Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 508 The family has a throne to inherit (33)

"Drive!" The whip in She Erniu's hand snapped in the air, and the horse pulling the cart walked faster in response.

The carriage moved faster and the wind became stronger, making him feel comfortable all over.

He has lived for thirty-one years, and his life has never been as moist as it is now.

He had a very difficult life from the beginning, and when he entered the Zhao family brick kiln, his life was even more difficult, and he almost died in the kiln.

God opened his eyes, and His Highness saved him and their village, Quhehe.

His body was damaged from the work in the Zhao family's brick kiln, and he could no longer farm, so he had to sign up his mother to work in the public fields.

The family also has three young children and an old woman with difficulty walking to support. When he was worried, a great thing happened to him. Village Chief Su arranged for him to drive the children in the village to Jinsuo Village every day. After school, they were paid according to working on public fields.

He only needs to feed the horses and drive twice every day, and he is fully capable of the job.

After the rice was harvested a few days ago, the reward he received was only 10% less than the child's mother. The harvest they received was so large that they could feed the whole family for a year.

Not only that, the village also gave his wife a ration, and the three young children also gave some food subsidies.

This is only one season's harvest. When the next season's harvest comes, his family will become the enviable rich family in the past.

Moreover, every family in the village is a wealthy family that I never dared to think about before.

They can live such a good life like gods because His Highness has brought them to them.

Whenever I think of complaining to Village Chief Su at that time, I feel ashamed. By complaining like that, he was not repaying a favor to His Highness with a grudge.

Hearing the children chirping in the car, he didn't feel annoyed at all. He only stopped the children when they made a lot of noise, "Sit tight and wait until the car stops to make trouble. It's not fun to fall down."

A child poked his head out of the car and said, "Uncle Erniu, look what that is."

"Which way?" She Erniu looked to the back right side in the direction of the child's finger, and saw a few red and black colors in the distance.

It was too far away and blocked by trees, so I couldn't see clearly what it was, but the color was shaking.

She Erniu didn't wonder for too long. The color quickly came closer, allowing him to see what it was. It was a flag, not one, but many flags.

She Erniu trembled, "It's the God Blessing Army."

The God's Blessing Army came last time. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he had heard about what the God's Blessing Army was like.

When Lihe Village returned to His Highness, he saw some of the captured items of the God's Blessing Army, including the flag of the God's Blessing Army.

The flag of God's Blessing Army is red and black.

When he sent his children to class in the morning, he heard that His Highness had left with the Silver Armor Army early this morning. When he went to pick up his children, His Highness had not returned yet.

It would not be a good thing for the God Blessed Army to come when His Highness is away.

No, he had to go back to the village quickly, there was a car full of children.

He shouted at the children in the carriage, "The God Blessed Army is here, hurry up and get back to the carriage. I have to hurry up."

When they heard the name of God's Blessing Army, some of the children in the carriage were afraid, some didn't know they were afraid but looked outside, and some were frightened and cried when they felt something was wrong.

She Erniu was also panicked. Fortunately, after several months of training, he was no longer the ignorant person he was before. He was still panicking, but he also thought of some solutions and called the names of a few older children, "Yougen, Daman, Chunxiu, Four Pillars, the older ones, grab the younger ones."

The older children who were nodded also panicked, but being assigned tasks made them feel more responsible. They didn't care about panicking and quickly held down the restless children and stopped the ones who were scared and crying.

"Drive! Drive!" Seeing that the car was stable, She Erniu whipped the horse twice, and the horse changed from a trot to a trot.

They were also seen by the God Blessed Army.

A group of ten or so cavalrymen from the God's Blessing Army galloped towards the carriage.

Originally, She Erniu still had hopes, thinking that he was overthinking what if the Tianyou Army was just passing by on the march. When he saw the Tianyou Army team running towards here, She Erniu felt his scalp tightening, and he shouted at the horse to let him go. Horse, run faster.

The carriage only had one horse, pulling a large carriage of children. It couldn't run fast, and even though She Erniu could run fast, she didn't dare to run too fast and throw the children out.

The God's Blessing Army came diagonally, their horses' hooves were beating fast, and they were about to catch up with the carriage. When She Erniu saw the God's Blessing Army starting to draw a big knife, she was so frightened that her hands and feet were almost no longer her own.

"Ah, they're going to kill us!"

"I want my mother, I'm afraid."


There were more children crying in the carriage.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed and rowed towards the rushing team of God's Blessed Army.

Under the broad daylight, the light seemed very harmless, and the speed of rowing was not very fast, and it passed by lightly.

But the Tianyou Army team was not allowed to escape, and the light passed through every sergeant of the Tianyou Army.

The sergeant of God's Blessing Army fell off his horse almost at the same time without a single cry.

"Heavenly Soldiers!"

She Erniu and the children in the carriage all saw who saved them.

They are called the transformed silver-armored soldiers.

A silver-armored sergeant transformed into a two-meter-tall heavenly weapon. Holding a magic weapon, he killed the God's Blessing Army team a hundred meters away.

After killing this group of God's Blessed Army, the silver-armored sergeant didn't stop for a moment and turned to face the large group of God's Blessed Army in the distance.

The silver-armored sergeant left in the blink of an eye at a speed that was beyond human reach.

The children in the carriage cheered.

"Heavenly soldiers saved us."

"His Highness sent the heavenly soldiers here."

"Hey~~" She Erniu asked the horse to slow down a bit, but still trotted back to the village.

Although the presence of the Silver Armored Army made him no longer afraid and wanted to stay and find out what happened, there were children on the carriage and he had to send them back to the village safely.

There are many villagers who are as frightened as She Erniu.

Some of them were working in the fields, some were on their way back from an outing, and some were going down to the river to catch fish to eat. Unexpectedly, they encountered God's Blessing Army.

Those God-Blessed Army came specifically for them. They came without saying anything and came up to kill them.

Sergeant Shining Armor arrived in time to save them.

Those who were brave enough to stay and watch saw the Silver Armored Army displaying its might and killing all the God Blessed Army.

It wasn't until they saw Captain Bai Qiao of the Silver Armor Army that they knew what had happened.

It was some officials, wealthy businessmen, and leaders of the God's Blessing Army who believed in the Holy Emperor Church who colluded together. They did not want to see the two villages live well, so that other villages and other towns would follow suit.

They want to kill His Highness and destroy two villages.

In addition, they also want to get new rice seeds and various machines produced in Jinsuo Village.

The villagers of the two villages share the same hatred.

They have learned knowledge for so long and have a lot of understanding of Daxia and Zhujiang Mansion. Their vision and thinking are far beyond what they used to be.

They believed what Bai Qiao said.

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