Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 446 Hearing the voice of Master Meow (33)

Shao Mao's eyes, mouth, ears, and tail were twitching in frustration, "The little master asked me to jump through a very high circle, and also asked me to push a round thing. I couldn't quite understand what he said. It took me a long time to figure it out.

I didn't understand the little master's words and didn't follow his instructions. He wouldn't give me anything to eat, and he wouldn't let anyone else give me food. I was very hungry.

The little master said that training animals is to starve them and beat them, and then the animals will become obedient.

Later I figured it out and got through the circle, but I couldn't push the round tube. The little master punished me not to eat and even beat me.

It took me a long time to figure it out. My little master said that he wanted to train me to become an acrobatic cat. He said that the cats in the video could do it, and even I, a cat, could learn it. "

"Ugh..." Erhuangli let out a long cry that seemed to be in wonder, "It turns out that life is so miserable without Mao, but with a master, he will be hungry and beaten every day."

"I don't get beaten every day." Wu Mao spoke for his master, "The big master didn't beat me very often. He even asked the little master to give me food. The little master sometimes played with me."

Heihua became anxious when he heard this, "Mi Miao! Wu Mao, you said the master is good again, do you want to leave the master? If not, go back to your master's house."

"No, I want to leave. Miao..." The hairless head lowered again, "I am very obedient to my little master. It hurts when the little master hits me. I have never bitten or scratched the little master. I just avoid it, but If the little master thinks I am hiding, he will beat me again.

The little master is getting stronger and stronger, and I am afraid that I will be beaten to death. I don't want to die. "

"So I don't want a master." The big yellow raccoon raised his head firmly, "I don't even want meat every day."

Big yellow cats like to eat meat. Of course, there are not many cats who don’t like to eat meat.

Recently, a man brought delicious meat sausages to the big yellow raccoon every day to lure it to his home.

The big yellow raccoon withstood the temptation of delicious food and did not go home with the man.

The six cats regarded the sudden increase in people feeding them recently as a reward for their efforts in catching mice, and Zi Hua knew the reason best.

Since the reputation of the six cats became known, some people started to think about the cats and wanted to take them in.

It’s not that they suddenly fell in love with cats, it’s that they fell in love with the name Fu Mao.

If there were no seven cats coming at that time, Zhao Yunzong would definitely die.

Zhao Yunzong not only survived, but also had the blessing of finding his biological daughter.

Another Zhao family, the Zhao Chengbin family who changed their name to Zhao Chaofang, is encountering financial difficulties and is raising money everywhere. If the funds are not available by the specified time, there will be big problems in the operation of the company.

Now, Zhao Yunzong has a lot of funds on hand to help Zhao Chengbin tide over this difficulty.

There are two families with a lucky cat and a lucky cat.

The richer and more powerful people are, the more they believe in things like luck and feng shui.

But the six cats were not stray cats in the ordinary sense. They were caught and taken home by force.

Fundamentally speaking, the six cats did not belong to the property management company of the villa. The six cats came here on their own, and the property management just kept them to hunt and scare rats.

Even if the property management can make the decision, the property management dare not make the decision.

The people who can live here are not ordinary people. Who will be given it and who will not be given it?

Moreover, if the person who wants a cat wants the cat to be a "blessing" and forcibly takes the cat home, which will make the cat feel bad about him, the blessing may turn into evil.

So they adopted a gentle strategy and lured the one they liked among the six cats with various delicacies.

They just want to lure the cats home, stay in their homes, and bring blessings to their homes. Few people will seriously study which foods cats can eat and which cats cannot eat.

Many of these foods are not suitable for cats to eat. A small amount is fine, but eating too much is harmful to the cat's health and may even make the cat sick or even die.

But some food smells very good to cats.

Juhua exercised her royal authority and told the six cats that no one was allowed to eat the food sent by those people before she said what kind of food they could eat.

Fortunately, all the six cats listened to her. Even Sanhua, her favorite, only drooled over the food and ate the usual cat food while smelling the smell without stuttering.

Juhua has verified that the sausage cat given to the big yellow raccoon dog can eat it.

The big yellow raccoon only ate the meat sausages placed in front of the six cats' nests, and not the ones further away. The man's plan to use the meat sausages to lure the big yellow raccoon home failed.

"Meow." Sanhua's focus was different from other cats, "What kind of cat is the Acrobatic Cat?"

"It's a cat that wants to imitate the movements of humans and dogs." Hu Tou understood. "My previous master asked me to imitate humans standing and walking. I won't be scolded by my master."

"Why should we imitate the movements of humans and dogs? We are cats."

"Meow! People like to let cats act like dogs and dogs act like cats. They think this is interesting."

"Meow?" Sanhua still didn't understand what this meant. A cat is a cat when it does cat actions. Why don’t people raise dogs and do dog actions?

"Luwu. People like strange things." Dahei spoke for a rare moment. Dahei's throat was injured, and the voice it produced was thick and hoarse.

"Mimiao, I know, I know, I have seen a dog dressed up as a human..."

The six cats soon changed the subject.

It actually turned the hairless frustrated face into a curious face.

Pei Anling passed by a young man.

The young man wore big sunglasses, revealing the lower half of his face, which was fair and handsome.

Pei Anling glanced at the other person, not because the other person was good-looking, but because she seemed to feel that the other person was squinting at her through his sunglasses.

After the wrong body passed by, Pei Anling looked back at the young man's back, frowned and said, "I seem to have seen this man somewhere..."

She tapped her forehead, as if this would trigger some memories, and in fact it worked. She remembered who this person was, "Liu Hyuk."

Liu Hyuk is a contestant on the current popular talent show "The Most Promising Boy".

At present, the general public attention of talent shows has declined, but talent shows that can become popular still have a certain influence.

Because he has been staying at home coding, he has very little contact with the outside world. In order not to lose touch with the times and to get more material, Pei Anling pays attention to current popular events and takes a look at talent shows from time to time.

Liu He ranked in the top twenty among the players, which impressed Pei Anling.

But there were many players who were better than Liu Hyuk. Pei Anling was more impressed by those players, so he thought for a while before he remembered that this young man might be Liu Hyuk.

What impressed her was not Yoo Hyuk's appearance, but Yoo Hyuk's mysterious background and persona.

Everyone likes to explore mysteries, and Liu Hyuk, who seems to have a mysterious background, has attracted a lot of attention.

Some people say that Liu Hyuk was born into a noble family. He was from the third or fourth generation. His family did not allow him to enter the entertainment industry in the name of the family. If he did not succeed, he would have to go home and inherit the family business.

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