That's right, the compressed biscuits came from Ding Yun.

But she didn't sell it herself.

She wholesaled it to others.

There are three main reasons. First, the hidden space of the cornucopia has been filled with compressed biscuits. At the same time, Ding Yun has other things that he wants to copy and must be vacated.

Secondly, those compressed biscuits were purchased by Ding Yun four years ago and put in. They are copied, they are exactly the same, and the production date and expiration date are also the same.

Although time is still in the hidden space, and nothing will break if it is left for ten or a hundred years, but others do not know that the production date on it is more than four years ago.

Less than half a year left to expire.

Whether it is artificially erasing the production date, reprinting a new date, or waiting for the expiration date to sell, it is very troublesome, so it is better to clear it before it expires.

And because the production date of these compressed biscuits was produced before the Food Administration made the national food industry integration reform. At that time, food stamps were not used at all to buy these compressed biscuits, or the food stamp system had not yet been launched at that time, so it is difficult to explain. easy.

Thirdly, of course Ding Yun was short of money.

Although the state has increased support for agricultural research, most of these subsidies are given to famous researchers. As a student, it would be nice to have more food subsidies every month. How can there be much money!

However, agricultural research is not mathematical physics. Even without a large number of experimental equipment and experimental processes, theoretical research can be done and theoretical papers that make a sensation in the world can be published.

Agricultural research is a practical class.

There must be experiments to achieve results, and each paper must have a basis in reality and be supported by data.

Although Ding Yun has worked hard in the past three years, she is obviously not qualified enough. She can only apply for experimental projects in the experimental field by herself, so she can only do odd jobs with her mentor.

If there is no problem with the world environment, then Ding Yun is naturally not in a hurry, and he can do chores slowly, it doesn't matter, but the current world environment and food reserves obviously can't last long.

If there is no result, there will be chaos in the country.

After all, the troubled times of all dynasties all originated from famine.

Therefore, Ding Yun naturally had to abandon his mentor to do independent research on his own, and get some results early, which can not only save the world, but also gain a lot of influence along the way.

And all this requires money.

If she doesn't sell those compressed biscuits, she has nothing else to sell, so she can't sell the cornucopia.

As for the source of the compressed biscuits, she basically made it up. She said that she won the second prize that year, and used the winning money to speculate in stocks for a while, and then worried about the end of the world, so she stocked up so many compressed biscuits.

Even though it's almost the end of the day.

But the biscuits are about to expire, so I want to empty them.

As for the winning records, stock trading records, purchase records, and even the production records and sales records of compressed biscuit manufacturers, etc., Ding Yun has personally modified, compiled, and added online. Even if there are doubts, in-depth investigation, it is perfect .

And she doesn't sell food stamps, so there is no problem.

Because the above never said that merchants must collect food stamps when selling food, but merchants must use food stamps when purchasing raw materials. Ordinary merchants do not charge food stamps for selling things, so they have no food stamps to buy raw materials.

But Ding Yun didn't intend to continue producing and selling.

She does not collect food stamps and sells them at a high price, no one can comment.

In addition, there are indeed a lot of compressed biscuits of one million cubic meters compared to individuals, but compared to the whole country, it is really not that much. In addition, there are still people who hoard a lot of goods and save them, and they are not willing to sell them outside. .

The actual outflow is less than one-tenth.

So in the end, it didn't cause any setbacks, and at the same time, it didn't have any impact on the national food consumption.

Because most of the people who bought it back did not eat it, and kept it in the bottom of the box. In case the number of food stamps continues to decrease in a few years, or it is difficult to distribute food, then these biscuits may be able to save their lives. .


Besides, Ding Yun, after vacating the space of the cornucopia, she began to copy some necessary substances needed for agricultural research and breeding of improved seeds, which were not easy to buy.

And spent money to set up a private research institution.

Part of the land was leased as a test field.

She has a lot of food seeds in her hand, and some are extremely cold-resistant, extremely drought-resistant and high-temperature resistant, but those seeds are all spiritual seeds. Once planted in large quantities, it is very likely that the spiritual energy will be revived quickly. Now that the environment is so harsh, human survival is quite difficult. Well, there is another sudden spiritual revival. I really don't know how many people will die.

So what Ding Yun has to do now is to use the existing spiritual rice seeds to cultivate seeds that are resistant to cold and drought, high temperature and low temperature, and have no spiritual energy.

It takes time.

After all, Ding Yun has neither the ability to speed up time nor the golden fingers such as seed cultivation space to use. He can only let those spiritual rice seeds hybridize and degenerate from generation to generation, reducing the aura contained in them.

In addition, she has to try her best to ensure that the output will not drop too low during the process, which undoubtedly further increases the difficulty.

But in any case, compared to other breeding institutions that are still trying their luck and are more patient, at least Ding Yun already has a specific research direction, and he only needs to spend a little more time in the future, and he is already far ahead.

However, it didn't take long for the environment to change again.

One is the sudden eruption of the world's largest volcano, and the other is that the solar activity triples in half a month.

Theoretically speaking, products such as volcanic dust created by volcanic eruptions will block sunlight and lower the temperature, while increased solar activity will increase the temperature.

It would be better if the two offset each other.

But in fact, these two things cannot be offset.

It's not a matter of pouring water and adding water.

The consequence of these two events is that a large number of plants died in more than a dozen countries in the volcanic eruption area, the environment was extremely deteriorated, the air was extremely deteriorated, and it was almost impossible to survive, while those countries that were in summer at this time were suffering from increased solar activity. , began a severe drought.

The severe drought that has never happened in a thousand years, the rivers have dried up, most of the communication facilities have been damaged, and the power plants have been paralyzed. Everything seems to have returned to the severe drought situation hundreds of years ago.

At the same time, large areas of Arctic and Antarctic peat were burned at low temperature.

The ice sheet is shrinking at a rate visible to the naked eye every day.

The news no longer reports these things, because the reports are useless, and have no other effect except to increase panic, and the country has no choice but to make a new choice, which is to officially launch the doomsday survival mode.

For example, gather population, migrate to core water sources, build seawater purification industry on a large scale, suspend the development of all industries that have nothing to do with survival, concentrate national power, and build underground survival bases and other projects.

Another example is to reduce the tilt of agricultural research funding.

There is no way, the environment is changing day by day. Even if crops that can grow normally in an environment of 40 degrees above zero are developed today, the temperature will rise to 435 degrees above zero in a few days, which is useless.

Coupled with frequent natural disasters, there have been more than one occurrences in various places, and natural disasters occurred before the crops were about to be harvested.

The event where all crops were destroyed.

Therefore, the Food and Food Administration can only change its approach, no longer demanding that food must be used to feed people, but to start research on alternative food processing, hydroponics, underground planting, and even artificial starch, and hope that in the shortest possible time Create a nutrient in a science fiction novel.

There is no way, the bottom line is broken step by step.

With no other hope.

Being able to survive starvation is already the best result.

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