Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 426 Hearing the voice of Master Meow (13)

The bench was occupied. Zihua originally wanted to look for another bench, but when she saw that the man was quite sneaky, she refused to leave and stayed under the forsythia bush.

Maybe something worth watching happened.

She knew who this man was. He was a hired man named Lou Fuxing from the villa north of the Qin family.

The person who lives in the villa to the north is named Zhao and has frequent contacts with the Qin family.

Lou Fuxing looked around for a while before sitting down. After sitting down, he looked around in the distance again to make sure there was no one around.

This bench is covered by the canopy of the big tree next to it and is a blind spot for surveillance.

Lou Fuxing felt safe, opened the cell phone he had been holding tightly in his hand, and dialed a number.

"Wai..." After confirming that the connection was connected, Lou Fuxing's voice was very low, "Zhao, oh oh, I won't mention the name, that person is sick, I did what you said, when can I leave. Qian When will you call me?

I was sure he had a seizure. He couldn't walk or get out of the house. I kicked his cell phone under the bed while he was sleeping, so he couldn't make calls. "

Zihua's cat ears twitched, well, it was not in vain, something really happened, and it seemed to be an exciting incident involving money and death.

"...I'm outside now. As you said, I will walk around the community a few times at this time every day and take a rest. What! You asked me to wait until things are settled before leaving! No, no, I'm afraid. Panic, didn’t we agree that I could leave the next day when that person gets sick?”

When he heard the person on the other end of the phone saying no, he would have to wait until the news of this matter completely subsided before giving him the remaining money, Lou Fuxing had a crying look on his face, "No, no, no, I don't dare.

You have said that the police will not be called. That person is already sick. If he becomes ill and cannot be rescued, the police will not take care of him. Why do you say that there may be a police investigation? I'm afraid, I can't resist..."

Zihua heard the man's voice on the other end of the phone suddenly rise, and she could hear it clearly without having to listen specifically.

——"You must resist! Don't forget, it was you who changed the dressing. If you are found out, you will be the first to be arrested! The money you got before will also be confiscated. Think about your son, without the money, How can he buy a house and get married.

What I said was just a possibility. If he died of a heart attack, he was already in his 70s or 80s, and generally no one would investigate. Just hold on tight and go back at your usual time. Don't do anything unnecessary. "

Hearing the other party mention his son, Lou Fuxing pinched his thigh secretly. The pain made him grin and made him shudder, "I know, I won't do unnecessary things. I'll call him when I get back. ambulance."

Zihua stopped listening and ran away quickly.

If she judged correctly, the person Lou Fuxing was talking about was probably Zhao Yunzong, the old man of the Zhao family.

Seventy or eighty, bad heart, surnamed Zhao, right.

Pei Anling mentioned Zhao Yunzong, saying that Zhao Yunzong was an elder with a lot of stories. The inspiration for her first book came from the stories Zhao Yunzong once told her.

Not long after she first came to the Qin family, she met Zhao Yunzong by chance, and Zhao Yunzong later taught her calligraphy.

Although the two did not become lifelong friends, their relationship was much better than that of ordinary neighbors.

Zhao Yunzong had a half-teacher relationship with Pei Anling, and Pei Anling also regarded Zhao Yunzong as his senior grandfather.

During the holidays, when Pei Anling came to the Qin family, he would take the time to visit Zhao Yunzong and say a few words to him.

Zhao Yunzong's heart is not very good and he needs to take medicine every day.

If Lou Fuxing and the person behind the scenes were really Zhao Yunzong, Pei Anling would definitely want to know.

A white marble koi carving as tall as one person sprayed water from its mouth. The water sprayed out more than one meter high and fell into the stone pool below, making a splashing sound.

In front of the rockery next to the fountain, six cats extended their paws and waggled their tails, making unified movements.

"Meow, I'm so tired. You can stop." The calico cat wanted to back down.

"Meow! No." Hutou knew Sanhua's lazy temperament best, "We have to practice more and try to master it as soon as possible. Sanhua, you don't want to be chased by the dogs outside anymore."

"Mimi Miao, the fighting skills that Wang taught us are very interesting." Heihua likes training so much that he can train for a lifetime if he chooses it.

"It's really tiring." The calico cat shouted tired, but still persisted.

"Miwu, the king is here." said the big yellow raccoon.

The calico cat looked around and saw Zihua running, but it didn't look like she was running this way. It shouted, "Meow, Wang, are you going back?"

When Zihua heard the sound of the calico cat, she stopped running, thought for a moment, and called the six cats, "I have something for you to do. You all go to the villa with the big purple flower shelf. No matter what method you use, , as long as it can attract people’s attention.”

The purple flower stand refers to the wisteria flower stand in the courtyard of Zhao's villa.

Flower stands are one of the favorite places for cats to stay. The flower stands in the villa area are equivalent to the directional signs for cats.




"Miu Miao."

All six cats said they would obey the king's instructions.

Zi Hua took the lead, and six cats followed her, running towards Zhao's house.

She wanted to see what the Zhao family was like first, and then make the next plan.

This place is far away from the Zhao family. As long as it does not harm her body, her mind cannot see the Zhao family villa.

Someone saw seven cats running and said, "Hey, what happened? So many cats are running to the same place."

From the fountain to Qin's and Zhao's house, we have to cross half of the villa area. More than one person saw the seven cats running together. Some people just muttered, and some were idle and walked curiously towards the seven cats. direction of running.

Yuhua is faster than six cats.

After entering the range where she could observe with her thoughts, she released her thoughts.

There are only two people in the Zhao family villa.

Busy in the garden is Li Liangzhu, the gardener who takes care of the garden for the Zhao family.

The other person is Zhao Yunzong.

Zhao Yunzong was in the bedroom on the second floor of the villa.

He lay on the rug beside his bed with his eyes closed.

Zi Hua's thoughts swept over him. The good news is that Zhao Yunzong is still alive.

When the bad news came, Zhao Yunzong was in a state of shock and might die at the next moment.

Zihua ran towards the Qin family.

She came to the courtyard of the Qin family villa and expressed her heart to Pei Anling, "The white-haired teacher of the shit shovel is going to die, will the shit shovel cry?" 】

Pei Anling, who was looking for information, suddenly pulled his mind away from the computer.

Her white-haired teacher?

Three days ago, she went out for a stroll in the villa area. When she walked to the door of Zhao's house, she greeted Grandpa Zhao and said a few words. Pei Xiaoyi followed her at that time.

After she came back, she told Pei Xiaoyi something about Grandpa Zhao, saying that Grandpa Zhao was half of her teacher.

Pei Xiaoyi is referring to Grandpa Zhao?

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