Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 415 Hearing the voice of Master Meow (2)

"Miss An Ling, can I help you get the cat into the car first?" the driver Liu Yue asked.

Pei Anling was still confused. Could it be that she had auditory hallucinations before her concussion healed? Are the auditory hallucinations so clear? Lang, who was immersed in a large amount of brain wave activity, was unable to react to Liu Yue's words for a while, and only responded reflexively.

Liu Yue thought Pei Anling agreed, parked the wheelchair, and went to catch the cat.

"Don't catch me." Zhou Yuan and Bian Xiaomei said in unison, and at the same time stretched out their hands to stop Liu Yue.

"Please tell His Majesty the Cat King, but don't arrest me." Bian Xiaomei was a little angry, "How could you do this to His Majesty?"

Liu Yue lived to be in his thirties to almost forty years old. He heard for the first time that cats cannot be caught and can only be asked to please, but he also stopped and looked at Pei Anling again, "Miss Anling?"

Bian Xiaomei tried her best to maintain her professional ethics and faced Pei Anling without any anger, "Miss Pei, you are His Majesty the Cat Emperor's shit shoveler. You should know that His Majesty can understand human speech. You said you would take her home. Just leave as you say without catching it.

It always wants to go wherever it wants in our place, the door is always open for it, it never runs around, and no one of us has caught it. It is different from other cats. "

When Zhou Yuan and Bian Xiaomei shouted "Don't catch me", Pei Anling came back to her senses and immediately understood that a small misunderstanding had occurred while she was deep in thought. The mistake was that she did not respond clearly, which caused Liu Yue to misunderstand .

Bian Xiaomei spoke too fast, leaving no time for her to explain. When she heard Bian Xiaomei say the words "shit shoveling officer", her mind suddenly jumped, "shit shoveling officer?"

Bian Xiaomei was stunned by Pei Anling's rhetorical question, "That's right, aren't you the shit shoveler of His Majesty the Cat King?"

Pei Anling had a bold idea.

The voice she heard mentioned the shit shovel, and she was Pei Xiaoyi's shit shoveler.

Could it be that the voice she heard was...

[Will the shit shovel officer go home? Well, okay, her leg is injured so slow down, I'll wait for her a little longer. 】

The girlish voice sounded again.

Pei Anling stared at the civet cat sharply, looked into its eyes, and seemed to see some doubts in it.

It's Pei Xiaoyi! The voice she heard was Pei Xiaoyi's heartfelt voice!

Pei Anling's heartbeat accelerated.

She didn't know whether she had special abilities or whether Pei Xiaoyi had special abilities that allowed her to hear Pei Xiaoyi's thoughts.

She calmed down her breathing, turned to Liu Yue and said, "Brother Liu, I'm sorry, I didn't make it clear. You don't need to catch it, it will get in the car by itself."

She couldn't let anyone see any clues. Whether it was her or Pei Xiaoyi, if someone discovered that they had special abilities, it would bring endless trouble and even disaster to her and Pei Xiaoyi.

"You're welcome, Miss An Ling." Liu Yue turned back to the wheelchair and waited for Pei Anling to say leave before pushing her away.

Pei Anling said to Bian Xiaomei and Zhou Yuan, "Thank you. I will give Pei Xiaoyi a home with a high degree of freedom and try to make him feel as unrestricted as possible."

"Miss Pei, just don't blame us for being nosy." Zhou Yuan knew that his behavior was actually a bit out of bounds, and it was rare that the other party didn't care.

Bian Xiaomei was also a little embarrassed, "Miss Pei must be very good to His Majesty the Cat King, otherwise His Majesty would not follow you. By the way, Pei Xiaoyi likes to eat rabbit meat recently, and she will also eat some mutton, preferably goat meat." "

Pei Anling nodded solemnly, "I took note of it."

The bill had been settled, and in order to express his gratitude, Pei Anling paid a little more.

After saying goodbye to Zhou Yuan and Bian Xiaomei, Liu Yue pushed Pei Anling out of the clinic.

Liu Yue opened the car door, and the four of them saw the civet cat jumping into the car.

Liu Yue was surprised. He didn't expect this cat to be so understanding of human nature.

The car is a special model, and Pei Anling's wheelchair can be pushed directly into the car.

When Pei Anling got in the car, the car started.

"Pei Xiaoyi, I miss you so much." She looked at the civet cat lying on the seat next to her, her mind very active.

If she had the ability to read minds, she should be able to hear the voices of other people, but apart from Pei Xiaoyi, she could not hear the voices of the other three people in the clinic, as well as the other two cats in cages. Couldn't hear it.

So Pei Xiaoyi has special abilities?

Maybe it was because of this car accident that she had a special connection with Pei Xiaoyi?

No matter what it is, Pei Xiaoyi's voice is expressed so clearly and logically, which shows that his IQ is high enough to be comparable to others.

She knew that Pei Xiaoyi had been very smart since he was a child, with a much higher IQ than ordinary cats. Other cats used cat litter to go to the toilet. When she was watching videos, she saw that some cats could use the toilet by themselves. She only taught Pei Xiaoyi a few times, and Pei Xiaoyi learned it. Yes, it can also flush itself.

Using the toilet is something other cats can do.

But Pei Xiaoyi's confession shows that its IQ can be even higher.

An alien cat that wanders onto this planet? Bloodline awakening? Pei Anling's thoughts diverged into several strands, and she felt that she could write several stories.

How about she write a novel with a cat demon as the protagonist?

But will anyone think of Pei Xiaoyi in this way?

Although not many relatives and friends in the third dimension know her pen name, some people do know it, and they are all relatively close to her, so it is easy to think of Pei Xiaoyi.

She remembered something important that she hadn't told Pei Xiaoyi yet, "Pei Xiaoyi, if we don't go back to the apartment, we will have to live in the Qin family villa for a while. There is a big garden in the villa, and you have more space to move around than in the apartment." .

Wait and see, if you really don't like it, we'll move back to the apartment. What do you think, Pei Xiaoyi? "

It may not have been necessary to tell Pei Xiaoyi specifically before, but now it is necessary.

She waited for a while, but could not read Pei Xiaoyi's heart.

"If you don't object, I'll take it as your acquiescence."

Zihua knew that Pei Anling was waiting for her to express her feelings.

She wanted to be a cat, but she didn't want to actually act like a normal cat.

The original owner's cat itself was not ordinary either.

So she let Pei Anling hear her voice, which not only facilitated communication between the two parties, but also prevented her from appearing too evil.

If a cat dares to speak, Pei Anling will have to be more careful with her.

This kind of defense is an instinctive and normal reaction of "people who are not of my race will have different minds."

It's not that Pei Anling has the ability to read minds.

The inner voice that Pei Anling could hear was what she wanted Pei Anling to hear.

Pei Anling asked her so formally because he also wanted to confirm again that he could really hear his cat's heart.

Since Pei Anling wanted to hear her voice now, she would just let her hear it again.

【Qin family? What Qin family? 】

The original owner cat has been living in Pei Anling's own apartment since he was brought home by Pei Anling.

It is a kitten, and most of its memories are related to it. It vaguely remembered the word Qin family, and what the Qin family was specifically about. It didn't store much information in its memory.

After hearing Pei Xiaoyi's inner voice again, Pei Anling no longer had any doubts. (End of chapter)

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