Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 442 Hearing the voice of Master Meow (29)

The Qin family did not deal with Xian Rong in the name of Xian Rong trying to drag Qin Feiyu into trouble.

If word got out that Xian Rong and Guan Leikai wanted to take action against Qin Feiyu, outsiders would classify Qin Feiyu as Guan Leikai and Xian Rong, regardless of the truth.

The meeting actually achieved one of Xian Rong's goals and made Qin Feiyu the target of public criticism.

Qin Feiyu had so many injustice flags on his back that it was difficult to clarify.

That's why the Qin family sent evidence to Guan Leikai and the Guan family anonymously, just to prevent Qin Feiyu and Guan Leikai's names from appearing in the same file.

The Qin family also warned the Guan family and Guan Leikai that if Guan Leikai mentioned a word about Qin Feiyu, the Guan family would be put in jail.

Regarding Xian Rong, the Qin family first asked Xian Rong to spit out all the money he had received from Qin Feiyu.

Xian Rong's family would only ask for money from Xian Rong. Xian Rong was very tolerant to his family and gave most of the money he had to his family.

Xian Rong could only pay back a small part, but he would not be able to pay back any more.

Is this enough? impossible.

No matter how generous the Qin family is, they can never be so generous.

Xian Rong was sent to prison by the Qin family because of fraud.

Qin Feiyu would give Xian Rong money because Xian Rong said that he or his family had encountered something and needed money.

Qin Feiyu didn't think about coming back when he gave it, but in order to prove that he became friends with Qin Feiyu not because of Qin Feiyu's money, but that all of Qin Feiyu's money was a temporary loan, Xian Rong wrote an IOU to Qin Feiyu.

The reason stated by Xian Rong was stated on the IOU.

In fact, half of the reasons Xian Rong said were not true.

This becomes a scam.

If a person like Xian Rong goes to jail, he will not be able to enjoy his good fruits.

The Qin family handled it in a timely manner and did not reveal anything about what happened in the Huadi Hotel.

At that time, the people sent by the Qin family to follow Qin Feiyu thought that the hotel was safe, so he stayed in the hotel lobby and did not go up to confirm.

It was his dereliction of duty.

But it is also a good thing for the Qin family. If one less person knows about it, there will be less risk of spreading the word.

"Pei Xiaoyi, you know, you showed off your power again this time. You used hacking technology to crack Rong Xi's mobile phone and discovered his conspiracy."

Pei Anling's expression was bright, "Readers said they like you very much, and asked me to post a short video to the group to let them suck cats. Pei Xiaoyi, you will become famous soon."

Yuhua refused to make short videos, she wanted to be a low-key cat.

Pei Anling said that she showed great power, referring to the protagonist cat in Pei Anling's new article "Hearing the Voice of the Meow Master".

The new article is written one story after another.

The protagonist of the new story is based on Qin Feiyu.

The previous story featured Zhao Yunzong as the protagonist.

But now, for the sake of harmony in the whole text, Qin Anling changed the background and outline of the new story, changing the story to the protagonist encountering a fraud case, without mentioning Xian Rong's personal tendencies.

[The shit shoveling officer thought I couldn’t understand it, but I can. I don’t want to be famous. 】

"Pei Xiaoyi, when your shit shovel becomes a great god, you will have to be famous if you don't want to be famous. What a majestic cat the great writer has."

"Wang, don't you want to eat?" Sanhua tilted her head and wondered why Wang didn't eat.

The king didn't like eating mice, so they specially caught a snake for him.

Snakes are slippery to hold and slippery to eat, and they like to eat them most.

Just thinking about it makes me drool.

Dahei and Sanhua, who were all dressed in black, tilted their heads and looked at Zihua in unison.

"Well, I won't eat it." Zihua said again.

Yuhua, who has eaten human food, is not very interested in cat recipes.

Her body is not that of an ordinary cat, and there will be no problem of being unable to digest human food.

Zi Hua gestured, "You can eat. You don't have to keep any prey you catch in the future for me."

"Meow! The king gave it to us, let's eat together." The tiger head took the snake over.

"Meow, the king is so good." Sanhua looked at the delicious snake and licked her teeth with her tongue.

They didn't eat immediately because the black flowers hadn't returned yet.

The six cats patrol their territories separately every day, with one cat responsible for one area.

The other five cats are back, except for Black Flower.

After a while, Black Flower came back.

Sanhua said happily, "Heihua, come on, Hutou and Dahei have caught a big snake. The king won't eat it, so he gave it to us to eat. Come and eat it."

"Miao Miao." Black Flower suddenly drooled suspiciously from his mouth and ran over quickly.

"Meow! Black Flower, why are you late?" Hutou is a responsible and good-natured cat, "Are there a group of rats coming?"

As an official cat, it is very important to monitor the movements of mice.

There are several of them official cats in the villa area, and many mice have escaped outside the villa area.

Those who escaped would enter the villa area.

There are many rats in the wild outside, and competition for survival is fierce. Some rats run into the villa area. One or two rats alone are not good, but if a group of rats runs into the villa area, it will cause harm to the villa area.

A group of mice appeared in the villa area. Those who didn't know better thought that they were official cats who only ate public food and did not work.

It has greatly affected the reputation of these lucky cats.

"Mimi Miao, no." Hei Hua sucked back his suspicious saliva and replied to Hu Tou, "I passed by Wu Mao's house and saw Wu Mao being chased and beaten by his owner. Wu Mao's owner said that Wu Mao was eating secretly. Wu Mao escaped to the tree and couldn't get down. He was so scared that he grabbed the swaying branches and didn't dare to move. It was so fun."

Zihua noticed the bright light flashing in Heihua's eyes, which was a sign of burning curiosity.

"Wow, it's so interesting. Miwu, I didn't even see it." The big yellow raccoon seemed to be stamping its feet and beating its chest.

"Really." Sanhua's attention was attracted by Heihua's words.

Dahei followed Sanhua and tilted his head towards Kurohua.

"It's true." Erhuangli testified for Black Flower, "I saw a hairless owner beating it once and scolding it for not being able to catch mice."

Sanhua showed disgust, "You can't even catch mice, but you're still a cat."

It has never learned to catch mice from its mother since it was a child, but it instinctively wants to catch mice when it sees them.

Later it became a wanderer and survived by catching mice.

"Meow! Wang, should we go and have a look?" Hu Tou asked the question to Yu Hua.

Zihua nodded, "We'll go there together after you finish eating."

So it’s not just her who is curious, it’s a group of cats who are curious.

Six cats started eating.

A snake over a foot long was divided among six cats, and each cat could not eat much.

Zihua added some weight to them, and it was a piece of boiled lamb leg with only a little salt.

She specially asked Pei Anling to prepare this for the six cats.

After helping Qin Feiyu avoid a plot, Pei Anling became the favorite of the Qin family. The Qin family was eager to respond to Pei Anling's requests.

Pei Anling was already living a good life in the Qin family. She didn't need anything special, but she knew how to accept the Qin family's kindness to her, and she put what she wanted in Zihua.

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