Qin Official

Chapter 695 The Land of the Ancestors

"Guard the brazier and don't let the fire go out."

Before leaving, Jie Jun told his wife this. As the wife of Xiou Jun, she is no different from ordinary Ou girls. She is wearing a plain white dress made of kapok, with black tattoos all over her face, and the corners of her eyes. The crow's feet appear, after all, she is a grandmother.

Without saying a word, she handed Jie Jun the bronze sword she had polished day and night. Every drop of sweat dripping on it was a blessing to her husband.

Jie Jun's eldest son died in Guilin with his predecessor Xiou Jun Yi Xusong in the first Qin-Ou War. His daughter-in-law also died of illness when the tribe fled to Luoyue, as did the younger pair of children. , not only the people of Qin will get sick, but also the people of Ou. Their average life span is less than thirty years old. When the disease comes, everything has to be left to Buluo Tuo's whim.

Affected by natural disasters and man-made disasters, Jie Jun, who once had many sons and daughters, now only has one little grandson left. He is only three years old. He is lying on his grandmother's back and is still asleep. He does not know that a fierce battle to determine the fate of the Ou people is about to begin. !

Jie Jun walked out of the simple shack, and the soldiers of the Ou people were also saying goodbye to their families. He saw young Dagu standing in front of his house, reluctantly embracing his newlywed wife, regardless of the jokes of the tribe. . But his wife, who was a strong woman, pushed her husband away, handed the spear to Dagu, and urged him to join the tribe.

All the men of the Ou people gathered in the open space outside the stronghold. There were as many as two thousand of them. There were no old or weak people among them. All the frail people had died during the long journey in the last war. The people in front of him are all young and strong. Although they have been baptized by a hard battle, they are already warriors stained with blood and have sacrificed blood to their ancestors. But in Jie Jun's eyes, they are still as young as pine buds.

"Your Majesty."

Dagu came over and stood in front of Jie Jun, still a little puzzled, and said:

"Didn't we learn enough lessons from the siege of Guilin a few years ago? The Qin people's city is not that easy to break. I will attack them..."

Dagu's voice lowered. It was in that battle that Dagu's father, the former Xioujun Yixu Song, and Jiejun's eldest son died in the battle.

At that time, Jie Jun was just an old man. He endured the pain of losing his son and was recommended by his tribe to take the task of leading them to escape, allowing Xiou, which was on the verge of destruction, to migrate, survive, and finally defeat the powerful enemy!

This is Jie Jun's tactic of not engaging the Qin people head-on. As long as they escape into the deep mountains and forests, the Qin army will have nothing to do with them. When the Qin people waited for a long time, their soldiers were tired and lost their patience, so they ventured to march westward. The Ou people launched an attack with the help of Luo Yue's elephants, and the Qin soldiers were defeated.

After the war, less than half of the Ou people who survived returned to Bazi where Yushui (Xijiang River) and Wenshui (Nanpanjiang River) met. This was their ancestral land and the place blessed by Buluo Tuo. The village was built, rice was sown, everything seemed to be calm again, fire plowed the water, men hunted, women weaved and gathered, this beautiful life has not changed for thousands of years...

But before the Ou people had time to enjoy several harvests, the Qin people's ships came again, coming and going, leaving behind countless soldiers and civilians. They were aggressive and marching to the rhythm of drums to attack the Ou people's villages. .

The Ou people knew that they could not confront the Qin people head-on, so they had no choice but to abandon the newly planted rice and retreat to the mountains and forests for a while.

The Qin people occupied this flat and broad land. They burned down the Ou people's villages and built circular fortresses with rammed earth on the ruins. The Ou people called them "loutu", like mushrooms growing after the rain. One by one, they stood up from the ground, blocking the Ou people and their rice fields...

They are like thorns piercing the hearts of Ou people!

In Dagu's view, we should adopt the same approach as last time, avoid fighting, just wait until the rice is ripe, and then gather all the Ou people along the Yushui and Wenshui rivers, and the young men will surround the earthen building, and the women will harvest the rice. If you don't have that food, you can survive for a long time.

"Dagu, you have become slow, can't you see it? This time is different!"

Jie Jun asked Dagu to come to the edge of the cliff and pointed to the gradually yellowing rice fields beside Yushui River. Beast!"

"Do you know how the Nanyue people were defeated? It was because they delayed leaving to harvest millet, but they were surrounded by the Qin people's ships. The two largest tribes, the Yang tribe and the Jiao tribe, perished together!"

As a hero who led the Ou people to win the first war, Jie Jun was sensitively aware that the Qin people's commander-in-chief was even more powerful this time.

The Qin general had noticed that the Yue people were dependent on rice. It was impossible to feed this huge population just by relying on wild vegetables and animal meat in the mountains and forests. If the Ou people had to confront the Qin people hungry, and the Qin soldiers were exhausted, they would also Staff will continue to be reduced...

Jie Jun said seriously: "If we don't collect this batch of rice before migrating, Qingzhuang may survive, but my grandson and the children in your wife's belly may all die! But if we wait until the rice is mature, we will definitely die." If you fall into the trap of the Qin people, their ships will bring reinforcements over."

"So, we must destroy these Qin people's fortresses before the rice matures, and then divide people to guard the riverside to prevent the Qin people from landing. Only in this way can we safely harvest the rice. Do you understand?"

These words made Dagu, who was still indulging in the joy of his wedding, feel chills. He looked back at his wife who was still leaning against the door even though she drove him away. She nodded heavily: "Master, Dagu's sword, listen to you." handle!"

Jie Jun took all the men from the village down the mountain and spent the night at the foot of the mountain. In the past two days, the Ou people from the upper reaches of Yushui and Wenshui had braved the rain and walked the mountain road to join them. They also planted rice by the water. , also faced the threat of the Qin Tulou. All the men together numbered tens of thousands!

This is why Jie Jun believes that the earth buildings in Yulin must be pulled out. There is a captain of the Qin army stationed there, commanding three thousand troops, and commanding more than ten earth buildings in the upper and lower reaches of Yushui and Wenshui, each with five hundred troops. , five hundred civilians.

They are not far from each other and can rush to help. If they are not removed, the Qin people will continue to send troops and build buildings when the flood season is over, and eventually occupy the entire river basin, forcing the Ou people to enter the barren mountains or take refuge with the Luo people.

Although Luo Yue and Ou Yue share the same ancestor, they have different beliefs. They will not easily give away food to outsiders. The greedy King Luo also forced the Ou people to surrender to him and even asked for women from the clan...

As a last resort, Jie Jun didn't want to rely on anyone else anymore.

He told all the people who came to meet him about his plan: "I will send people to attack the earth buildings in Bushan and Zhongliu respectively. After Yu Lin receives the notification, he will definitely send people to support. In this way, the garrison troops in these earth buildings will be Running out!"

Jie Jun's expectation has come true. The day before yesterday and yesterday, a group of Qin troops of about a thousand people left Tulou and rushed to Bushan and Zhongliu, more than ten miles away. The defenders of Yulin were already empty.

Although they did not know what the art of war was, they had experience honed in hunting and tribal warfare.

The only worry is whether there will be Qin people downstream to help.

"The rain was heavy, making it difficult to travel by land, and the waterway was also impassable. By the time they arrived, the earthen buildings had been knocked down and demolished!"

Jie Jun had someone to rely on. It was the rainy season at this time and the water was turbulent. Not to mention the Qin people's boats, even the South Vietnamese who were good at boating couldn't go upstream in this situation!

But the so-called "Xiou Jun" is just the leader of the tribal alliance. Although Jie Jun is a war hero, there are also some tribes who work in both ways. After waiting for several days, only more than 10,000 Ou people gathered. With this group of people, they attacked several earth buildings defended by more than a thousand people, overwhelming the few. Even so, Jie Jun was not sure of victory.

The equipment of the Qin people is much better than that of the Ou people.

But we have to fight! Time waits for no one. Seeing that the flood season is coming to an end, the time to attack is today!

In the early morning of the day of the war, Jie Jun personally smeared white mud on the young people of Ou who had no tattoos on their faces. With the blessings of the emperor and the wizard, even if they died in the battle without tattoos, their souls could still survive. Rainbow Bridge, return to your ancestors.

Looking at these children, who were as young as pine leaves, Jie Jun felt a burst of sadness. How many people could survive this battle?

But some things are more important than life!

The land of our ancestors, as well as the faith and pride of the Ou people!

"The people of Qin are the enemies of the people of Ou."

Before setting off, Jie Jun told the people in front of him at the loudest volume he could.

"They desecrated the land of their ancestors! Killing our rulers, parents, brothers, and children."

The people present were filled with righteous indignation. They all had a blood feud with the Qin people.

"They occupied the rice fields! They burned our villages and destroyed the altars. They drove the Ou people away like wild beasts and enslaved them like livestock!"

"Even a wild boar knows how to resist when forced into a corner by a tiger and a leopard, let alone a proud Ou soldier?"

Dagu raised the sword in his hand. At this moment, he forgot that he was a newlywed groom. When he resumed the first war, he risked his life to kill the enemy just to avenge his father.

"Your Majesty is right, the people of Qin hunt for the heads of the people of Ou, and we also want to hunt the heads of the people of Qin!"

Although not as fanatical as the South Vietnamese, the Xiou people also have a tradition of headhunting. Usually during the annual grain sowing or harvest season, they will chop off the heads of hostile tribes, or the heads of outsiders who intrude into the hunting grounds without permission.

After the head is hunted back, it is often stuck on a bamboo pole outside the house. A basket of charcoal is placed under the head, and the blood from the head is dripped on the charcoal. The ash is then distributed to every household in the village and spread in the fields to pray for a good harvest.

This process is called "out of grass".

In Dagu's opinion, the Qin people would cut off the heads of the Ou people after every battle. The purpose was probably the same as theirs, which was to hunt for heads to pray for blessings!

Jie Jun raised his hands: "Just like last time! Kill the Qin people, hunt their heads, bring them back to the village, drip their blood in the rice fields, let the millet harvest be abundant, let our children eat their meat and gain their strength !”


"Get out of the grass!" Thousands of people shouted in unison. The huge team set off from various streams and paths, armed with crude weapons, and headed straight for the dam at the foot of the mountain.

A simple ballad was sung from the mouths of this group of barbaric warriors who were barefoot but walked as fast as flying.

"Do you know who I am?

We are warriors of Xiou, real warriors!

When you bleed, the hatred between you and me will disappear!

Welcome your soul to live in my place, I will provide you with wine and food, and there will be no hatred between us. You must also work with our ancestral spirits to protect our people..."

"Guard the land of our ancestors!"


There were bursts of singing. Standing on the top of the earth building, Captain Xiaotao, who was ordered to guard Yulin and the earth buildings hundreds of miles upstream and downstream, immediately issued an order: let people take a boat and go to Cangwu downstream to ask for help!

Although Xiou would take advantage of the heavy flood season and besiege Yulin, Changnan Hou expected this, and sent people to Xiaotao early to take precautions and arrange countermeasures.

Although the Yue people who flocked to the earth building had almost no armor, and their weapons were a mixture of copper, stone, and bone. They had no concept of formation at all and were in a mess.

But Xiao Tao didn't mean to look down on them at all. On the contrary, he respected these enemies very much.

"If you know why you are fighting, your army will be strong."

This is what Changnan Marquis said to them. He also said metaphorically that during the Battle of Linyang, the Qin soldiers in Nanjun wanted to go home, so they were so powerful that they could fight one against three.

And these Ou people in front of them undoubtedly know why they are fighting at this moment.

To drive the invaders from their homes.

To regain the land of our ancestors.

In order not to be enslaved, and for their children to continue to survive on this land for generations to come...

So they will fight to the death.

On the other hand, Xiao Tao's soldiers were not determined to fight to the death. Most of them were farmers from the Central Plains and Jianghuai River, and a few were merchants, sons-in-law, craftsmen, and even relegated officials and prisoners for crimes. Because of a recruitment order, I left my family and traveled thousands of miles to the humid south. I struggled through thorns and thorns, suffered from heat and disease, and missed my hometown all the time.

"Let's just have a good life, why are we here in this damn place?"

This is the question that lingers in everyone's mind. Even if Heifu is eloquent, he cannot answer this question, land? The Qin Dynasty was rich, and there were still large areas of wasteland waiting to be developed in the Central Plains, but the emperor filled it with people in Lingnan. It was really crazy!

There are tens of millions of living beings in the world, but Heifu is perhaps the only one who can understand Qin Shihuang's southern expedition to Baiyue and regard it as "benefiting the future"...

Compared with surviving, the Qin soldiers were not much interested in chopping off the heads of the Yue people to receive rewards. If possible, most of them would be happy to stay in the earthen buildings and not want to fight with the Yue people.

But now, the guest army and the natives have to fight!

"At least, I know why I am fighting." Xiao Tao thought to himself.

He is the chief of the pavilion and fights for the heroic words of "Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have the seed"!

Xiao Tao's deep faith in the "Pavilion Chief" is no less than the Ou people's determination to regain their ancestral land!

He drew out his sword, stumbling, and told everyone in the earth building:

"Fight to the death! If... if the earthen building falls, we will all be eaten by the people of Ou. Our bones and flesh will be used as a grave, and our belly will be used as a coffin. Our souls will not be able to return to their hometown!"

ps: The grass song was created because I couldn’t find similar information, so I had to copy it from "Sediq Bale". The second chapter is at night.

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