach!

When Gao Jianli played the music, what appeared in front of Qin Shihuang's eyes was an unprecedented great conquest: tens of thousands of Central Plains people were about to go to the border to garrison in the fields, and new cities were built one after another. As these strongholds gradually moved outside the territory, the Diqiang and Xirong were all annexed by Qin.

The sons of Guanxi equipped their horses with high saddles and stirrups, put on warm woolen clothes, crossed the Great Wall, and set out to conquer the outside world. Seize the west side of the river, cross the quicksand far away, and border the kingdom of the Queen Mother of the West. Drive the Huns from the north to prevent the Hu people from going south to herd horses!

As long as it is a place where human beings go, it is the land of Great Qin!

But with this eulogy, what Gao Jianli saw was a meaningless expedition that wasted people's lives and sacrifices. He attacked Hu raccoon dog in the north in order to build fortifications on the fortress, and attacked Yangyue in the south and placed soldiers to defend it. Its purpose was not to defend the border and save the people from casualties, but because Qin Shihuang was greedy and greedy for success, regardless of the lives of the people. Scholars from Shandong went to Guanxi. The garrison soldiers died on the sidelines, and the losers stayed on the road. The people went on the road as if they were going to the execution ground, but the government ignored them and forcibly recruited them. The world called it: "banished to garrison".

When Gao Jianli sang the next sentence: "The merits are as great as those of the five emperors, and the benefits are as great as those of cattle and horses. Everyone is virtuous, and everyone is safe in his own place." What appeared in front of Qin Shihuang's eyes was that he had launched an army to kill the six kings, ending the fifty-five years since the Spring and Autumn Period. War broke out, weapons were confiscated, and customs were destroyed, ending the era of beggar-thy-neighbor feuds.

The world's carriages share the same writings, and the same weights and measures are used. The people in Guizhou do not have to be exploited by the feudal princes, and only need to pay taxes to the government. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and enjoys the virtues bestowed by them.

But what Gao Jianli saw and heard was that Qin officials occupied the famous city, killed heroes, and collected soldiers from all over the world, in order to weaken the people of the six kingdoms. However, Qin's harsh laws and regulations were widespread in Guandong. If you made a small mistake, you would be punished by the tattooed city officials. As a result, evil and evil coexisted, roads were blocked by ocher clothes, cities were imprisoned, and the people were in dire straits...

With different positions and different views on the same thing, the emperor and the survivors of the Six Kingdoms lived in such a divided world.

"Qin Song" is coming to an end. Gao Jianli has changed his Zheng voice into Yu voice, and the tone of the song has become higher and higher:

“Eternal prosperity and longevity.

May the world be prosperous and live forever! "

This was Qin Shihuang's expectation. He hoped that his dynasty would be unified and prosperous for generations to come.

At the same time, I also hope that my merits will be recognized by Haotian and I will be worthy of being God!

Not just as a mortal, a human king, but as a divine emperor, immortal and eternal!

But Gao Jianli didn't think so.

Yes, the emperor's wrath will kill millions of people and bleed for thousands of miles. This is true. As the emperor, as the emperor, you can do whatever you want.

But if a soldier is angry, he will lay down two corpses and bleed for five steps, and the world will be pure!

This was said in an article by a strategist that leaked out from Wei State. It was about Tang Ju. It was probably false, but Gao Jianli saw the appearance of his friend Jing Ke in it.

The common man was so angry that blood spattered five steps away. The distance between Jing Ke and the King of Qin back then was just like this, right? With Jing Ke's ability, if it were not for the purpose of holding King Qin hostage, his Mrs. Xu's dagger would have pierced his chest!

But Gao Jianli didn't have this confidence. He had neither a dagger nor Jing Ke's extraordinary abilities.

The only thing I have is the building in my hand, and as a blind man, as a musician, I have a keen judgment on the position of the sound!

"At least I can throw it accurately!"

He could tell that Qin Shihuang's voice could be heard five steps in front of him! The emperor was praising the majestic melody with his palms in his hands. He was feeling proud of himself and regarded these words of praise as his own achievements!

When "Song of Qin" was about to finish, when Qin Shihuang and his ministers were still immersed in the music, without any warning, Gao Jianli suddenly stood up and suddenly raised his arm high.

Gao Jianli knew very well that he probably couldn't kill Qin Shihuang by relying on Zhu alone.

But he was able to injure him, turning his face into ashes, and leaving him dazed for a long time just like when he was assassinated by Jing Ke.

Let him know that there are still tough people in the world who refuse to give in. Let him know:

"Stop dreaming about one lineage for all eternity!"

"The so-called Qin Shi Huang is just a mortal! He will be injured, bleed, and frightened!"

"And there is no country in this world that will never perish!"

Even if you really can live forever, so what? Sooner or later, someone like Gao Jianli will shout out those words:

"The days are mourning, and you will all perish!"

Gao Jianli's voice was like breaking a fou, and he shouted loudly, and the stone in his hand also came out and hit Qin Shihuang!

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