Qingye Supernatural Office

Chapter 48 No. 066 - Flying Windfall

"It's here."

"The house is very big, and you live alone?"

"I don't count as staying here. My daughter only comes here when she comes back from vacation. She is usually busy on business trips, so she lives in hotels all over the place."

"Do you have a fixed hotel?"

"There are two. Does this also need to be investigated?"

"Not yet. The villas here are fine."

"Then, the house is fine..."

"Mr. Zhang, I still want you to remember what you did before winning the lottery."

"But I really can't remember, it's been five years..."

"Is there anyone in particular that likes you or hates you?"

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"If you didn't do anything, maybe someone around you did something. Cursing, praying, it's all possible. Do you know such a person?"

"I...shouldn't have it? I mean, my wife and family members may mention me when they pray for blessings, but I don't have that kind of special Buddhist believers in my family. It's probably the kind that visits when traveling. In temples, burn incense casually. This won’t work, will it?”

"Not necessarily."

"Ah...then, what should I do?"

"Did you hear that people traveled and visited temples during that time?"

"No, no one travels."

"What about the curse? Do you have any enemies?"

"I have offended no one."

"In terms of family and social relations, we will continue to investigate. In addition, we will check to see if there is anyone who has the same experience as you."

"Oh, that's up to you."

"You are Welcome."

On June 2010, 6, the client's social circle was investigated, and no suspicious targets were found.

On June 2010, 6, investigated similar incidents in previous years. The tentative target was 22 wealthy businessmen in Minqing City and the client’s hometown, Fanshui City. Among them, 137 people died: 9 people died of illness, 4 people died of car accidents, and 2 died of natural disasters. He killed 1 and committed suicide.

Attachment: A list of wealthy businessmen and nine death reports.

On June 2010, 6, he screened the list of wealthy businessmen and found his target Lin Yifan. He started doing business in 25, became rich overnight in 1995, and opened a private machinery factory, which has continued to expand since then.Since 1996, Lin Yifan's family members, friends, and subordinate employees have experienced continuous death cases. Until 1996, Lin Yifan committed suicide by jumping into the river on Binjiang Avenue of Luoqu River. He was alone and all his relatives and friends died.

Attachment: News clippings from newspapers, a copy of Lin Yifan's materials.

On October 2010, 6, the client was contacted.Audio file 26.wav.

"This is the result of our investigation. Mr. Zhang, do you know this Lin Yifan?"

"No, I don't know him. I read his news. At that time, in 03, there were a lot of news about him in the newspapers. He started from nothing, was praised as a business genius, and then died young. And very Poor...it's the newspapers you collected, saying that his family members are all dead. I...I'm the same as him, right?"

"It seems to be the case at present. If you don't know Lin Yifan, and you have never had any contact with him, then we need to find out from the common ground between the two of you. This is Lin Yifan's life experience, please see if you are familiar with it Content."

"Well, this... hiss - no, I mean, except that we are both in Minqing City now, there is no overlap, and the company is not together..."

"What about social relations? Is there anyone who is a mutual friend of yours?"

"Neither... nor. I don't know anyone here."

"Okay. Then we will continue to investigate."

"Does the amulet have any special reaction?"

"Ah? No. I always carry the amulet you gave me, nothing special."

"Have you stopped communicating with others?"

"This... this can't be completely stopped, right? And many people are already my relatives and friends..."

"It's better to reduce contact. We can't figure out the law of this death for the time being. To be on the safe side, it's better for you to reduce related behaviors recently."

"I understand. I...I...I want to ask, Lin Yifan, did he really commit suicide?"

"I can't be sure. It may be that, as the newspaper news wrote, family and friends died, and they committed suicide after they couldn't bear it, or it may be his turn after the death."

"Scared! This... this, me, what should I do?"

"That's why I asked you to stop related behaviors. If there is a selection criterion for this supernatural event, we can still make some arrangements. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is completely random, and your close or distant relatives are not the criteria for it to choose the deceased, so we will It's hard to grasp."

"But as an attempt, we expect it to have a standard. Please suspend your money-making behavior and contact with others, and only keep in touch with us, hoping that it can target us."

"Then don't you!"

"You don't need to worry about our safety."

"I see... I understand."

On June 2010, 6, Sun Xiangbao, Lin Yifan's former colleague, was contacted.Audio file 30.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Sun."

"Hi, everyone. I didn't expect Lin Yifan to be dead for so many years, and newspapers wanted to write about him."

"Mr. Lin's deeds are very inspiring. No matter how many years have passed, someone will remember him and touch many people."

"Oh, maybe."

"Can you tell me about Mr. Lin Yifan in your impression?"

"My impression is that he is a poor man. When he died, reporters came to interview him, and I said so, but it was not in the newspaper. The words that were published in the newspaper were, as you say, 'inspiring'."

"Poor man, do you mean the loss of his relatives?"

"No, it was the years when he was in business. You outsiders don't know it at all. He and I worked together in a scientific research institute at that time. The salary was not much, but the benefits were very good. Life was pretty good, and he liked it very much. Work, but in 94, his wife was found to be seriously ill. I remember it was a tumor, and it cost a lot of money to treat the disease. Their family took out all their savings and borrowed money everywhere, but it was still not enough.”

"This point doesn't seem to have been reported in the past news. But we did find Mrs. Lin's medical records."

"He kept it from his lover."

"Hiding it to Mrs. Lin?"

"Yes, he lied to his wife and many people. Because the medical expenses were too high, he was afraid that his wife would give up the treatment, so he didn't say anything. I only found out about it by chance."

"Mr. Lin went into business to raise medical expenses?"

"That's right. He went into business, buying and selling, because at that time, how to put it...it was just right, the market was just right, he was smart, and he did make a little money this way, but it was all invested in the bottomless pit of his lover. I didn’t have much money to live, so I kept running around as a small trader, and then I made a lot of money, and then I started to stabilize and built my own factory.”

"Do you know what happened to his big business?"

"I'm not very clear. I also read it in the news. He himself said that the pie fell from the sky, and he dumped something. It happened to be spotted by a rich man and he bought it at a high price."

"The previous interview records did say so. Did he still have contact with you at that time? Didn't disclose any information?"

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