Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 408 This world is extraordinary (41)

Electronic products cannot be used in other layer worlds, but they can be used here.

Videos and photos, Yu Peng and other people who entered the layer world took a lot of photos.

With this empirical information, Nie Honghuan's proposed cooperation was quickly approved.

Green Huan Villa has been raised to the highest security level.

The value of the Annihilation Layer is not just the thousand acres of farmland.

The Annihilation Plane is worthy of study in its own right.

Although he was able to enter the ash layer two years ago and entered the light and shadow layer several times, electronic products cannot be used in these two layer worlds. Things in the two layer worlds, except for special items, cannot be brought into the real world.

Research into the world of two layers has been slower.

The Annihilation Layer is different. Various equipment can be used. Although the original earth and rocks in the Annihilation Layer cannot be brought into the real world, research can be conducted in it.

Moreover, this is real land, and the land area can be expanded and expanded.

One by one, items were transported into the layer of death, which was later officially renamed the layer of living, and an experimental center was built.

Hundreds of people moved into the living layer.

It’s not that I don’t want more people to come in,

The existing air in the living layer is limited, and it can accommodate up to five hundred people inside at the same time.

The maturity period of a thousand acres of land is very short, and one crop can be planted in three months. Every seed can be used as a seed for planting. Nie Honghuan has a large number of seeds on hand.

Fruit seedlings are even better. Just bury the core of the fruit in the soil, and after a month you can get a fruit seedling that is equivalent to one year of growth in the outside world.

Just because you grow well in the layered world, doesn't mean you can grow well in the real world.

Nie Honghuan had already thought of this. In the past two years, the mountains of Luhuan Villa have been planted with various crops suitable for local cultivation.

Although the yield and quality grown are not as good as those grown in the thousand acres of fields, they are of the best quality compared to existing varieties.

There are very few pests and diseases, so there is no need for any pesticides or treatments.

The food grown at Green Huan Villa has never been treated with pesticides.

After testing, the genes of these grains are stable, they are all natural genes, and their nutrition exceeds all current varieties.

Although the increase in output is not huge, the management is simple and the production input is significantly reduced, which is equivalent to an increase in output.

After endorsement by many experts, the country decided to start trial planting.

According to Nie Honghuan's request, the seeds will be given free of charge to farmers who are trying to plant them.

Fruit saplings are also provided free of charge.

Opening the door with his fingerprint, he saw his daughter Zhang Ya sitting in the living room. Gan Yumei showed off to her daughter as she entered the house, "Xiaoya, I bought some really good peaches. They were just picked from the tree, and they are as big as each other." It’s big and delicious, I’ve already eaten two of them.”

"Mom, you went to pick something in a greenhouse again." Zhang Ya rolled her eyes in disapproval, "It's healthiest to eat fruits in season." It's only been a few months, and there are already big peaches.

Gan Yumei showed a smile that said, "I knew you would say that", "Xiaoya, you said it wrong this time."

She pulled the wheeled shopping bag to the sofa, opened the bag cover, and took out a big, round peach from inside.

The unique fragrance of peaches wafts out immediately.

It aroused Zhang Ya's appetite. She had to admit that the peaches looked so good, even better than the sky-high-priced peaches in the supermarket.

"Look, what beautiful peaches. I'll wash some over."

Gan Yumei took out four peaches and entered the kitchen.

After a few washes, he served it on a fruit plate and put it on the coffee table. He also sat on the sofa, sitting next to his daughter Zhang Ya.

"Try it first before talking." She handed a peach to Zhang Ya and took one herself.

Zhang Ya took a bite, and the sweet juice entered her mouth. tasty.

She chewed it quickly, swallowed it, and took another bite.

Gan Yumei smiled happily and started eating too.

While eating, he said, "Remember Xiaowangzhuang? The place where I bought wheat last year. These peaches were also grown in Xiaowangzhuang and they just bear fruit this year."

I went there today, thinking I was one of the early ones. Who knew there were many people who thought the same thing as me? They all drove there specifically to buy peaches, and some people bought them one at a time. "

"No wonder the peaches in Xiaowangzhuang are delicious." Zhang Ya knows Xiaowangzhuang. Last year, her mother heard someone said that the wheat noodles in Xiaowangzhuang were good, so she went to buy a hundred kilograms of them.

Unexpectedly, the whole family regretted not buying it, but regretting buying less. Zhang Ya never knew that steamed buns could be so delicious.

When I went to buy again, I found that there was no more new wheat in the village to sell except for keeping it for my own consumption.

Later I learned that the wheat in Xiaowangzhuang is delicious since it is planted without pesticides.

Zhang Ya calculated that it was almost time to harvest wheat and reminded, "Mom, you have to go early to buy noodles at Xiaowangzhuang this year."

"You don't have to go early. You don't have to go to Xiaowangzhuang." Gan Yumei smiled mysteriously again.

Zhang Ya raised her hand, "Mom, I can't obey you, what's going on?"

Gan Yumei stopped being pretentious and said, "Because many villages have planted it this year, and they say it can be bought in the market. Xiaowangzhuang didn't grind much wheat into flour last year, because a lot of it was sold as seeds to other villages. .

I heard that this kind of wheat is grown in many places, not just here. We will have a great time in the future. "

"What a natural seed." Zhang Ya sighed. Last year, someone advertised on the Internet that this kind of wheat was genetically modified, and many people believed it.

There are also authority figures who stand up for those people.

Later, some state departments said it was a natural seed, but some people still believed what they said.

She looked at her hand and saw that there was only a peach core left. She was about to throw it into the trash can when Gan Yumei stopped her and said, "Don't throw it away. Plant it in our yard later."

I also kept the other peach stones and planted them on the roadside. People from Xiaowangzhuang said that this peach tree has very strong skin and can bear fruit within two years of planting. It does not require spraying. Occasionally, if there are insects, it will attract natural enemies to eat the insects.

I will go to Linjiazhuang to buy apples in a few days. Then we will plant an apple tree at home. They all come to fruition within two years. Then plant another pomegranate and it will be ready. "

When did growing fruit become so easy? But Zhang Ya also obeyed and put the peach core on the table.

She suddenly had a feeling that the world seemed different, something was changing.

She could only vaguely feel that things were changing for the better.

The one who can feel the difference most is Tang Xin.

He looked at the trees full of peaches and the peach trees in the garden, and felt emotional for a moment.

At first, I secretly went outside Luhuan Villa to pick peaches, but now I am standing inside Luhuan Villa, eating peaches as I please.

Back then, he was beaten up by those from the Guan Ming Group, who said that the peaches he picked were new varieties cultivated by the Guan Ming Group. If he had not uprooted the peach trees he had grown privately at home, he and his family would not be in good shape.

Fortunately, he was rescued, otherwise he would have had an arm broken that time.

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