When relevant news spread abroad, it naturally caused another sensation. More countries began to gradually succumb to food shortages and other problems, and they couldn't wait to join the Human Mutual Aid Association hosted by Xia Guo to get help.

In addition, some countries, while wanting to use the righteousness of human beings to obtain related technologies for free, sent people to secretly sneak into the Xia Kingdom in an attempt to steal the technology of the Shennong Basin.

At the same time, we have not forgotten the rumors that artificial food is poisonous.

However, these are under the control of Honglusi diplomats, the Ministry of National Security Management and the network security management department.

Ding Yun didn't need to worry about it.

She is still the same as before, worrying about presiding over the basic project of the lunar Yingzhuo immigration planting plan.

And the core of the entire basic engineering is only one point.

That's the shipping problem.

That's right, the most important thing in the whole plan is the transportation issue, whether it is building weather weapons, or building various simulated ecological environments, simulated planting bases, etc., if it is only manufactured on the home planet.

That's fine.

After all, the materials are basically complete, and the technology is also available. It just takes a little time to manufacture, and it is not difficult.

But build on the moon and Yinghuoxing.

Whether it is transporting the materials there one by one, building there, or sending things to the moon or Yinghuo after the parent star is built, it is very difficult.

Therefore, the technology that Ding Yun most urgently needs to break through now.

Or the most urgently needed infrastructure.

It's spaceships and interstellar transporters.

In fact, the space elevator was originally an option, but the space elevator needs to consume too many resources. At present, they have only realized the freedom of energy, and have not yet realized the freedom of all resources.

She can't be too arrogant in copying with a cornucopia, so naturally she has to choose to consume more energy.

But a transmitter that consumes less resources.

Just use the spacecraft to send the transmitter to the moon and Yinghuoxing to realize free transmission between the two parties.

After that, many things will be much easier.

In this regard, the domestic foundation is relatively weak, so Ding Yun has to worry about everything, and personally get started and guide.

But even with the support of the whole country.

It also took Ding Yun five full years to successfully manufacture the spacecraft and transmission equipment.

In order to prevent the failure of the experiment, after the thing was manufactured, Ding Yun did not choose to live broadcast, nor did he choose to announce the news directly, but waited until the spaceship was successfully launched, and transported two super-large interstellar transmission instruments to the moon and Yinghuo. on the star.

Set it up and make sure it can be transferred successfully.

This is the official announcement of the good news.

And then, of course, seize the time to transport a large amount of materials to the moon and Yinghuo Planet, and dig out their unique resources while building a survival base on them.

Because both personnel and material transportation can be directly transported through large-scale transmission equipment.

So even if two planets are developed at the same time.

Simultaneously transform two planets.

There was no difficulty either.

There was no movement for five years, and many people almost forgot about this incident. Most of the people who haven’t forgotten also think that this is a long-term project, and it may even be a century-old project. Whether they can live to see it is a question.

Basically don't pay attention to it anymore.

Now that this good news suddenly broke out, many people immediately became excited again, thinking that in their lifetime, they might really be able to set foot on alien planets and immigrate.

And with the live broadcast of the construction of Lunar Yinghuoxing started.

Many people even cried with envy.

Because in order to speed up the construction, Ding Yun specially made a nutrition cabin and a brainwave transmission manipulator for all those who develop and build the moon and Yinghuoxing.

After using these two instruments, they can lie directly in the nutrition cabin and use their consciousness to manipulate the robot to complete the corresponding construction work. Not only can they work 24 hours a day without getting tired, but the amount of work they can complete is far more than ordinary People, in short, they are super powerful.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is lying in the holographic nutrition cabin to play games, even more interesting than holographic games, because no matter how real holographic games are, they are fictional, but this is real construction.

And those robots are all like mechs.

As long as it is used, the dream of playing holographic games and the dream of manipulating mechs can be realized.

Who wouldn't be tempted by this thing?

Not to mention that in the column of future plans for the live broadcast, it is written that after the establishment of the Moon and Yinghuoxing planting bases, this technology will also be used for planting.

Fans of farming games are looking forward to it.

[Oh my god, this is too exciting, tell me what are the requirements to join the Pioneering team. 】

[I can drive an excavator, let me do it! 】

[This is simply a dream come true, it is simply the reality version of the fourth natural disaster that was popular a few years ago! 】

[Ask for a way to sign up! 】

[It is recommended that most people who do not have any special skills should not do daydreaming, but I am different. I am a doctor of agriculture, and I will definitely be able to apply for the next batch of planting, haha! 】

[Speaking of which, can this technology be used by civilians? 】

[Is there any hope for the holographic game? 】

[Aren’t some people going too far? Don’t you guys know what’s going on now? You still want to play, you still want to play games. It might not be enough to transform the planet. How can there be any extra for you to play games! 】

[By the way, didn't you say that you went to the moon and Yinghuo to build weather weapons and transform the planet? Why build a survival base and a planting base first? 】

[Please, building weather weapons also requires infrastructure. You can’t find a few people to knock weather weapons on the moon and Yinghuoxing, and don’t build a survival base. Where will the development team live before the planetary transformation is successful?

The planting base is said to be for planting, but it is actually for the purpose of carefully studying the soil of the moon and the planet Yinghuo. Only after a thorough study of this aspect can we know how to transform the weather weapon when it is built! 】

[Can you give me a chance to serve the motherland! 】

[This speed is too fast, I feel that I can live to see the day when two planets are successfully transformed. 】

[Some countries have jumped again, saying that the moon and the Yinghuo star are the resources of all mankind, and we cannot occupy them. Hehe, if you have the ability, you can do it yourself. 】

[Stupid people are still arguing with fools, and smart people have already started to learn. What's the use of asking in the comment area one by one? If you ask too much, can the above still look at you poorly and let you join the planetary development team?

You have to learn, and if you have the ability, someone will naturally want it.

I don't have any ability to go up and make trouble! 】

[It's over, ten years after graduation, the amount of knowledge I have left is probably enough for a junior high school student, so let's keep healthy, work hard to live a few more years, and survive until I can immigrate directly. 】


[The speed of lying down is too fast! 】


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