Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 401 This world is extraordinary (34)

It was already a week later when the procedures for Green Huan Villa were completed.

The previous employees of Luhuan Villa came in and were driven away. The new staff had not yet arrived, and there were only Nie Honghuan and Yu Hua in the Villa.

Neither of them was worried that someone would break into the villa.

Nie Honghuan took out a formation plate and placed it in Luhuan Villa.

The formation covered the entire hilltop contracted by Nie Honghuan.

In the real world, we must abide by existing laws, so the formations deployed by the formations only serve as blinders and drives away. The actual situation in Luhuan Villa cannot be seen clearly from the outside, and approaching the top of the mountain will make people fearful.

People who intend to enter the villa will feel great fear in their hearts, and at the same time, the alarm system in the villa will be triggered.

The modern protection methods of Luhuan Villa are also very sound. This is thanks to Wei Zhengming. He has put great effort into the protection of the Villa. High walls, fences, and advanced monitoring systems are all built to high standards, saving money. A lot of Nie Honghuan's money and time.

The array disk was found from the small building in the Jade Pendant Space.

After Nie Honghuan cultivated spiritual power, she discovered that there was another world in the small building in the Jade Pendant Space, which was isolated by a formation. Only the owner who had cultivated spiritual power could see and touch it.

There were some things related to spiritual practice in the small building before, such as a compass that could determine whether Nie Honghuan was qualified for spiritual practice, a hosta given to Nie Hongsi, the most basic techniques for attracting spirits into the body, etc.

But it can't be compared with the hidden cultivation items.

When Nie Honghuan went to arrange the array, Zihua also started to arrange it.

The main building of Green Huan Villa is the residence that Nie Honghuan built for himself. It is modeled after Yu Perry's small building. There is a large training room on the first floor.

Nie Honghuan cannot practice, so this place is empty for now.

Zihua came to the middle of the training room and took out a screen as high as one person from the space.

This rosewood screen has a distinct modern style and is brand new, as if it had just left the factory not long ago.

If Zi Hua can take it out now, the screen will certainly not be an ordinary screen.

It looks ordinary at first glance, but you can see something extraordinary when you look at it a second time. There is no shadow on the screen.

The screen is like an image, but has the touch of reality.

This screen is a special item she found in the world of light and shadow.

When a shadow object in the world of light and shadow appears in the real world, it will restore its original color and have a physical feel, but its essence has not changed and it is still a shadow.

This is different from the special items in the Ash Layer World.

Zihua formed a semicircle around the screen and then retreated to the door of the training room.

After a moment, Zihua nodded towards the screen.

To the naked eye, the screen did not change at all and stood there quietly.

Zihua threw a stone into the space half surrounded by the screen. After the stone fell, it did not fall to the ground. It seemed to be held by an invisible hand. It hovered in mid-air for a second, and then disappeared out of thin air.


Nie Honghuan said in surprise.

She set up the formation and came over.

She could see invisible ripples forming around the screen.

Ripple is the intersection between the layered world and the real world.

"It's done." Zihua threw another empty glass bottle into the ripples. The empty glass bottle also hovered for a while and then disappeared.

The intersection between the layered world and the real world originally appeared randomly, at random times, in random places, and was unpredictable.

Juhua discovered the possibility of fixing the intersection through the layer of light and shadow.

After the shadow objects in the light and shadow layer enter the real world, their connection with the layer world is strengthened.

The screen shadow's original ability is psychedelic, and entering the screen range will cause hallucinations. Yuhua has strengthened its connection with the layered world.

As she imagined, the shadow of the screen contributed to the formation of the intersection.

Ripples are the passage into the world of layers.

The other end of the passage is located in the training room of the Jade Pendant Space Building in the Annihilation Layer.

Nie Honghuan grabbed Zihua who was walking towards the hollow of the screen, "I'll go in first."

She was afraid that something bad might happen.

The golden finger my sister got is powerful, but she is an ordinary person and her body cannot resist it.

Zihua did not argue with Nie Honghuan.

She had just checked it with her mind, and there was nothing wrong with the passage.

She also accepted Nie Honghuan's affection.

Nie Honghuan opened the defensive magic weapon on his body and walked into the ripples.

After disappearing for a minute, Nie Honghuan reappeared in the ripples.

She quickly walked out of the ripples and said happily to Zihua, "There is no problem with the passage."

So far, things are going in the direction planned by her and her sister.

With this passage, she can freely shuttle between the layer of annihilation in the layer world and the Green Huan Villa in the real world.

There are limitations. The ripples will disappear after ten minutes of channel use and will reappear after five hours.

For the two of them, this cooling period can meet their travel needs.

After the array was deployed, the problem of manpower was not too urgent.

Based on their plans, the two of them will be enough in the next year or two.

But not hiring anyone would easily arouse the curiosity of others. It was very unusual for a villa in Nuoda not to hire a single employee to take care of it.

Manpower will be hired, and the manpower hired will only be placed on the periphery to manage the existing fruit trees in the villa, guard the gate, and manage the external monitoring system.

No one else is allowed to enter near the inner building, and Wei Zhengming has built a high wall to separate it.

After making arrangements at Luhuan Villa, Zihua and Nie Honghuan left the Villa and went their separate ways.

Yuhua went to the site to select and purchase various farm tools.

Nie Honghuan went home to meet her parents and prove to others that she was still alive.

Among relatives and friends, Nie Honghuan is also missing.

She suddenly came back without telling her where she had been in the past five years, and everyone was talking about it.

Malicious speculation can satisfy people's voyeurism, so guess who she is kept captive by most.

Some relatives used the mask of righteousness and told Nie Honghuan that no matter how powerful the other party was, if they dared to bully their old Nie family, the old Nie family were not so easy to mess with and would help Nie Honghuan get an explanation from the other party.

"...Haha, Hong Si, you know, our uncles and aunts are so upright and upright, if I didn't know what kind of people they are, I would almost believe them. Don't you just want me to admit with my own lips that in the past five years, I Was he being raised by someone?

I was really locked up and kept in captivity, and if I let them vent my anger, they would probably run away immediately, and they would curse me with vicious words while running away.

Well, maybe I won’t run away like this. After all, my parents are rich and they will ask our parents for money under the guise of helping me. Nie Yuhao has already done this, saying that he knows someone with a big background who can help me with the lawsuit. "

Nie Honghuan originally wanted to rekindle her family ties when she came home, but the family ties she gained from her parents were almost lost by these annoying relatives. (End of chapter)

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