Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 429 Hearing the voice of Master Meow (16)

Lou Fuxing was really surprised.

After hearing the sound of the ambulance, he felt a little uneasy, thinking about who else had discovered Zhao Yunzong.

If this is the case, Zhao Yunzong may be saved if the ambulance comes in advance.

But it wasn't time for him to go back, so he didn't come back to take a look.

After finally waiting for the time, Lou Fuxing came back quickly.

Unexpectedly, the ambulance was seen leaving from the direction of Zhao's house.

He had a bad feeling.

Could it be Li Liangzhu who saved Zhao Yunzong? It shouldn't be, Li Liangzhu is very indifferent, he doesn't care about anything if it doesn't concern him.

The bad premonition became stronger when he saw the door of the villa wide open.

Something he didn't want to see happened. Someone called Zhao Yunzong and called an ambulance to save Zhao Yunzong.

I don’t even want to see outsiders interfering.

Outsiders may be suspicious of others, and they will make excuses when the time comes.

"Mr. Zhao got sick and was sent to the hospital." Sun Chaofang said to Lou Fuxing dissatisfied, "You are Mr. Zhao's personal person, how come you have been away for so long without asking someone to look after you.

Taking the money from the patrons, there is no responsibility at all. If Mr. Zhao doesn't come through, I'll be the first to call the police and arrest you. "

When he heard the word "alarm", Lou Fuxing's legs softened and he fell forward a little. What are you afraid of? These people are really suspicious of him.

"What's the use of being afraid now?" Sun Chaofang curled her lips.

"I, I will quit my job now." Lou Fuxing was confused and forgot all about what he had promised. He just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

Thinking that Zhao Yunzong might be fine, Lou Fuxing couldn't guarantee that what he did today would not be revealed.

First of all, it is difficult to explain how Zhao Yunzong's mobile phone ended up under the bed.

If Zhao Yunzong died, it would be explained that his cell phone fell from the crack of the bed against the wall.

Zhao Yunzong's habit is to put his mobile phone on the table next to his bed when sleeping.

Even if the phone falls off the table, it will not fall under the bed on the side against the wall.

He had to leave quickly. He didn't know if the hospital would suspect the medicine Zhao Yunzong took.

No, the most important thing now is to flush the medicine down the toilet.

At that time, there was suspicion, and there was no evidence found on him.

Thinking of this, his legs became less flexible and he could stand a little straighter.

"Resigning at this time?" Yang Chi frowned and looked at Lou Fuxing, "Did the Zhao family treat you badly or something?"

[This guy dressed in black wanted to run away. He said he had changed the medicine from Grandpa Zhao, the shit shoveler, and would call an ambulance after the person died. 】

Hearing Pei Xiaoyi's thoughts, Pei Anling took a deep breath. She immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed the police number, "I want to report a murder case. Now the murderer wants to escape, can you come here quickly..."

"Murder!" Sun Chaofang and Yang Chi were both shocked.

They only thought of Lou Fuxing's irresponsibility and neglect of Mr. Zhao, but they did not think of murder.

Moreover, Mr. Zhao has no descendants to inherit the family property, and the inheritance cannot fall on a single employee.

If Mr. Zhao really made a will and asked Lou Fuxing to inherit the inheritance, Lou Fuxing would be carefully investigated. Once it is found that Lou Fuxing was related to Mr. Zhao's death, Lou Fuxing would not be able to escape and he would not be able to inherit the inheritance.

Seeing that someone actually called the police, Lou Fuxing's legs weakened again and he almost fell forward.

His voice trembled, "You, you are talking nonsense. I am not at home, how can you commit murder?"

Pei Anling was not very sure at first, but now he is sure, "Did I say you are the murderer? You automatically took the position, which can only mean one possibility, you are the murderer.

You attempted to murder Grandpa Zhao. Just wait, the police will be here soon. "

"You, why do you say that to me? You rich people are just bullying us poor people. I don't want to do this job of serving people anymore." Lou Fuxing looked very angry.

"So, when the police come, tell them how we bullied you. Then what are you afraid of?" Pei Anling said.

As far as she knew, Grandpa Zhao's salary for Lou Fuxing was not low. In the past few years, it had been more than 10,000 yuan a month, and food and accommodation were included.

Wages are rising every year, and now they are only going to be even higher.

It can be said that Lou Fuxing is not rich, but he will not be poor.

As if he was so frightened that he gained some courage, Lou Fuxing suddenly turned around and ran away.

"It's really him!" Sun Chaofang turned around and called the security guard who came with the property management, "Catch him quickly, he is the murderer."

Running can prove something. People who are innocent will only stay and argue with others and will not run.

"He can't run away." Yang Chi chased after him.

He happened to be wearing running gear, which made it easier for him to run. His speed was faster than Lou Fuxing's, and after chasing him for more than 20 meters, he caught up with him. He kicked Lou Fuxing to the ground.

Two security guards went over and grabbed Lou Fuxing.

This kick is so handsome. Pei Anling has a better impression of Yang Chi.

Two security guards took Lou Fuxing back to Zhao's courtyard. Someone came over with a rope and tied Lou Fuxing first.

Pei Anling controlled the wheelchair and came to Lou Fuxing, "Why did you want to murder Grandpa Zhao? Grandpa Zhao is a good employer, he pays generous wages and has a good temper. It won't be revenge anyway.

Did someone else instruct you? He is a relative of Grandpa Zhao, and he must be a relative who can inherit Grandpa Zhao's inheritance. "

This was the first time she was face-to-face with a real murderer, the man she once politely called Uncle Lou. She wanted to know the other person's psychology, reasons, and methods of committing crimes.

She quickly asked before the police came.

Realistic materials can only be written in the text to make it more realistic.

Once taken away, it would be difficult for her to know the outcome, let alone the details.

"How did you murder Grandpa Zhao? Let me guess, was it drugging? Oh, no, it was... changing the medicine? That's right this time, you changed Grandpa Zhao's medicine, so Grandpa Zhao's condition was not effectively treated. Control, it happened today.

You know Grandpa Zhao, you know when his disease is prone to attack, when he takes medicine, and how many medicines he has changed. No one will find out that you have changed medicines.

And you, who have been out during this period of time, make this matter seem like an accident. "

The change in Lou Fuxing's expression seemed to match her question.

"You're talking nonsense, I, I won't tell you." Lou Fuxing was already incoherent, "I didn't change the medicine, it was you who changed it and framed it for me."

"You're so brave, how dare you harm others?" Sun Chaofang was confused.

"Qian Zhuang is a coward," Yang Chi said.

Everyone in the surrounding circle heard Pei Anling's reasoning and saw the change in Lou Fuxing's expression.

Let them change their established impression of the murderer.

Bad people can do bad things no matter what their character or courage is.

They will no longer think that timid people will not kill people and set fires.

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