Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 259 The Sword (54)

He intuitively felt that his wife's kidnapping was not as simple as ransom.

When he decided to come here alone, he had already prepared for the worst. It was possible that neither he nor his wife could go back.

A gang of people who robbed homes and homes were so bold that they sent a letter to the military camp just for a ransom of 5,000 taels?

The elite team under him would never expose their whereabouts easily, but it seemed that the robbers already knew about the elite team when they were dispatched.

With all this going on, Zheng Da couldn't believe that his wife was accidentally kidnapped.

Maybe it was for him.

It's just that he can't sit back and watch his wife in danger without caring. If there is a possibility that the other party will take money to let her go, he will do it.

Another thing that surprised him was that the robber who just came to collect the ransom only looked at the banknote, but he took a closer look at his sword and asked if it was the one he always carried with him. .

If he hadn't known the origin of that sword very well and had nothing to do with the famous sword, he would have thought that the other party was coming for his sword.

He waited here hour after hour, which made him anxious.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves came over.

Zheng Da hurriedly walked out of the yard and saw a horse galloping over.

Riding the horse was a masked woman in black.

When the woman got closer, Zheng Da's eyes narrowed.

His mind turned so many times and he asked in a deep voice, "Where is my wife?"

Zihua dismounted and asked with interest, "Do you know me? How did you recognize me?" She caught the subtle changes in Zheng Da's expression, and Zheng Da clearly recognized who she was.

She didn't remember meeting Zheng Da, "Don't worry, your wife is fine. Your wife asked me to tell you that Si'an is fine too."

Zheng Da turned to be happy. Si'an was the name he and his wife thought of for their unborn child in private, and only the two of them knew it. If the other party is part of a group of robbers, my wife will never tell the other party this name.

He bowed to Zi Hua and said, "Zheng Da would like to thank Madam Lian."

"Your wife and the others are resting in the inn in the town ahead. You go find them."

"Thank you, Madam Lian." Zheng Da relaxed and was willing to help Zi Hua clear up her doubts, "I can recognize Madam because of the green horse she is riding.

This green horse was one of the six horses donated by Fan Bang. It was the one I escorted back to Beijing that day. This green horse is particularly impressive, so it can be recognized at a glance. The green horse was given to Prince Duanqin by His Majesty, and later I heard that Prince Duanqin gave it to you, Madam. "

Zihua nodded. It didn't matter that she was recognized by Zheng Da, she was just covering up to avoid trouble.

She took off a bundle from her horse and threw it to Zheng Da, "This is what the robbers took from you."

There is also a sword tied to the baggage, which is Zheng Da's sword.

When she went on a killing spree in the mountains, the owners of the fourth village who came to Shijia Village to pick up their swords had not yet returned to the village.

After she settled Ge Yuezhen's master and servant, she went to find the sword.

She wasn't worried about not being able to find the sword. The sword had her mental mark on it, and she could tell where it was by sensing it.

On the way, he found the leader of the fourth village and took back the sword.

Zheng Da reached out and took the baggage.

Zihua got on his horse and said before leaving, "This sword is good, keep it as a family heirloom."

Now that she was less restricted, she took out the grain of void star sand in the sword, refined it, and then put it back.

The refined Void Star Sand no longer has the function of allowing people to travel through it, leaving only a weak space ability, forming a small space one finger wide inside the hilt.

She will use this space later.

Zheng Da looked at Zihua's retreating figure and held the sword tightly in his hand.

Zihua released all the people captured by the bandits in Huwei Village. These people ran down the mountain and spread the news that Huwei Village had been destroyed.

When Zihua released these people, he did not show up. These people did not know who destroyed Huwei Village.

After receiving the news, the officers and soldiers who came to suppress the bandits rushed to Huwei Village and saw that the village was bloody and full of dead bodies.

None of the bandits in the village escaped, they were all dead.

General Xiao Bangqi was not the only one who came to exterminate the bandits.

The person who rushed to Huwei Village was another general named Chang.

How could General Chang let go of such a great achievement? He took advantage of this opportunity and led his men to destroy a nearby small village. He reported that he had destroyed two villages including Huwei Village and killed thousands of bandits.

It was also revealed that Xiao Siqi left his post without permission.

General Chang made meritorious service and Xiao Binqi was punished.

"How could it be..." Xiao Siqi always felt that this shouldn't be the case. He should be rewarded and Chang should be punished.

But there is no need to refute his private return to Beijing.

Seeing that his military power was about to be lost, Xiao Binqi placed all his treasure on Princess Yushuang.

He tried his best to treat Princess Yushuang and finally received the marriage decree from the Queen Mother.

"I plan to return to the fiefdom." Qin Fei was disheartened and didn't want to stay in the capital anymore.

Prince Liang, his good nephew, gave him such a cuckold, but the imperial brother only found a reason to let Prince Liang live in seclusion for three years without even taking away his throne.

The emperor's brother said that if the punishment was too severe, people would find out that something was wrong, which would ruin the royal family's face. But what about his face? Why not take it into consideration?

Also, how could the Queen Mother issue the decree for the marriage between Princess Yushuang and Xiao Bangqi without the imperial brother's acquiescence.

The Queen Mother was partial to the Emperor's brother after all.

What is he still doing in the capital?

"Yeah. I'll go with you."

"You?" Qin Fei looked at Zihua with uncertain eyes, "You don't plan to stay?"

Over the years, he had not understood Fu Shuilian's purpose in staying in the palace. He only knew that it was definitely not for him.

"I will go wherever your concubines go," said Wei Hua.

The hidden danger of Xiao Bangqi has been eliminated. He has married Princess Yushuang and has been promoted to a second-grade general. He has followed the original historical trajectory and there is no need for her to watch him all the time.

The timeline rules can be fixed anywhere, as long as she is in this world, so there is no difference between her staying in the capital and staying in Prince Duan's fiefdom.

Qin Fei had the idea of ​​returning to the fiefdom two years ago and sent people to the fiefdom to repair Prince Duan's palace.

If Prince Duan goes to seal it, all the concubines will definitely have to be taken away.

She also wanted the concubines to help her copy books, so of course she had to follow them.

"..." Qin Fei looked at Yu Hua faintly, "My concubines are all married for you, right?" Now, what he said in the backyard was not as effective as what Fu Shuilian said.

Prince Duan is going back to his fiefdom. The reason is that he can no longer live in the palace. In the past, the Prince's Mansion couldn't be accommodated because there weren't enough houses built. Now it can't be accommodated because there are too many people and there is no land to build houses.

The number of Prince Duan's concubines has expanded to 110, and the number of county lords has reached 52, with the trend of growth in the future.

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