Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 597 Cultural Communication System (17)

Book Desperate Forum, gossip and gossip area.

[By the way, do you know the literature website Zhutian Literature Network? Many of the novels in it are really interesting. Although they are not high-quality goods, they are still good to pass the time.

The novel I'm chasing recently.

It can update 10,000 words every day, and it's free.

This is no different than those magazines that publish two issues a month. The first issue is only 10,000 words less, and the longer one is more than 30,000 words. Sometimes if there is no exciting content in the previous issue, when you read the next issue I almost forgot what I said earlier, so I have to dig it out and read it again.

It's just that the author is too ruthless.

Every time it ends at the most critical time, it makes people scratching their heads and wanting to read the next chapter sooner. 】

[I know about this novel website, but I strongly recommend that you only read the novels published by people with the signed author logo. The novels posted by those without the signed author logo are too bad. There is no trace, and there is another one that guarantees daily updates, but now it is updated once a week, with 2,000 words at a time. With such a small number of words, is it to send beggars? 】

[I also noticed this.

Many people may just have a whim, apply for a registered author on a whim, and then run out of inspiration after publishing a few chapters, or feel boring, no readers, etc., just abandon the article and stop writing. 】

[So that’s the case, I said why some novels were added to the bookshelf, there was no movement for several days, and now I have opened a website with Zhutianxue.com, and the more than a dozen authors who published articles together are relatively stable. Half of them are female, I'm not interested. 】

[Well, have you guys really been starved of books to the point of starvation? I have read some of the novels in Zhutianxue.com. Great novel, the plot is really bloody.

The female protagonist was dragged by the male protagonist for dozens of meters at the beginning, and then directly sent to the military camp to serve as a military female branch. At the same time, it was written on the label of the work that it was sadomasochistic love. The author should be so mad.

The most outrageous thing is in the middle and late stages.

The heroine forgives the hero.

Yes, forgive me!

These three views are too explosive.

There is also a book that begins with a crush on the little uncle. Although in the middle period, I found out that the little uncle is not my biological uncle and has no blood relationship, but in the early days, the heroine didn't know this.

The male side is also not much better.

I was broken up at the beginning of the game, and said that women hate poverty and love the rich. At the beginning, my brain was filled with water and I ate with you for a few years. After a few years, the water in my brain evaporated and dried up. After getting Goldfinger, he started to slap his face, and he was short of three wives and four concubines, with a harem in groups.

This kind of scumbag can only share poverty, but not wealth. Even if he doesn't have golden fingers, breaks up or something, and makes a fortune by working hard on his own, he is probably the one who cheated and abandoned his wife. He is really mad.

Reading these novels can shorten your life by several years. 】

[I also admire the upstairs, knowing that it does not match my three views, but still able to read it from beginning to end without missing a beat, watching it so carefully and seriously.

I almost wrote a 10,000-word long review.

With all due respect, I know those novels, and I stopped reading them after reading the introduction, and since you can read them, you can only say that either you have a tendency to be masochistic.

Or you subconsciously like to watch this kind of plot, but you think this kind of plot is bloody and low-end, and you don't want to admit it. 】

[This is probably called love and hate! 】

[Deep love, deep responsibility? 】

【Well, don’t you guys care about the profitability of Zhutianxue.com? It’s a free model now, and at the same time, it not only needs to bear the cost of running the website, but also has to bear the basic guarantee of the authors.

I'm really worried that the boss behind the scenes will not be able to survive one day. Should we suggest that the boss of Zhutianxue.com put up some advertisements? Although advertisements are actually annoying, I really don't want to see the website go bankrupt! 】

[Oh, why worry about this kind of thing, if the boss really can't hold on, he will definitely try to find a profit point, then we just support and support, why worry about things that haven't come yet? 】

[The boss should already have a profit direction. I see the author benefits on the registered author page. It is written at the end. Paid subscriptions may be launched later. At that time, the income of readers’ paid subscriptions will be shared with the writers.

In other words, we have to cherish the free time now, and when we read novels after a while, we have to pay for them like buying magazines, but that's good too.

It's always free and I feel a little bit sorry for it!

I just don't know if it's expensive or not. 】

[If you pay, how will you pay? Could it be that you have to pay for the full text to watch it? Would that be the same as the price of published books? If it is as expensive as the price of published books, it feels very uneconomical. After all, published books still have physical books. The Internet is just data.

If you pay for a single chapter, that would be too troublesome! 】

[It sounds troublesome. 】

[It doesn’t matter whether you pay or not, at least we can use whether we pay or not to express whether we like certain novels or certain plots, so as to prevent the author from playing around. 】

[I won’t read it if I pay for it. Anyway, there are books in the rental bookstore, and it only costs 80 cents to rent a book. 】

[Please, what year are the old antique books in the rental bookstore? What's the point of those books! 】

[Just to pass the time. 】

[Hey, wait, if the serialized novels on this website are also charged, wouldn’t that lower the threshold for becoming an author? In the past, only the editors of the publishing houses were satisfied with the submissions before they could be read by readers.

Now it is to let the readers see it first, and then see if the readers are satisfied before becoming a signed writer.

In this way, not only is the threshold for becoming an author lowered, but the threshold for becoming a reader is also lowered.

Readers do not need to buy magazines or books to read.

You don’t even need to buy and read a part of it to know whether you like a certain novel or not, because online reading charges, and it’s definitely impossible to charge for the first chapter.

No matter what, there must be a few chapters for free.

I think this point is very promising. Do you want to try some original writers in our forum? After all, they are professional literature websites. We mainly discuss recommendations and even write book reviews. 】

[It makes sense, according to my observation, the average daily traffic of the various astronomical websites has exceeded one million, and our forum was less than one hundred thousand when it was at its peak.

Send the original novel over there.

The reading volume will definitely increase if the base number increases.

The most important thing is that this literature network has just been established, and now it should be the time when there is a shortage of people. If the ability is good, it may be popular. 】

【It makes sense, follow...】


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