Qin Official

Chapter 697 There are levels of love

"It's true that Captain Han always washes the boat directly to the shore. It's not easy to repair these newly built paddle boats!"

Three days after Yu Lin's battle, the land army from the lower reaches also arrived here. Seeing the paddle wheel hitting the rocks on the riverside and completely damaging the ship, the ship repair craftsmen were almost heartbroken.

But there was nothing he could do about it, because Han Xin had indeed made great achievements with this move: Based on his performance in fighting floods during the flood season, Heifu appointed the most outstanding Han Xin as the vanguard of the army. He led a thousand soldiers and took a ship to the upper reaches of Yushui River. The vanguard received a request for help while resting at Lishuiguan, immediately boarded the ship, and traveled more than a hundred miles in half a day to reach Yulin in time.

Later, Han Xin cooperated with the two troops deliberately separated by Xiao Tao, crossed the battlefield, and surrounded the Ou people who could not retreat.

Next, there was a massacre with weapons and equipment that were ahead of its time. Han Xin commanded his soldiers to not only kill Jie Jun, the king of Xi'ou, but also beheaded three thousand people. Now those heads were piled up into a hill beside Yushui. From the Ou people's perspective, this is evidence that the Qin people are keen on "headhunting".

Everyone said that Han Xin was really appreciated by the princes. He was promoted to an official just a few days ago on the grounds that he participated in the "bunker tactics". I am afraid he will be promoted again this time.

Therefore, even though the craftsmen had some complaints about Han Xin's beach landing, they could only say it secretly.

"Zhong, do you think that's the case?"

Azhong, the Mohist who came with him, ignored the call of the craftsmen and looked at the "melon field" piled up on the shore and the soldiers were happily counting it.

He came from Zhao. His father was a potter, but he was recruited by King Zhao to guard Handan during the war of unification of the Qin Dynasty. However, he never came back after that day. Ah Zhong once imagined that his father might have died there. After being hit by a crossbow arrow, his head was chopped off by Qin soldiers to change his title.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel disgusted, and even sympathized with the Ou people who died fighting to regain their ancestral land. He couldn't help but sigh:

"How blameless is Xiou? It is such an unreasonable disaster to suffer such chaos, young men and women dying here, old and weak women left alone."

This sentence made Li Cang on the side listen, and he was immediately unhappy. He frowned and said to Azhong: "You are really strange. You don't care about the dead Pao Ze, but you sympathize with the invading barbarian Ou people." ?”

Li Cang grew up studying laws and regulations, and his ideas tended to be Legalist. Azhong always refused to deal with him. Young people always like to quarrel, and he suddenly became excited:

"Under these earth buildings are the original homes of the Ou people."

Azhong: He also pointed to the paddy fields with dead bodies everywhere: "These rice fields are the result of his hard work."

"Li Cang, do you understand? The Ou people are the natives and masters of this place, and we are guest soldiers, but we are not guests who come to visit, but thieves who kill, set fire and plunder! What we have done is like entering its He stole his peaches and plums from his garden, took possession of his house, and killed his ruler... This is truly an unjust war!"

Li Cang disagreed: "That hero is our enemy. We are following the emperor's orders to open up territory for the Qin Dynasty."

"Opening up new territories?"

Azhong smiled: "Qin has more land than people. Although the Central Plains is a bit crowded, there are open spaces everywhere in Yandi, Haibin, Jiangnan, Bashu, and Longxi. They allow them to be abandoned, but they send soldiers to do corvee work. They are not far away. Traveling thousands of miles to Lingnan to seize the land of the Yue people. This is like someone abandoning his literary mansion, but his neighbor has a poor carriage and wants to steal it; he abandons his brocade, but his neighbor has a short brown and wants to steal it; he abandons his sorghum and meat, but his neighbor has it The chaff is gone and you want to steal it... The person who issued this order really has a stealing problem!"

In order to fight for extra land, the people were allowed to die in vain. Doesn't this make the whole country feel sad? Is it necessary to destroy a large amount of money to fight for a virtual city to govern the country?

In Azhong's view, the reason why the Qin people worked so hard on the expedition and caused so many casualties to the Ou people was all due to the emperor's desire to conquer. To put it bluntly, he wanted everything!

"Why are you criticizing the imperial court again?"

Li Cang was very helpless: "I don't understand your Mohist's theory of universal love and non-aggression. For me, I love the people of Qin more than the people of Ou, I love Paoze more than ordinary people, and I love the Nanjun and Township Party more than Ordinary Pao Ze...so I don't care about the life and death of the Ou people."

"But as a monarch, if you want to become a saint, you must love both!"

Ah Zhong is very stubborn and unforgiving at all:

"In the time of Shun, there were seedlings that refused to obey, and Yu was about to attack them. Shun said no, practicing martial arts without great virtue was unethical. After practicing for three years, I held a post and danced, and there were seedlings who obeyed."

"And Dayu also inherited Yu and Shun's ideas. When he controlled the water, he dug the dragon gate to benefit the people of Yan, Dai, Hu, Raccoon and Xihe; the south was Jiang, Han, Huai, and Ru, and the east flow was flowing into the five lakes. In order to benefit the people of Jing, Chu, Qian, Yue and Nanyi...these two saintly kings have achieved universal love, loving the Miao Nanyi as much as the people of Xia."

"Is that so?"

Li Cang looked doubtful: "How can there be a battle that can be won by dancing? I heard that Shun killed the leader of the three seedlings and then chased him into three dangers. How can I explain this?"

A Zhong insisted: "Yu's expedition against Youmiao was not to attack, but to kill its culprits. During the Sanmiao chaos, the people were in dire straits, so God ordered them to be killed. Yu followed the orders of Heaven to conquer and received the support of the world, so he succeeded quickly. There are three ways to defeat them. The Miao people are not burning, killing and plundering, but establishing order for other generations so that the Miao people can live and work in peace and contentment..."

Li Cang was happy: "It's really ridiculous. You just said that those who attack innocent countries often have good names. Who knows whether this story was made up by later generations to whitewash Yao, Shun, and Yu? After all, even Yao Youyou imprisoned , Shun Ye’s death can be said to be ‘abdication’!”

Azhong was furious: "You!"

The two looked like two fighting cocks, with their eyes wide open and fierce, and they were just about to fight. At this moment, there was a burst of laughter from the side.

"Hahaha, you two are both Chinese and colleagues in Pao Ze. You cannot love and benefit from each other at the same time. You quarrel and quarrel all day long. From this point of view, it is really difficult to love each other!"

But it was the Marquis of Changnan who led his army to this place. He rode up to the two of them, stopped laughing, and said seriously: "We don't have enough love for Paoze, the country people, and the people from Jiuzhou. How can we make this situation better?" You don’t have much love, and then you put it on the people of Ou? Zhong, you must never sympathize with the enemy again in the future! Otherwise, you will be punished by military law!"


The two agreed. Li Cang looked a little proud, while Azhong lowered his head, but he was quite dissatisfied. It could be seen that this little stubborn donkey still adhered to the Mohist philosophy.

Heifu slowed down his tone: "I don't object to Mozi's words. I also hope that universal love, non-aggression, and world unity can be realized. But you, Qin Mo, should also be clear that we must first agree on the meaning of the world before we can realize universal love." Non-attack, not the other way around. In this process, conquests and casualties are inevitable."

Azhong pursed his lips. This was Qin Mo's core idea of ​​supporting the unification of Qin, but what was the reality? The Central Plains was unified, but compared to when the Seven Kingdoms were separated, there were no less wars and corvee.

In Mohist's view, Qin Shihuang deceived Mohist and failed to live up to the expectations of the people of the world. They were already extremely disappointed with this emperor...

But for the Marquis of Changnan, Azhong felt that he was different from those officials who only followed the emperor's orders!

So Azhong grabbed Heifu's horse and said: "Your Majesty, please let me say the best thing. Killing the Ou people too hard is not the way to share the righteousness of the Chinese and the Yi. Instead, it makes the hatred deeper and deeper... …”

Can it not be too deep? Heifu smiled bitterly. He didn't have any good ideas. Just like he did with Haidong, he could slowly encroach on it through trade, the spread of culture, and the entry of immigrants.

After four hundred years, it will probably be effective! Guangxi will take longer, eight hundred years.

Historically, it took one thousand and two thousand years for the two places to complete this process respectively...

But Qin Shihuang couldn't wait any longer. All in all, he wanted to conquer Lingnan within four years. It was too urgent.

Entering forcefully will inevitably lead to violent resistance, either you die or I live. Hua and Yi have been feuding with each other for thousands of years. This is the history of the entire south. Aren't the earth buildings in history the product of the conflict between subject and object after the immigrants from the Central Plains entered?

Only in modern times, when everyone has become a "flower-growing nation", can we talk properly. Even so, because of differences in class, region, nationality, and ideas, we still hate each other endlessly, and we have a lot of quarrels in the book review area.

So in BC, when the survivors of the Six Kingdoms of the Central Plains still thought that they and Qin were not a family, we wanted to treat Hua and Yi equally and love without deviation? What a foolish dream!

So Heifu said: "I am a general, and the three armies are bound by one body. I don't need to consider the enemy's happiness, anger, sorrow, and happiness. I only need to think about how to win this battle at the minimum cost so that the soldiers and the people of the world can rest."

"If I can't win, His Majesty the Emperor will immediately take back my tiger talisman and send others. By then, their methods will be very different from mine... From the first southern expedition, the situation has changed That’s the case, so I think long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and cutting the knot with a quick knife is the best way to reduce bleeding!”

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense!" Li Cang bowed down, while Azhong was speechless for a long time.

Hei Fu didn't care what he thought, and gestured with his hands: "Okay, stop talking about state affairs and go repair the paddle steamer quickly. I can still be of great use!"

Ah Zhong went to repair the boat obediently, and Hei Fu was a little helpless.

"These Mohists are obviously good at science and invention, but it's a pity that they are a bunch of white leftists!"

Bai Zuo, this is Heifu's evaluation of the Mohist view of Huayi.

It sounds good to recognize cultural diversity, that everyone is equal, and to believe that love and peace can solve everything. However, if it is too far ahead of the times and too idealistic, it will only be considered crazy.

Therefore, the Mohist family eventually lost the soil for survival and completely withered...

The one who went to the other extreme was the Legalists. Han Feizi believed that human nature is extremely evil. In the world, whether it is between countries or between people, there is only a relationship based on interests. The weak will eat the strong. If I don't kill you, you will. Kill me!

The Legalists even sneered at the perfect ancient sage kings that the Mohists admired, and the virtuous and abdication they talked about so much. They even maliciously said, "Shun forced Yao, Yu forced Shun, Tang put Jie, and King Wu defeated Zhou. These four With the speculation that "the king is the king, his ministers will kill his king", he tore off the thick decorations on the holy king's body and put the bloody facts in front of everyone!

This is true for our own people, let alone the Yi and Di? Rong, Di, jackals and wolves are something you can’t get tired of; the people of Xia are so intimate that you can’t abandon them. How to turn "them" into "us" so as to collect more taxes is a question that Legalists think about every day. In the laws that ultimately led to the Qin Dynasty, children born between barbarians and Qin people must have a native place of "Xia Zi" and must bear the same obligations as Qin people!

"Pragmatic, direct, and powerful." This is Heifu's evaluation of Legalist policies.

Therefore, Legalism, which is too real, cannot stay on the stage for too long. In the end, it can only retreat behind the scenes and hide in the bones of the Chinese people...

Legalists and Mohists are both too extreme, one is far left and the other is far right. What about their old enemy Confucianism?

Zisi has already given the answer: "Moderate!"

After entering the earth building, Heifu called Lu Jia who was following behind him but said nothing and only sneered.

"Lu Sheng, what do you think of the words of Mohist Azhong?"

Lu Jia hated Mohists even more than Legalists: "It's just sticking to the rules. The world is divided into internal and external, people are divided into Chinese and foreign, and there are even differences between superior and inferior. Of course there are differences in love! The ancients said, you are not of my race. , His heart must be different, he will fight against the barbarians, and he will not be the same as China. It is natural and right to respect the king and fight against the barbarians!"

That's right, Heifu smiled. This is what Confucianism is like. On the one hand, it attaches great importance to dress and etiquette, despises barbarians, and holds high the banner of respecting the king and rejecting barbarians. On the other hand, they also shouted that "there is no distinction between education and discrimination" and believed that Xia could be used to convert the barbarians, but not with the rigid laws of Legalism, but with superior culture to influence them...

If Legalism is a hard knife, Confucianism is a soft knife.

Heifu shook his index finger:

"Repelling the barbarians does not apply to Lingnan. Baiyue did not commit any crime against the Central Plains Autumn. We came here ourselves."

"This..." Lu Jia was a little confused. It is indeed difficult to call this war a righteous war.

Heifu said: "I want to make the 'conquering the barbarians' justified, just like in Mohist's story, when Yu conquered the seedlings, it was not about attacking, but about killing the culprits and establishing order for them."

Without any explanation, he ordered Lu Jia: "I'll give you three days to write a beautiful article for me along this line of thinking!"

After saying that, Heifu ignored Lu Jia's bitter look and walked to the top of the earth building. Accompanied by Dongmen Bao, Xiao Tao, Han Xin, and Zhao Tuo who had just arrived from Guilin, he looked at the upper reaches of Yushui River. …

Han Xin reported: "Your Majesty, although Lord Xiou is dead and his body has been slaughtered, many of his people escaped from the siege and ran to the west."

Zhao Tuo said: "Probably he went to join the Luo people. Luo Yue was already a strong country. In the last war, after absorbing the tribes who fled from Xiou and Nanyue, it became even stronger and became king!"

Heifu listened silently to what you said to me, but he was still thinking about what happened just now.

"I know that this is the place where the Ou people have lived for generations, and the resting place of our ancestors. You are the host and we are the guests."

But I'm sorry to say that the expansion of civilization has always been about the weak eating the strong, the dove occupying the magpie's nest, and the guest bullying the host.

We are all hunters in the dark forest, but I am using a powerful crossbow, and you are still using bamboo arrows. Although Oujun Jiejun is a fearless hero, the technology of both sides is not at the same level, and they will eventually fail.

"This war will only be over if Luo Yue is completely defeated!"

After a long moment of silence, Heifu pointed to the long water channel:

"Continue to march upstream, build earthen buildings and grow mushrooms in the open areas of the plain! We will approach Luo Yue step by step!"

Because the shape of the earth buildings resembles the large mushrooms that grow in the summer and autumn rainy seasons in the south, Heifu also calls building earth buildings "growing mushrooms."

He fought this battle not only because of Qin Shihuang's death order, not only because he wanted to save the old township party members from dying, but he also had a strong sense of mission.

In the prosperous period of civilization and dynasty, just like Internet companies, they all have to compete for land. No matter how much you can really hold, occupying the land first and establishing the legal principles "since ancient times" will benefit the future...

Heifu believes that over time, the mushrooms grown by flower growers will be spread all over this hot and humid land! Thousands of years later, it will even be possible to grow it all the way to Southeast Asia!

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