Quick Time Travel Plane Development 2

Chapter 558 The family has a throne to inherit (83)

All the cancers in Daxia were dug out, including those who deserved the death penalty and those who deserved hard labor.

They were all arrested only when there was solid evidence, and the evidence was published online.

In Daxia, all prisoners who do not meet the death penalty will serve hard labor, and they will not be kept in vain and the people's money will be used to support them.

The atmosphere of Great Xia was distorted in some places by some thoughtful people before, but now everything has been straightened out.

The ratio of men to women in the Daxia Army returned to 46 points, with 6 points for women.

Before it became 50-50. Fifty-five is a very dangerous signal. If it goes down further, it will become six men and four women. Once it becomes like this, Daxia will slowly return to the era of inequality between men and women.

The publicity about how wonderful marriage is has become increasingly explicit in recent years, which is one such red flag.

The people of Daxia's support for Empress Minghua continues to rise.

Empress Minghua is no longer a historical figure, but a real person in front of our eyes, allowing more young people in Daxia to regard her as an idol.

"When I look at the information about Empress Minghua, I always feel that she is far away from us. Although the image information is very clear, now that I have seen the real person, I just want to say that Empress Minghua is my eternal god."

"I love Empress Minghua's acting style so much. She acts vigorously and resolutely. She doesn't talk nonsense or beat around the bush. Ding is Ding, Mao is Mao. She does what she says she does."

"I really didn't expect that Gu Shiyan would be the thorn in the ground of Kun Ren since he was a child. Over the years, he has brought many Kun people into Daxia. If he hadn't been caught this time, in a few years, Kun people would be all over Daxia. .”

"No wonder those Kun people from Fan State dare to clamor that one day they will kill Daxia one day. It turns out they are here to do evil."

"Bah, what are you dreaming about? Daxia is no longer the Daxia of the previous Xia Dynasty."

"Isn't the Holy Emperor's Church more terrifying? Those people still have the tradition of drinking that kind of fresh blood."

"Like everyone in the nest, they are all plotting against Da Xia."

"What's even more frightening is that people like Shi Kangjie, who were born and raised in Daxia, actually eat everything inside and outside."

"It's been verified that Shi Kangjie's ancestor was an official in the former Xia Dynasty. He wanted to dominate the people like his ancestors."

"Fortunately we have Empress Minghua."

"Let me start by saying that it was in the past, not now. In the past, I thought that the people more than a hundred years ago called the two empresses gods. I felt that the people at that time were too ignorant. It was just that the two empresses were lucky enough to get the blessings from They are just products of interstellar civilization, and they themselves have nothing to do with immortals.

Now I know that the Empress of Minghua turned the tide and solved Daxia's open enemies and hidden dangers in just a few clicks. She can really be called a god. "

"I have never questioned the two empresses. Just look at other countries. Women in those countries have to marry. After marriage, they still take the other person's surname. They are trapped at home with their children in the kitchen every day, without any autonomy.

The fact that we women in Daxia can live so freely and be the head of their own family is all because of having two empresses. "

"I love our empress very much."

Especially when they saw that Empress Minghua was indeed a very unostentatious empress as recorded in historical records, they loved Empress Minghua even more.

In an era when the people are fully intelligent, what they want is not a lofty emperor. We are all human beings, and no one is nobler than the other.

Even if this emperor has done meritorious service to Daxia, but merit is merit, they can pay respect to him, but if he makes them fear and kneel down, then forget about it.

Empress Minghua's down-to-earth attitude was so touching to their hearts.

From time to time, some people occasionally upload videos of Empress Minghua out and about on the Internet, causing a lot of heated discussion.

In these videos, without exception, Empress Minghua is not followed by a bunch of people. Sometimes she is followed by one or two entourage members, and sometimes she drives out alone.

"I never thought that our empress could be so down-to-earth. Except for the court dress she wore on the throne, she wears casual clothes at other times, all in ordinary styles."

"The light blue robe she wore this time was purchased online for five hundred and sixty yuan, which is cheaper than the new one I bought."

"I have placed an order for the same style as the Empress."

"Look at those kings from other countries. When they go out, they would like to have ten or eight fully armed vehicles to clear the way. They eat and drink extravagantly. If they compare with our empress, they will be superior to each other."

"Our empress' popularity depends on her ability and character. Those kings have none of these. They can only rely on luxury goods to attract the envy and jealous eyes of the public, and gain some psychological satisfaction from being a master."

"This is just one aspect. Those kings have done a lot of immoral things from their ancestors to the present. They live a wasteful life by sucking the blood of the people. They are afraid of being beaten and killed when they go out, so they are fully armed.

Our empress is different. It's not too late for the people to like her, and no one will hurt her.

To put it bluntly, even if there is a bad guy who slips through the net and wants to cause trouble, if our empress goes there with a magic weapon, I will lose until that person dies. "

"Until our empress uses the magic weapon, that thing will be beaten to death if it dares to show up. Who among us can't meet anyone? I'm a little excited thinking about it. After practicing physical skills for so many years, I can finally do it. It comes in handy."

"I hope our empress can always be here and never leave again."

There are many people who also support Lu Shuilan.

"Does anyone like General Lu as much as I do? She is so sassy. She is so handsome when she leads the silver-armored guards to Fan Kingdom to kill everyone."

"Same love. The Overlord of the Sea returns to the ocean, and Lu Shuilan's life trajectory is a great read."

"Someone revealed that Lu Shuilan is probably not a human, but a robot like the Silver Armored Guard, but she is the most intelligent."

"It's very possible. You see, Empress Minghua's face is as young as it was fifty years ago, but the muscles and contours of her face have changed slightly. And General Lu's face looks like a copy and paste from fifty years ago. It's a real person, this is impossible.

The conclusion is that General Lu is not a real person. "

"I like her even if she's not a real person. Empress Minghua trusts her so much."

"Of course, the person Empress Minghua trusts the most, oh, I was wrong, the robot she trusts the most is Lu Shuilan."

"The most trusted robot? It means there are other robots under Empress Minghua!!"

"Why didn't I think of that! Who are the other robots?"

"One thing comes to mind, Lu Shuilan's sister Zheng Shuilan..."

"Ah ha, they exposed me. Young people fifty years from now will dare to think more than their forefathers." Lu Shuilan didn't have the consciousness of the person involved at all. He watched the excitement online and would do it when he was happy. Join the conversation.

The person who made the statement that the robot Empress Hua trusted most was Lu Shuilan was Lu Shuilan himself.

Yu Hua doesn't have any opinion on Lu Shui Lan's method of revealing his identity.

Now there is no need to maintain her reputation as a god. Whether Lu Shuilan is a robot or a human has little impact on her.

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