Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 742 Martial arts game system (18)

The other sea clan chiefs present, including the sea emperor's octopus clan chief, couldn't help being silent when they heard this, and they were quickly thinking about whether the information detected by the immortal jellyfish was true or not, weighing the pros and cons.

It took a long time before someone asked a question.

"Are human beings really so powerful? Could it be that they are deliberately spreading false news just to scare us? It's not impossible!"

"I don't believe it. Humans probably never thought about having our Sea Clan before, let alone preparing weapons that would perish with our Sea Clan. Most of their weapons should only be used on land.

How can it be so easy to exterminate our sea race! "

"Yes, there are many places in the ocean that humans can't even set foot on. Immortal jellyfish, you must have been fooled by the human race. You can believe this nonsense!"

"I believe!"

"I have studied the history of mankind. After they developed destructive weapons, they restrained a lot from wars. Countries with destructive weapons have been restraining and avoiding wars as much as possible.

The battle against each other is more about culture than economic strength.

Even shameless!

And in the case where an all-out war cannot be completely waged, the shameless side usually has the upper hand.

Oh, no, that's a long way off topic.

What I mean is that human beings definitely have the ability to make the entire planet uninhabitable, and the final outcome is definitely not inferior to the mass extinctions recorded in human history. If the means of extermination of the world is used, the specific harm will even exceed those few mass extinctions.

At that time, even our Sea Clan will have very few surviving lives and even races.

I think this is what everyone doesn't want to see.

If the best situation of this war can maintain the state of miserable victory, I will definitely not object, but the reality now is that the best situation of this war is to end together. Is it really worth fighting again?

We want human land for nothing.

As for humans hunting the Sea Clan, our Sea Clan itself is also hunting each other, isn't it that many of the subordinate races under our name are actually our food?

So I think even if we can't get along harmoniously.

At least it can't start an all-out war! "

There are ignorant Hai Clan patriarchs, and naturally there are also Hai Clan patriarchs who understand human beings very well, and even study human history in depth. In many cases, no matter what life is ignorant or fearless, it is a person or other life that does not understand anything. To be afraid of nothing.

For example, many children were not afraid of snakes, insects, rats and ants when they were young. They dared to catch poisonous snakes and play with them.

Even seeing it makes my whole body go numb.

This is the fearlessness of the ignorant.

At this time, those Sea Clan patriarchs who have a deeper understanding of human science and technology naturally agree with each other, and they are more inclined to be more peaceful.

"All of you, are you thinking a little too simple? I am afraid that we can no longer achieve peace if we want peace. Human beings are still spreading more and more powerful viruses that are specifically aimed at our sea race. , At the same time, we are constantly collecting the corpses of our Sea Clan to concoct and refine them into elixir.

And has already tasted the sweetness.

Do you think that in terms of human greed, you can let go of these benefits and live in peace with us?

This is simply not possible. "

After all the sea clans present were arguing and almost came to a conclusion, the sea emperor laughed unhurriedly, and made his attitude clear:

"Human greed is engraved in the genes, for the sake of profit, they can give up everything.

Didn’t humans say it themselves, 100% interest is enough to trample on the law, and 300% interest can even make them sell the rope to hang themselves. What percentage is the benefit obtained by the side?

But there is one thing you are right about, that is, it is really impossible to start a full-scale war. After all, humans do have weapons that we are afraid of, so the next order is to continue to stand in a stalemate with humans.

At the same time, life-saving is the most important thing, there is no need to go all out.

The main task is still to raise the sea level.

Since we are going to destroy the human race directly, and we need to worry about those human beings dying together, then let's take it slowly.

In human terms.

That is, the frogs boiled in warm water slowly submerge the land.

As long as we don't let them die immediately and give them some hope, they won't use the means of dying together. After all, even if the sea level keeps rising, as long as it doesn't rise to a certain level.

None of them are hopeless. "

Neptune's words basically finalized the final result of this meeting, and also set the specific course of action for the Sea Clan for the next period of time. After that, of course, they will discuss some details and arrange for each family.

And half an hour after the meeting ended, the Human Alliance successfully learned the relevant information from the Sea Clan, knowing that the Sea Emperor still wanted to completely submerge the land with sea water.

For this reason they also had to meet and negotiate.

One is to study whether the sea people can give up this idea and prevent them from continuing to destroy the land and raise the sea level, and the other is to study whether there is any way to make ice, so as to try to lower the sea level.

In addition to preserve human fresh water resources.

It is also a major focus of discussion.

The end result is that both parties actually wanted to negotiate peace a little bit, but they couldn't negotiate peace because of various fears.

We can only continue to stalemate and fight.

The only difference is probably that since then, both sides have restrained a little on the frontal battlefield, greatly reducing casualties, but in the private non-frontal battlefield, the fight has become more and more fierce and ruthless.

For example, a large number of sea people dig deep into the land.

Digging earth to create seas.

For example, a large number of sea races destroy the underground water veins connecting the human race, either pulling the water veins to the ocean, or drawing sea water to the water veins, destroying human freshwater resources.

Humans' countermeasures are land reclamation and launching ice bombs, which is to use special weapons to forcibly create icebergs, glaciers, and ice shelves at the north and south poles. sea ​​level.

The fight between the two sides is called a fight between you and me.

Under the pressure of human life and death, the speed of scientific and technological development has experienced a rare rapid increase. It really confirms the saying that there is pressure to make progress, especially for the related technologies of the Sea Clan, which are developing extremely fast.

Like what bulk cheap desalination technology.

Artificial starch protein technology...

All of them have made great progress. From the beginning, they were either not realized or realized, and the cost was also very high. They have gradually achieved cheap mass production.

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