Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 21 No. 078 - Like a Shadow

I heard a sound suddenly, it should be that the note on the door was blown by the wind.

For some reason, that sound reminded me of the dismissal bell in junior high, reminding all students that it was time to leave school.

My heartbeat quickened, and I subconsciously picked up the files I had taken out, closed the file cabinet, closed the window in a hurry, and ran to the door.

When closing the door, I seemed to see something through the slowly closing door.


The door closed and I didn't have time to see what it was.


The phone rang, and the phone vibrated in my hand, and the sound was so loud that it echoed through this floor.The light of the flashlight was still on, dazzling people's eyes.

I shook my head and answered the phone. It was the thin man who said they were ready.

I said "hmm" a few times, went downstairs with the file in my arms, turned my head slightly, raised my neck, and saw that the sign and gate of Aoba Supernatural Office behind the railing of the corridor were blocked by gray reinforced concrete a little bit.

"Brother Qi, how's it going?" The thin man and the fat man waited on the first floor, watched me come down, and helped me share some files.

"I found the living client, but... I didn't have time to find out the last incident they handled." I said hesitantly.

"Oh, let's talk about it next time. I see, let's come in the daytime next time. It's dark, so it's a bit dangerous." The thin man was serious, talking about horror movie theory.

Only then did I realize that it was already dark. Looking at the time, I actually stayed in that dark place for two hours.

"The next time you come here, have someone restore the power supply here." Fatty suggested, "Otherwise it's too dark. I just saw that the room was dark, and the flashlight couldn't illuminate much."

"Well, so I said, let's come during the day."

I was absent-minded, and suddenly asked: "When you searched that day, did you see the boxes in the two rooms in the corridor?"

"It was dismantled a little, but it was all computers. We didn't really investigate much that day." The thin man sighed, "At first, I thought, if I ask around, the people from that firm should be found soon."

"Just now I asked around, but no one can tell the reason." The fat man also sighed.

These two brothers acted like a skit, you said, I said, and finally the thin man struggled to hook the fat man's broad shoulders, and the fat man patted the thin man's small shoulder with his fleshy palm, which was very funny.

But I couldn't relax, "Then next time we come, we can open those boxes and have a look, there may be clues inside."

"Oh, you can take a look." The thin man said casually, and then strangled the fat man's shoulders, "Remember to help Brother Qi!"

"What about you?" The fat man distanced himself from the thin man, and no longer linked their shoulders.

"I'm going to climb the stairs." The thin man said decisively.

The fat man couldn't laugh or cry, but he was not as scared as the thin man, so he agreed and greeted me, "Then let's come together tomorrow."

"Hmm. There's also the room at the end of the corridor. I didn't have time to see it before. It's also a box?" I asked casually.

Both of them stopped.

I looked at the two of them strangely.

"The room at the end of the corridor?" the thin man repeated.

The fat man asked suspiciously: "There are rooms on both sides of the corridor, isn't there a wall at the end?"

I was stunned.

"There is a painting hanging there. Brother Qi, are you too dark to see clearly, and you used that as your door?" The fat man continued to ask.

"Probably... I just took a look when I entered the corridor." I said without confidence.

"You must have read it wrong!" The thin man said firmly, "Okay, okay, don't talk about it, let's get the car and go back to our respective houses, each looking for his own mother!"


Event number 078

Event name: like a shadow

Client: Zheng Xiaorui

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Occupation: Student

Family Relationship: Parents

Address: Room XXX, Building X, Qingshuiyuan, Huangnan District

Contact number: 139XXXXXXXX


On November 2013, 12, the client visited for the first time.Audio file 3.wav.

"Hello. I'm Duan Shishi, Xiaorui's good friend. We talked on the phone."

"Hello, Miss Duan."

"This is Xiaorui."

"You, hello."

"Hello, Miss Zheng. Can you tell me what happened?"


"Hey, let me tell you! It's just like what I told you on the phone. Recently, Xiaorui always feels that someone is staring at her, as if she was being watched. My father is a policeman. He found someone to follow her for a while, but he didn't see her at all. People. But Xiaorui still has that feeling. She can’t sleep well now. Her parents accompanied her to the hospital, and I took her to see a psychic. I can't help you! I read online that you are very good, is it true?"

"Little sister, let your friend tell the story."

"Tch...Xiaorui, tell me, don't be afraid."


"Miss Zheng, please tell me in detail what you have encountered and how you feel. Don't be afraid of trouble, the more detailed the better, even guesswork is fine, just tell us all your experiences during this period of time."

"Oh...I...I'm just like what Shishi said, I feel someone staring at me."

"When and under what circumstances did you first feel this way?"

"Well, I can't remember the time. At that time, I was at home. I got up in the morning, brushed my teeth and washed my face, and then looked in the mirror in the bathroom. After finishing it, I was about to go out. At that time, I felt... the people in the mirror were watching looking at myself..."

"It's like a horror movie. When the person leaves, the reflection in the mirror doesn't move, and then the head doesn't move. Move your eyes like this, staring."

"Miss Zheng, is this what you described to Miss Duan, or is it Miss Duan's guess?"

"Hey, what do you mean!"

"No, Shishi didn't guess, that's how I felt. The moment I turned around, I saw that the person in the mirror didn't move from the corner of my eye, and then my eyes... seemed to be looking at me."

"Have you confirmed it later?"

"Yes, although I was very scared... I was very scared later, but I didn't think much about it at that time, so I looked back and saw that there was nothing wrong with the mirror."

"May I ask, have you seen similar horror movies?"

"What's the matter with you? We didn't lie, okay?"

"Little sister, if you won't shut up, go out."


"Shishi, it's okay."


"I've watched horror movies, and... I'm scared too. I know what you mean, my family, and Shishi's father asked me that too. I thought so too at first."

"Well, after that day, what happened?"

"Nothing happened that day, but two days later... I paid attention when I went to the toilet in those two days, and I didn't encounter this kind of thing again. But on weekends, I went out with Shishi and went to the mall to watch movies. The restroom next door, I... have that feeling again."

"Can you describe it in detail?"

"I just came out of the bathroom and washed my hands. The bathroom in the mall is a big mirror, one piece. When I lowered my head to wash my hands, I felt that the person in the mirror was still looking at me. I was so frightened that I froze. It shouldn’t be long before Shishi also came out of the toilet, washed her hands next to me, and talked to me, so I boldly looked up and saw that there was nothing wrong with the mirror.”

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