Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 272 The Sword (67)

Zihua found the address from Cao Weiwen's cell phone and came to a house. In a huge city where land is at a premium, having such a large house shows that the owner has an extraordinary status.

The owner of the house is Cao Weiwen's uncle Jin Qiyan.

She found something surprising in a hidden underground safe.

It is a treasure hunting note about the treasure of Duanwang Mansion.

"Wu Qian..." Zi Hua saw a name in her memory. Wu Qian is the nephew of Wu Baozhen, Wu's concubine.

This treasure hunting note was written by a descendant of Wu Qian.

Wu Qian's descendants knew that there were treasures buried under the Duanqin Palace that was burned down by a fire. It was Wu Baozhen who revealed it to the Wu family.

The address of the treasure recorded above is exactly the same as the address of the real underground palace. If the underground palace had not been protected by a barrier by Yu Hua, it might have been poached by the Wu family.

What Zihua was sure of was that Wu Baozhen would not tell the Wu family about this while she was still alive.

The fact that Zi Hua wanted to leave a "posthumous name" was no secret in Prince Duan's palace. They knew that the items she collected were ordinary items and had nothing to do with treasures.

Wu Baozhen knew this, but still told the Wu family that it was the treasure left by Prince Duan, with the purpose of destroying it and making her and all the concubines' lifelong efforts in vain.

Zihua understands very well why Wu Baozhen did what he did.

After arriving in the fiefdom, all the other concubines were engaged in their careers. Among the concubines, only Wu Baozhen had been conscientiously engaged in house fighting. She was marginalized by all the concubines and did not gain even half of her rights.

Why doesn't Wu Baozhen hate them? She wanted to have a "posthumous name", but Wu Baozhen wanted her to remain anonymous.

Wu Baozhen lived a long life. When Zihua passed away after repairing the rules, Wu Baozhen was still in good health.

It's just that Wu Baozhen miscalculated her origin.

However, Wu Baozhen would not have thought that Wu Baozhen himself had a posthumous name, and Jiang Siyun had written all Wu Baozhen's house fighting deeds in his storybook.

Judging from the information in Jin Qiyan's computer, he obtained this treasure hunt note ten years ago. He has secretly searched for it more than once, but found nothing.

Jin Qiyan believed more than anyone else what the Zheng family said about the treasure, so he quickly arranged for people to join the treasure digging team.

Zihua's figure disappeared from the house, and the next second he came to an office building.

She knocked on the Tiandao consciousness and said, "It's time to get to work." 】

"...Stop the electricity supply to the underground palace first!" After Jin Qiyan issued this order, he walked out of the office with a sinister expression.

He didn't believe it. Without electricity, the underground palace was completely dark. How could the live broadcast be possible?

As soon as he walked out of the door, Jin Qiyan's legs suddenly lost consciousness, and with a plop, he fell to the ground first.

Not only Jin Qiyan, but also several people suddenly became unable to move their legs almost at the same time.

Including Cao Weiwen in the passage.

"Don't say you didn't predict what you said." They all heard this sentence in their ears.

Information travels very fast these days.

Damn it!

Everyone who got the inside information thought of this word invariably.

Those who received Jin Qiyan's order did not dare to cut off the electricity in the underground palace.

He said that anyone who interrupted the live broadcast would be punished by God, and no one would dare to try to interrupt the live broadcast again.

Many experts tried their best and even copied a key to open the stone door, which could not be opened silently.


They only dared to say it in their hearts, and everyone present was in awe of the underground palace.

The newly appointed commander-in-chief of the Duanqin Palace Treasure Project issued a new instruction, "To ensure the smooth flow of the live broadcast, surveillance cameras will be installed immediately throughout the underground palace. The surveillance footage will be open to the public, allowing the public to supervise the emergence of cultural relics in the underground palace."

The corners of Zhou Kaiming's mouth rose after receiving the order from his superiors. He made the right bet today. Although he didn't know what was happening outside, it was always a good thing that benefited him.

After showing more than a dozen paintings, he made a decision and asked the live broadcast team to return to the main hall on the left because there was a stone gate behind the main hall on the left.

Pushing open the stone door, we came to the apse of the underground palace. The apse was the same size and contained larger objects. Most of them are daily necessities, from cooking utensils in the kitchen to bedding in the bedroom, from agricultural tools used in farmers to production equipment used in workshops.

There are also some scaled models of large waterwheels, ships, etc.

Zhou Kaiming knew that the live broadcast would continue, but Zhou Kaiming did not expect that the live broadcast would continue forever. After he made a desperate move and restarted the live broadcast, the live broadcast room has never been closed since then. The camera will be turned on even at night to let people supervise the process of sorting out the treasures.

When the news came out that Jin Qiyan and others surrendered, this matter no longer seemed strange.

Jin Qiyan involved many more people than Lang Zhizhen, and the scope was wider and the level was higher.

It is impossible for someone to want to cover up. Whoever dares to cover up will have a wife and son who can't move their legs and benefit from him.

There was once a person who refused to surrender. As a result, he couldn't move his legs and then his hands. Then he was in pain to the bone. How could he keep going?

Damn it!

A word that no one dares to say, but everyone understands.

No one dares to challenge the power of God, especially those with evil intentions.

"After reading more than a hundred portraits of concubines and concubines, I just want to say that Prince Duan has won."

"Let's all judge which concubine is the most beautiful. I'll do it first. I like Xia Daiyun. Her facial features are so exquisite."

"I'm so dazzled. Even now, they are all top-notch beauties. There are dozens of celebrities with slender faces. Natural beauties are beautiful."

"Beauty is nothing. The most important thing is that all of them are talented! The beautiful pictures painted by Mo Qingwu could be included in the history books."

"Not just Mo Qingwu, there are ten authors of the four hundred and fifty-six scrolls, and the paintings of the other nine are not much worse than Mo Qingwu."

"If you don't admire anyone, I admire Prince Duan's vision in marrying concubines. They are all talented and beautiful."

"Waiting for today's unpacking."

"Wow, this set of clothes worn by Concubine Mei is the one in her portrait! It is proven that what Mo Qingwu painted is a realistic painting."

"The clothes from the Daxia Dynasty are so beautiful. I want to buy some replicas when they come out."

"The same goes for Cheng Xinhu's clothes that I unboxed yesterday. I really like the yellow ones. I will definitely buy a set of replicas when they come out."

"Have you read the content of the new book that was officially released yesterday? I laughed to death after reading it. I thought that all those 10,000 books were classics, but I never expected that there are a lot of essays and storybooks in it, many of which are big books. Vernacular, so down-to-earth.”

"It turns out that the ancients were so good at complaining, without even using a single curse word, and they hurt people completely. I learned how to do it."

"Can the official publish more of Jiang Siyun's words? This episode is so interesting."

"Hahahahahahaha I can't stop laughing. If any concubine or concubine wants a child, just let Prince Duan go there hahahahaha..."

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