Qingye Supernatural Office

2179. Finish this testimonial

Finish this testimonial

I should have finished writing this testimonial, but due to my current debt status, I can only write an explanation. _(:3」∠)_

At present, 71 chapters are owed to the normal daily updates, and 244+ chapters are owed to the rewards. "+" is the additions owed to the bosses of the Silver League.The total is 150+ owed changes, and the time span of owed changes is as long as one and a half years.


Although it was not stated before, according to the default habit, these additions should be additional updates on the basis of daily updates, and should also be additions to the book "Green Leaf".The reality is that "Green Leaf" is all over, there is no follow-up extra plan, and I can't maintain the daily update volume of [-]... Another regrettable reality is that I haven't had the names of some creditors for a long time I saw it in the book review area, book friend group, recommendation ticket and monthly ticket list (there is also a creditor who doesn’t even update his own book...)... I don’t know if they have abandoned the pit, do they still remember me? owe more...

I am very ashamed of my creditors and readers of Aoba.

Thank you for your support for two years.

As an author, I give Aoba less love than you.

As an old Lai, I would like to announce an alternative plan for repaying debts:

1. The entire new book "Strange Talks and Strange Stories" is used as a debt repayment project, with 2 chapters and 4000 words in daily updates, and the entire content of the book is included in the debt repayment amount;

2. There are no rewards for new books, and there is no appeal for rewards. Just read the books;

3. A new book will be published at the beginning of next year, and there should be a double update for a period of time. (The beginning of this new pit has been drafted, and the outline has a preliminary framework, but considering my bad record, this plan is pending, please don't believe it completely.)

4. From a rational point of view, I am a renegee; from an emotional point of view... you can scold me as much as you want. _(:3」∠)_(Delineate a standard line, you can curse me to the street, curse me to death, just don’t expand.)

Finally, a brief closing speech: You have worked hard in the past two years.thanks.

Today, say "good night" in advance. (* ̄︶ ̄)

PS An additional sentence, Minqing is not Shanghai. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

(End of this chapter)

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