Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 511 The family has a throne to inherit (36)

No one was seen in front of the city gate, but there were many people inside.

After hearing this, Zi Hua realized that the city would be a bit chaotic.

"Oh my god, I just took a look at it from a distance. That Silver Demon Soldier is so scary. He's covered from head to toe, so he doesn't look like a human being."

"Is Princess Sui coming to take over Nagisa City? How will we live in the future?"

"Don't tell me that she is a fake princess. Why don't you arrest the fake one?"

"Where are the people from the government? The Silver Demon Soldiers have entered the city. Why don't you close the city gate quickly?"

"The people guarding the city gate have run away. Will the God's Blessed Army come to rescue us?"

"Why do you all believe those rumors? I don't believe them anyway."

"The Holy Emperor bless you."

"I have relatives over there in Jinsuo Village, and Princess Zhao is not who she is at all."

Zi Hua glanced around with her thoughts. Most of those who believed the rumors were the people at the bottom.

People's information sources are poor, most of them are illiterate, and their lives are difficult enough. They have no time to think and are easily led astray.

Not everyone believed it, but there were many people who were willing to believe it, thinking that there might be some truth in those rumors.

This is one of the reasons why she must enter Zhujiang City in the Ming Dynasty.

She lets the public see the real Silver Armor Army.

Those people deliberately sent a message to Princess Jing, hoping that Princess Jing would stop her. One of the intentions was that they did not want her to enter Zhujiang City.

Rumors spread easily and change, and now that the rumors have spread, she and the Silver-armored Army Demon have changed into another appearance.

When she appeared with the Silver Armor Army, she saw that they were not similar to those in the rumors, and many rumors would be self-defeating.

Zi Hua noticed a small detail. The people in Zhujiang City had much less awe for the royal family than the villagers in Jinsuo Village. Instead, they had more awe for the Holy Emperor.

Zihua didn't stay long in front of the city gate and led the silver armor army into the city.

The road was spontaneously vacated, allowing Zihua and his party to pass unimpeded.

It's not that the road is empty, but that pedestrians are hiding on both sides of the road, looking around with emotions such as nervousness or fear, and they just have to say that they don't welcome the arrival of Yuhua and his party. .

When I saw the Silver Armor Army and the magic weapon in Yuhua's hand, I had various reactions. The one who was most surprised was that the Silver Armor Army was so different from the rumors.

Now that the road was clear, Zihua did not slow down and the horse trotted towards the center of the city.

After the silver-armored cavalry passed by, everyone dared to talk and discuss.

"I was scared to death. The Silver Demon Soldier walked right in front of me. I couldn't even move half of my body."

"The iron rod held by Princess Yan is probably the magic weapon that has not been activated."

"I don't think there is anything scary about the silver-armored soldiers. They are riding ordinary horses, but they are covering their faces so that no one can see them. They don't look like demons. Do you really believe those rumors? If they were really demon soldiers, we would still be alive. "

"Does anyone know what Princess Sui came here to do?"

"I think they are heading towards the Holy Emperor's Hall."

Because the Holy Emperor's Hall was built very tall and was located in the center of Zhujiang City, it became a very conspicuous landmark building in Zhujiang City.

Princess Yan did nothing after leading the Silver Armor Army into the city. The Silver Armor Army was completely different from the rumors, which made many people bolder. They followed the Silver Armor Army and wanted to see where the Silver Armor Army was going. What, for what?

Magistrate Gong also wanted to know what Princess Zhao was thinking.

He didn't know what happened, how could the princess enter Zhujiang City unharmed.

Could it be that Princess Xiao didn't take that route, so she bypassed the ambush?

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Princess Sui was able to escape from a cannon that could level half of Nagisa City with one shot.

"Where is the person? He hasn't come back yet?" The people he sent to inquire have not received any news yet.

Soon someone found out that Princess Yan went to the Holy Emperor Hall.

Is it possible that Princess Yan is also a believer of the Holy Emperor?

Zheng Yongyan did not doubt that Princess Zhao would be a believer of the Holy Emperor. If Princess Zhao believed in the Holy Emperor, Magistrate Gong and other followers of the Holy Emperor would not spread rumors to smear Princess Princess.

Zheng Yongjing failed to persuade Princess Zhao, as he expected.

Perhaps, Princess Yan can help the Zheng family get rid of their current fate of being unable to be free.

After inquiring about the whereabouts of Princess Yan, he followed her.

Zihua came to the outside of the Holy Emperor's Hall but did not go in. She turned around to face the crowd following her and activated the energy weapon in her hand.

There is Princess Jing in Zhujiang City. Many people have seen what a divine weapon looks like, and it is difficult to fake a divine weapon. They all believe that Princess Jing is the real princess and not a fake one as some rumors say.

"As a descendant of the bloodline of Emperor Zhu Kou, I came to Zhujiang Mansion today specifically to rectify the name of Emperor Zhu Kou." Yuhua's voice was sent far away, so that half of the city could hear it.

"Emperor Zhu Kou once left behind ten sacred objects, one of which was the Sky Curtain. Emperor Zhu Kou placed a sky curtain in each of the fifteen major cities to transmit government orders. When did the Sky Curtain become the sacred miracle of the Holy Emperor Hall? .”

If Zihua wants to rectify his own name, he must first rectify the name of Emperor Zukou.

In the past forty years, those people have tasted the sweetness of smearing and killing the bandit emperor and fighting a public opinion war.

Since those people wanted to start a public opinion war against her again, she would treat them the same way.

The sky screen is a simple version of interstellar image transmission equipment, suitable for planets without star networks.

The transmitted image does not require a screen of any material as a carrier and can be displayed directly as a three-dimensional image.

Due to energy issues, in the 30th year of the Great Lunar Calendar, it will not be activated unless it is a major event.

After developing the energy box, Emperor Zhu Kou ordered people to replace the energy source of Tianmu, but until Emperor Zhu Kou died, the energy replacement of Tianmu was reported to be unsuccessful.

After Emperor Zhu Kou died, no one used the canopy anymore, and even deliberately made people forget the existence of the canopy.

The fifteen places where the canopy was placed were built into the Holy Emperor Hall, and then there were miracles of the Holy Emperor.

The Holy Emperor Church has many believers in Zhujiang City, and what Zi Hua said was tantamount to starting a war.

"What princess, how dare you slander the Holy Emperor Hall!"

"Tianmu? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"I know. I have read a book published in the 20th year of the Great Xia Calendar. It mentioned the canopy. The canopy appears in the sky like a mirage and can instantly transmit the facts in the capital to the fifteen prefectures where the canopy exists. "

"Does it mean that those miracles were performed using a canopy?"

"That's nonsense. The sky curtain is originally a sacred object of the Holy Emperor's Hall, and is used by the Holy Emperor to communicate with believers."

"The fake princess should be hanged for blaspheming the Holy Emperor."

Zheng Yongjing also came over. After hearing these words, she was so angry that she wanted to pull out the magic weapon, but Zheng Yongyan grabbed her hand, "Don't be impulsive, lest you disrupt Princess Yan's plan."

As members of the Zheng family, they certainly know what Tianmu is.

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