Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 436 Hearing the voice of Master Meow (23)

After entering the study, Xian Rong only sat on half of the chair, leaned forward slightly, clasped his hands on his knees, called Uncle Qin and said no more.

Hearing Qin Liangchuan's words when he came up, Xian Rong pursed his lips and said, "...Yes."

Qin Liangchuan nodded slightly, "You were quick to admit it. Fei Yu was the stupid one who bit him to death and refused to admit it. He only said that you were true."

"I'm sorry." Xian Rong smiled uncomfortably, "Fei Yu and I are friends. Fei Yu has helped me a lot. He asked me to do this for him. I can't refuse, and I don't want to refuse."

"How much money did Fei Yu say he would give you?"

"Uh." Xian Rong paused and decided to tell the truth, "Ten percent of what I got."

"Well, that's right. Fei Yu has a lot of shortcomings, and his ability to be generous has never changed."

Xian Rong hurriedly defended, "Fei Yu said 10%. I said it wouldn't be so much, but Fei Yu insisted on this amount. I won't take so much. I have planned it. When the money is available, I will only keep it." Two points, and the rest will be transferred to Fei Yu.”

Qin Liangchuan nodded slightly again, "You are very principled. You should accept money to do things. If you charge too much, you will look too greedy."

Xian Rong couldn't guess what Qin Liangchuan thought about this matter and what he planned to do. To be on the safe side, he apologized again, "I'm sorry."

"There's no need to say sorry. The person I'm sorry for is Fei Yu, and it has nothing to do with you. Apology is the most useless thing." Qin Liangchuan looked at Xian Rong calmly, "I can make your combined plan come true, five million Is that enough? A check or a transfer?"

Xian Rong didn't know if Qin Liangchuan was serious or joking, "Uncle Qin?"

"No need to question it, I am telling the truth. To be honest, five million is nothing to the Qin family."

Xian Rong lowered his eyelids and said, "My horizons are too narrow."

"Five million, you leave my son, stay far away, and don't let me contact you and Fei Yu again. This can be done."

Xian Rong clenched his hands into fists and looked a little excited, "I like money, but I have my own principles about what kind of money should be taken and what kind of money shouldn't be taken.

Why should I take this money for no reason? If he doesn't want me to be friends with Qin Feiyu, then I should stay away from him. Uncle Qin doesn't need to test me in this way. "

Qin Liangchuan's eyes never left Xian Rong, seeing all his reactions, "You think five million is not enough? Then how much do you want? Also, according to Feiyu's great method, if you keep coming and going , and received more than five million from him.

Your principles make you make choices. You are a good businessman and know your accounts very clearly.

Let me also make it clear that you will mislead Fei Yu when he is around him. You personally like fat, thin, tall, and short men and women. It is your personal preference, but you cannot instill your preference into Fei Yu.

I think five million is worth it to prevent Fei Yu from going astray. "

"Crooked road?" Xian Rong thought about what decision he had made. He slowly straightened his head and his body as well.

The iron-clad bystander Yu Hua witnessed Xian Rong's transformation together with Qin Liangchuan.

What has changed is not the appearance, but the temperament.

From a young student, he turned into a gloomy social man.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth, "Uncle Qin rejected me all of a sudden. But what should I do? I like Fei Yu and don't want to leave him."

"This is the real you, right?" Qin Liangchuan was not moved by Xian Rong's change, "The way to get you to leave Fei Yu is not just to throw money at him. You should know that taking five million to leave is a disservice to you. The most advantageous option.”

Qin Liangchuan pushed a bank card aside to Xian Rong, "The money in it is only five million, which is a lot more. If you are worried, you can transfer the money to your own account now."

Xian Rong picked up the bank card and turned it around in his hand a few times, "If so, Fei Yu doesn't want me to leave."

Qin Liangchuan said confidently, "Fei Yu doesn't know how. I will give him a sum of money. You must also know where he will put his thoughts when he has money."

Xian Rong smiled, with a touch of sarcasm in his smile, "What if."

Qin Liangchuan was right, he knew it very well. If Qin Feiyu had money now, he would go skydiving, which he has been dreaming about for a long time.

But Qin Liangchuan misjudged one thing. People's feelings can be created from scratch. Moreover, Qin Liangchuan was too confident. He forgot that Qin Feiyu had an advantage, that is, he valued feelings and was also a responsible person. .

Qin Liangchuan said, "I will handle Fei Yu's place. As long as you leave as promised, the five million will be yours."

Xian Rong stared at the bank card for a while and made a decision, "I promise you." He held the bank card in his hand and stood up, "I promised Fei Yu to stay at home with him for three days. I don't want to I broke my promise, I will leave in three days and will not return to that city.”

Qin Liangchuan nodded and agreed.

After Xian Rong left the study, Qin Liangchuan looked at the door that was closed tightly, his expression became more serious, "He is not an easy young man to deal with."

The other party has no scruples, he is a daring weapon.

He had many ways to make Xian Rong disappear from Fei Yu's side, but he didn't want to separate him from Qin Feiyu and his son because of Xian Rong.

The money approach works best.

I'm just worried that Xian Rong's heart is too big.

"Pei Xiaoyi, do you think Xian Rong will keep his promise?"

Zihua looked back at Qin Liangchuan. Should she answer this question or not.

She dared to answer, but Qin Liangchuan might not dare to listen.

For the sake of social harmony, I won’t answer.

Her answer is, no.

Xian Rong is a very good actor, and what Xian Rong showed just now is not entirely his true side.

Qin Liangchuan's purpose is very clear. Xian Rong will leave according to the agreement, and everything will be fine for both parties.

Xian Rong took the money and wanted more. Qin Liangchuan would let Qin Feiyu see Xian Rong's true face.

But Zihua felt that Qin Liangchuan's plan might fail.

Qin Liangchuan's conversation with Xian Rong was not secret. Everyone in the Qin family, including Qin Feiyu, knew about it afterwards.

Qin Feiyu was very happy. He lay on the bed and asked Xian Rong, "What did my old man say to you? Did he tell you to leave me? Did he throw money at you?"

Xian Rong smiled and said, "I told you."

Qin Feiyu's eyebrows were flying, "That's great. Then, have you thrown the money at it?"

Xian Rong stretched out the back of his slender, white hand in front of Qin Feiyu and said, "Smash it." Then he turned his hand over, revealing the bank card in his palm.

"How many?"

"Five million, just a little more."

Zuo Feiyu grinned and showed two rows of white teeth, "I just said this trick works. Let's go back tomorrow."

Xian Rong shook his head, "I think this is just a test. If we take the money and leave immediately, doesn't it mean that we are fake? If you try to use this trick in the future, it won't work."

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