Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 235 Who is she? (16)

Guard C and Guard D each pulled out a rope from their waists and walked towards the two eunuchs.

The rope wrapped around the waist is learned from Guard A and Guard B.

These two ropes were used to bind them.

The two eunuchs panicked and shouted, "What are you going to do?"

Shouting and running outside.

Guard C and Guard D can't let the two run away, so they each go to get one.

They couldn't beat Yuxi, and they couldn't beat the two eunuchs?

Unexpectedly, the two eunuchs had some skills, they were good at running, and they were not slippery. Guard C and Guard D didn't hold it for a while.

The two got angry and used their real skills to slash over with a knife, knocking the two eunuchs to the ground after a few rounds.

Miss Yuxi said it was tied up, but they used unsheathed knives, and they chopped it over without causing any blood.

Guard C and Guard D saved the lost face.

The business of tying people up by two people is not very skilled, and it takes a little longer.

Yu Hua asked the two eunuchs, "Who sent you here?"

The two eunuchs did not speak.

One of them, the eunuch who was the longest, looked at Yuhua with the expression "you're dead", which made his face look longer.

Yuhua is the least afraid of threats.

She told He Rui, "Open the food box."

He Rui stepped forward and opened the upper cover of the food box on the ground.

On the first floor are four servings of cold dishes, two of which are the same, for the eunuchs and maids in the cold palace respectively.

"The bottom floor."

He Rui took off the food boxes on the upper two floors, revealing the last layer, which contained two soup cups.

Open the lid of the soup pot and see that the soup pot is full of thick custard soup.

"Put out a bowl."

He Ruisheng brought out a bowl.

"Give him a drink." Yu Hua was referring to the long-faced eunuch who threatened her with his eyes.

If you want to kill her, you have to be prepared to die.

The long-faced eunuch really panicked, "What are you going to do?" He still didn't reveal his identity.

He Ruiduan went over.

The long-faced eunuch turned his head, unwilling to drink.

"I'll do it." Guard B took the bowl from He Rui's hand, stepped forward and pinched the long-faced eunuch's chin, and poured the custard from the bowl into his mouth.

The long-faced eunuch wanted to resist, but he had to be able to resist.

It's just that the custard is thicker, and it's not easy to flow down the throat. The long-faced eunuch blocked his throat, and only poured half of it down, and the other half spilled out.

Guard C asked, "Miss Yuxi, do you still need to pour it again?"

"No, it's enough." Yuhua checked with mental power, and the toxin in half a bowl of custard soup was enough to kill more than a dozen people.

They all like to put the poison into the soup for a certain reason, and it can be stirred evenly.

There are only six bowls in the two soup cups, and with the dead mother Huang, there are exactly six people in the cold palace.

This is to put all the people in the cold palace together.

The eunuch who was fed the soup quickly gasped for breath, his face turned black and purple, and the veins on his face and neck were bulging high, as if they were about to burst.

Apart from gasping for breath, he couldn't speak, only a horrible sobbing sound came from his throat.

You could see he was in a lot of pain.

Guard C stepped back.

He guessed that the soup might be poisonous, and now that it was confirmed, he felt indescribable.

"Dead, dead." He Rui pointed at the poisonous eunuch with a shaking finger.

He was dead, with his head tilted to one side, his expression distorted and terrifying.

The death pattern is different, this poison is not the same as Huangmao's.

"He, they want to poison us to death." He Rui understood and became afraid.

Yu Hua asked another eunuch who was tied up, "Aren't you going to tell me?"

If you say it, you may end up dead, but if you don't say it, you will die immediately.

Seeing the painful death of his companion, the eunuch's heart was shaken.

Yu Hua took the opportunity to exert mental coercion on the eunuch, "You may not die if you say so."

Sure enough, the rules squeezed towards her again.

This world is too restrictive for her, and she will be squeezed by the rules as soon as she uses her mental power.

She accepts as soon as she sees it.

The eunuch finally broke his defenses and recruited.

"I'm from Luoyue Palace."

The master of Luoyue Palace is Zhen Zhaoyi, one of the five concubines.

Zhen Zhaoyi's status in the palace is a bit special, say she is not favored, there are many rewards, say she is favored, the emperor seldom goes to Luoyue Palace.

Emperor Chengxian was the eldest son of the Chunyang Palace before he ascended the throne. Zhen Zhaoyi was born in the Zhen family in Chunyang, and he had known Emperor Chengxian in his early years.

Later, Zhen Zhaoyi was selected into the palace, and she was named Zhaoyi, second only to the three concubines.

The two eunuchs were from Luoyue Palace, and Nanny Li from Luoyue Palace poisoned them, telling them to poison all the eunuchs and maids in Lenggong to death.

Not only was he poisoned to death, but they and others were all dead, and the entire row of houses in the Hall of Spring Intentions was burned, destroying the corpses and obliterating any traces.

The inverted room of Chunyi Palace was not adjacent to other houses, so the entire palace would not be affected by the fire.

Now the sky is dry and things are dry, and it is easy to escape the water. It is too far away in the cold palace, and it is too late to save the fire.

As for the reason, Nanny Li didn't say.


Something happened in the yard again. How could Kong Meiren not come to join in the fun? Hearing this, she sneered, "I thought they would burn me to death together, so it wasn't."

"Your Majesty, they are trying to blame Your Majesty." Xia Ling pouts angrily.

Kong Meiren gently raised one hand and put it on her waist, "I'm so naive, others don't know about things I don't talk about.

There is so much movement in the water, and there is a panic everywhere. If you are bumped and frightened, you will not be able to prepare. What a way to kill two birds with one stone.

Xia Ling, go back and rest. People want to scare us, but if we don't, we need to eat well and sleep well. "

"Listen to your mother." Xia Ling helped Kong Meiren back to the palace.

Things look complicated.

Nanny Li is always full and fine, and burns the house with poison to play. There is the master's will behind her, so she dares to do this.

There are two people, Yu Hua and Kong Meiren, it's hard to say who has hurt the other.

If you just want to kill her with poison, just put the poison in the dim sum, because after a little inquiring, you can know that the dim sum sent to the cold palace is for her.

Kong Meiren thought she was hiding the pregnancy. From what happened just now, Zhen Zhaoyi already knew about it, and she didn't want the child to be born.

It would be easy to get into trouble by directly drugging Meiren Kong. If Meiren Kong was frightened or bumped into someone, and the child died, she could only blame Meiren Kong for her bad luck.

A court lady was poisoned to death, and Kong Meiren would not be startled. It would be different if she got out of the water. In the middle of the night, when there was a fire nearby, no one would be alarmed.

Even if Kong Meiren is safe and sound, if the cold palace is on fire, Kong Meiren will inevitably leave the cold palace in a hurry. If one or more people are arranged to pretend to put out the fire and accidentally bump into Kong Meiren at night, the matter will be over.

It is not a big deal to burn a few low-level court ladies and eunuchs to death. If a favorite concubine is burned to death, no one can bear the emperor's anger.

Everyone in the palace knew that Kong Meiren was a favorite concubine, and the emperor visited Kong Meiren's palace the most times.

If it weren't for Kong Meiren's bad temper and always angering the emperor, Kong Meiren's highest status would not be limited to Jieyu.

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