Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 432 Hearing Master Meow’s voice (19)

It was her territory, and the area she designated under the protection of the cats.

Since these two families don't want the cat to go to their side, they shouldn't go.

Zihua hopes that these two families will not regret it.

This villa area focuses on the concept of ecological gardens. Except for some necessary hardened surfaces such as roads, all public areas are covered with vegetation.

A good ecological environment has attracted many small animals to coexist with people.

Waking up to the sound of birdsong every morning is soothing.

Of course, it also attracts many unwanted little animals, such as rats.

Using rat poison to kill rats may accidentally kill other small animals.

The villa area is surrounded by woods and wild grass, and rats cannot be exterminated.

Using cats to control the number of mice is consistent with the concept of ecological gardening and is the most cost-effective.

Cats are the natural enemies of mice, and the smell of cats is a great deterrent to mice.

Rats will definitely go where there is no cat scent.

"King, let's drive the mice here." Erhuangli was a sinister guy.

"No. If someone finds out, it will confirm those people's complaints against you." Zihua rejected Erhuangli's proposal.

"Meow." Erhuangli rolled his nose with his tongue regretfully.

After settling the territory matters, Zihua separated from the six cats and returned to Qin's house.

"Pei Xiaoyi, you came back late today. What happened?" Pei Anling asked with concern.

Usually Pei Xiaoyi will come back at the same time.

Seeing that Pei Xiaoyi had not come back after half an hour, she controlled the wheelchair and left the villa. She wanted to look for it, but she happened to wander around the villa area to rest her eyes. She had been looking at the computer all day, and her eyes were dry and her vision had declined a bit. .

As soon as she walked out of the villa courtyard gate, she happened to meet Pei Xiaoyi who was coming back.

Zihua shook her head from side to side to show that nothing happened to her.

"Pei Xiaoyi, are you hungry? If not, can you come with me for a walk?" Pei Anling patted the wheelchair.

Her wheelchair was custom-made, and a small table was installed behind the head position, and Pei Xiaoyi stood on it just right.

Zihua jumped onto the small table.

She could see that Pei Anling was not just walking around.

I just don't know whether Pei Anling went to Mr. Zhao's Zhao family or the Zhao family where Sun Chaofang was.

Pei Anling started the wheelchair.

Just as Zi Hua thought, Pei Anling had difficulty making a decision for a while.

She asked her second brother to help her investigate the matter of Sun Chaofang, and the second brother had already given her the information he found.

At first glance, Sun Chaofang's life was nothing special. She was the eldest in the family and her parents were in their thirties. This was considered a very late birth in rural areas.

It's not that the grandson's parents don't want to have a baby early, but that they haven't been able to have a child.

The Sun family is a common family that favors boys over girls. The original name given to Sun Chaofang was Sun Chaodi. I felt that everyone was using the Chinese character Chaoyang and the effect would not be good, so I used Chaoyang Chao.

At that time, all household registration registrations were written by hand, and Sun's father's handwriting was so sloppy that the person who registered him thought he was Sun Chaofang.

Eight years later, Sun's mother gave birth to Sun Chaofang's younger brother, Sun Lei.

When Sun Chaofang grew up, she went out to work and met Zhao Chengbin. After the two got married, they started from scratch and created a large company with its own brand.

Sun Chaofang subsidized the Sun family a lot.

What Pei Anling cares about is a photo. It was the photo of Sun Chaofang that was published in the local newspaper when Sun Chaofang and Zhao Chengbin successfully started their business.

Sun Chaofang was twenty-six or seven years old at the time. She was much thinner and more beautiful than she is now.

And this photo is 80 to 90% similar to the photo of Grandma Zhao when she was young that Pei Anling saw at Zhao Yunzong's house.

Sun Chaofang, who is now in her forties, is richer and has changed a lot from her youthful appearance.

Grandma Zhao was still very thin when she was in her forties, and they no longer looked alike.

Pei Anling made a bold hypothesis.

Either Grandma Zhao gave birth to twins, one boy and one girl. For some reason, her daughter was taken away after birth and Grandma Zhao was not allowed to see her. Grandpa Zhao and Grandma Zhao only thought they had given birth to a boy.

Either Grandma Zhao actually gave birth to a girl, but for some reason, she was replaced by a boy. Grandpa Zhao and Grandma Zhao always thought the child was a boy.

Therefore, Grandpa Zhao and Grandma Zhao have been unable to find their son for many years.

Pei Anling tends to be the latter.

But everything is her inference.

There is no evidence that Sun Chaofang was adopted by the Sun family.

So she hesitated whether to tell Sun Chaofang.

Speaking of which, she and Sun Chaofang had just met, so these were superficial and deep friendships.

But if he didn't tell her, Grandpa Zhao might never miss the chance to find his daughter.

Grandpa Zhao is still there at his age, and he is ill and may die at any time.

She didn't want to tell Grandpa Zhao directly.

If her conclusion is wrong, it will make Grandpa Zhao happy all the time, and the excitement will be even greater.

Sun Chaofang now has a certain status, and if he wants to investigate his true life experience, he will definitely be able to find some clues.

If she is really Grandpa Zhao's daughter, Grandpa Zhao will not be too excited about his daughter turning into a son now that he has this good news.

Unknowingly, Pei Anling arrived outside the courtyard of Sun Chaofang's home.

In fact, when her wheelchair started moving in this direction, she had already made a choice.

She will tell Sun Chaofang.

She confirmed with Pei Xiaoyi, "Pei Xiaoyi, you said Sun Chaofang is Grandpa Zhao's daughter, right?"

[Why does the shit shovel officer ask again? obviously it is. 】

Pei Anling felt relaxed.

Yes, why is she so hesitant about doing things?

"Thank you, Pei Xiaoyi." People said that she changed her temper after the car accident. This was only half the reason. The other half was that Pei Xiaoyi gave her the confidence.

There was no need for Pei Anling to call the door. Sun Chaofang saw Pei Anling outside the courtyard and waved to her, "An Ling, come in and sit for a while."

Pei Anling had this intention and entered the courtyard.

Ten minutes later, Sun Chaofang couldn't sit still, "An Ling, is everything you said true? I am actually Mr. Zhao's daughter. Mr. Zhao has never had a son, only a daughter?"

This is so bizarre.

"It's not that I don't believe it. Although I was not favored since I was a child and had to do a lot of work, my parents were not too harsh on me, and they didn't beat or scold me very often.

The only bad thing is that I should raise my younger brother and put my younger brother's affairs first. She laughed self-deprecatingly, "According to their wishes, all my money must belong to my brother." "

Born in such a family, Sun Chaofang was fortunate not to be brainwashed into a demon who helped his younger brother.

She used to have a tendency to support her younger brothers. After working outside, she gained more experience and suddenly realized the mistakes her parents had instilled in her.

But after all, she is her parents and younger brother, and she is not short of money. Over the years, she has subsidized a lot of money to the Sun family.

"This is just my inference. Whether it is true or not depends on the results of the paternity test," Pei Anling said.

The final piece of evidence would have to be a paternity test.

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