I guess Chen Xiaoqiu's current mood is probably like that in the 21st century, someone in a certain mountain village announced the establishment of the X Dynasty, who wanted to divide the land and divide the territory and become a feudal emperor.The reality is that there are such incredible people and incredible things. When they are reported by the media, the throne of a person may be passed on from father to son, and it may be the second generation.The same is true of the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau.Before the thin man inquired about the situation, we didn't know that there were so many twists and turns behind the disappeared No. [-] Iron and Steel Factory. After knowing it, we just felt miserable.

The century-old Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau lingered in the market economy of the 21st century, and was finally unable to continue. It was completely dismantled by the government, merged with factories in other provinces and cities, and established the current [-]-strong enterprise Minqing Iron and Steel Company.I don't know if there are any remnants of the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau in Minqing Iron and Steel Company, but it must be gone in Gongnong Six Village, and it is not thorough, so we can't find out who the people who were allocated the house were. .

Chen Xiaoqiu seemed to have doubts about the thin man's words, and was about to say something, but I quickly interrupted.

"Anyway, let's check this green leaf first. That's all for work. Let's go to dinner. There won't be any seats anytime later." I asked Chen Xiaoqiu for advice, "Chen Xiaoqiu, what do you want to eat?"

"It's all right." Chen Xiaoqiu didn't talk about work anymore.

The five of us found a small restaurant for dinner. We thought that Chen Xiaoqiu would not agree to this kind of place, but I didn't expect her to be quite talkative.I don't understand how she got into such a miserable state in the IRS and had to come to our demolition office.

This question was answered the next day.

Chen Xiaoqiu arrived at the office on time, carrying a big paper bag, like a jingle cat, and took out a hill of photocopied materials.

I asked Chen Xiaoqiu: "What is this?"

"The information of the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau. I have read some of them. This is their personnel list from 1859 to 1901. There may be omissions." Chen Xiaoqiu took out a handwritten list.

I see that the photocopied materials are various, including local government chronicles, essays by literati, and even the mansion newspapers at that time, all of which were annotated with pens.This Chen Xiaoqiu did not find the personnel list of the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau, but sorted out a personnel list!And it's only been one night!

I gasped.

The thin man arrived at the office at this time, and when he saw the pile of things, he didn't know why. After he knew what it was, he frowned, "Don't you believe what I said yesterday?"

"No. I just think this is also an option. If you don't want to, I will start looking here. I will also check the list of that firm." Chen Xiaoqiu replied calmly, and his eyes were clear and sincere.

The thin man was speechless, but a little angry, sat down on his seat, and opened the list given by Xiao Gu, "Okay! You have the ability, then you do it! We now lock people's age at 30 to 40 years old In terms of category, we need to check Ye Qing and Liu Miao who have overlaps."

This age range is based on the current time. Aoba was still working from 04 to 15. At that time, they were young people in their 20s, and they should be in their [-]s and [-]s today.Of course, this assumes they are still alive.

This idea popped up in my mind, and I was startled at first, then after thinking about it, this idea is also correct.Under normal circumstances, a person can be declared dead after four years of missing persons.Just because we are a government department and cannot meet the hard legal conditions, we have to consider the social impact if we apply for a declaration of death for ordinary citizens.

After Chen Xiaoqiu asked for the list from the thin man, he put aside the materials of the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau and concentrated on his work.

Screening age is easy, just set a range in the form, but after screening, there are still thousands of people left. This is just looking for a needle in a haystack to a needle in a big lake.The three of them have to find a pair of Ye Qing and Liu Miao who can be related, and then find a living person who has seen them to confirm.The latter is easy to handle, and if there is no client, you can also ask Uncle Wang to come and recognize it.

I saw that both of them were working, barely co-existing in peace, and I was a little relieved.Fatty and Guo Yujie also came at this time.

"We have nothing to do, so let's take a look together for you." Guo Yujie said proactively.

I didn't object to her taking the idea for me casually.

The fat man was about to cheer, when Chen Xiaoqiu said, "No need. This is the work assigned to me, and I will complete it independently."

The thin man suddenly turned his head to look at Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Xiaoqiu didn't even raise his head, he was still sorting out the experiences of Ye Qing and Liu Miao one by one.

Guo Yujie didn't think much, and went to pat Chen Xiaoqiu enthusiastically, "Hey, you're welcome, I really have nothing to do."

With sharp eyes and quick hands, I blocked Guo Yujie's iron palm, and I was staggered by her.

Chen Xiaoqiu looked at Guo Yujie, "It's really unnecessary. I will do my work myself." That tone was the same as a child saying that he would do his own work.

"Uh..." Guo Yujie was embarrassed.

"Xiaojie, people say no, you don't have to put your face on your butt. Come on, let me watch a part of it for you." The skinny man said in a rough voice.

"Who will help you! You can see for yourself!" Guo Yujie rolled her eyes, "Fatty, give me half of your share."

Fat Maitreya smiled and nodded like a Buddha.

The thin man had to look at me.

"Bring it here." I sighed, glanced at Chen Xiaoqiu, and somewhat understood why she was not welcomed in her original unit.

At noon, my understanding of Chen Xiaoqiu increased by one point.The four of us here are not as fast as her alone. Her list has been sorted out, and everyone's experience track has been sorted out, but our side is only halfway through.The fat man groaned, Guo Yujie praised in admiration, the skinny man hummed with anger, I, as the team leader, praised Chen Xiaoqiu, compiled the list first, let the software do the screening, and screened out Ye Qing and Ye Qing who had overlapping experiences. Liu Miao had a total of seven pairs, not too many.

"Let's start with these 14 people first. I think so, Chen Xiaoqiu will do more documentation work, and the two of you will contact these [-] people." I said to the thin man and the other three.

None of the three objected.

During the lunch break, we were supposed to have dinner together. Chen Xiaoqiu seized the time to read the information of the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau. On the first day of work, he refused to have dinner with us very unsociably. He took out a piece of bread from his bag and poured Drink water, eat and work.

Seeing this scene, how can the four of us eat with peace of mind?After eating in a hurry, I rushed back and continued to work.

I sighed and drank tea and read newspapers leisurely, ah no, the chance to read Aoba’s archives was gone.

When I got off work, the thin and fat man walked with me, and the two couldn't help complaining.

"Is this Chen Xiaoqiu bloody? Why are you working so hard?"

"He works hard, you two who don't want to make progress, how dare you talk about him?" I criticized and educated them.

"You're also not enterprising." The thin man didn't regard me as the team leader as a leader, so he sprayed me very rudely.

"Now we're going to start making progress. You also have to learn from Chen Xiaoqiu's work attitude." I continued to educate the two of them without blushing or panting.

However, the learning objectives I'm talking about are off the job on the second day of work.

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