Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 364 Who Moved My Research (27)

Zihua asked the Gu family for a house in Yunshi because the house in Yunshi had an independent courtyard and was spacious, which was very suitable for her research on traditional Chinese medicine.

The environment in space is completely different from reality. If you want to get real data, you need to do it in reality.

She is just researching the principles of traditional Chinese medicine in treating diseases, rather than trying to come up with any panacea.

There are many panacea in her space, System 01 space.

She has no objection to making some money by the way.

It's just that she doesn't want to put too much energy on making money, as long as someone does it so that she has enough money.

Father and daughter Shu Zhiyuan and Meng Shu, one works as a research assistant and the other works as a money-making assistant. Xi Hua thought it was a good idea.

After hearing what Yu Hua said, Shu Zhiyuan was afraid that it was a trap and did not dare to accept it easily.

Without saying much, Zihua saw a blank paper on the experimental table, grabbed a pen next to it, and started writing.

She wrote very quickly and filled the page in a moment. She took it away and handed it to Shu Zhiyuan, and then wrote on the second piece of paper.

Shu Zhiyuan was puzzled by Yu Hua's behavior. He took the page and looked at it, and then he couldn't take his eyes away.

What is written above is related to the project he is currently researching.

There are experimental steps, the chemical formula of the generated substance, the neutralizing agent, the stabilization method of the neutralizing agent...

Going deeper than he ever could.

Seeing that the other piece of paper was also full, he took it and said, "So that's it. I was wrong. I looked in the wrong direction a year ago!"

Xi Hua finished writing the third piece and didn't write any more. Her hints were enough, and as long as the direction was right, Shu Zhiyuan could think of the rest. If he didn't make detours, he could produce results within half a year.

Although she hadn't researched Chinese medicine specifically, she had done it more or less incidentally, especially in terms of theory. She could understand what was wrong with Shu Zhiyuan's research.

"Can I join?"

"No, no, you didn't join, I joined your laboratory." Shu Zhiyuan pulled Meng Shu down, "And my daughter, she is given to you, you can use it as you want."

Meng Shu couldn't adapt to this dramatic scene and couldn't help but look sideways at his newly recognized father.

Once a consensus is reached, it's easier to talk.

Shu Zhiyuan came to her because his original intention was Meng Shu's safety.

Dong Chenglin had already called Meng Shu, and Meng Shu told him about the breakup, but Dong Chenglin disagreed, and lied to Meng Shu that the marriage with the Zheng family was a matter of rights and interests, and asked Meng Shu to wait for him for a year, and he took care of it Will marry her.

Meng Shu hung up the phone.

Later, Dong Chenglin called again and asked where she was, but Meng Shu didn't say. Dong Chenglin should have known that she and Shu Zhiyuan and his daughter knew each other, and he would probably take some action against Meng Shu.

Except for people related to research, Shu Zhiyuan's social circle was very narrow. He wanted to send Meng Shu back to his hometown to avoid it, but he was afraid of being intercepted on the road.

If you want Meng Shu's mother to come and pick her up, it will take a certain amount of time, and what if Meng Shu's mother is taken away too.

If something didn't happen, you can't even call the police.

After much deliberation, the only option was to ask Yuhua for help.

Anyone who dares to offend the Dong family, Zheng family, and several other powerful families in person is either a lunatic or someone with good intentions. Ju Hua doesn't look like a lunatic, so she is successful.

Yuhua briefly talked about her current situation and plans for the future.

Shu Zhiyuan was not moved by what Yuhua said about her identity as a sophomore dropout from medical school.

There are many geniuses who can master one or more subjects by self-study. He has seen it before, but now he has only seen one more. The things he knows can't be faked, and he can't write the contents of these three pages.

After thinking for a while, Shu Zhiyuan agreed to go to Yunshi with her.

"Can I let Xiao Hongnan move to your place today?"

"Okay, but my car can't be driven."

Shu Zhiyuan had a question mark on his face.

After a while, he knew why the car couldn't drive.

After Yuhua went out, she circled around the car on the side of the road, and then took out her phone, "Yaoyao Ling, someone tried to murder me and tampered with my car..."

After hanging up the phone, Yuhua said to the father and daughter who looked at her in surprise, "It's best to call Yaoyao Ling when you encounter bad people and bad things."

Maybe Miss Han is in greater danger. Shu Zhiyuan wanted to regret it.

Yu Hua didn't force it at all, "You can go back on your word."

Within a few minutes, the police came.

"Why is it you again?" Hong Hailong stared into her eyes, trying to find out something, "Isn't your name Gu Jing? Why did you say Han Jing when you reported the crime?"

Zihua didn't panic at all, "I changed my name."

Hong Hailong didn't see anything, and asked according to the procedure.

"You said you installed a miniature camera in the car?" Hong Hailong asked.

"Yes. Since what happened last time, I feel scared, so I have installed cameras in my car at home."

After hearing what she said, she was afraid that Hong Hailong would want to beat someone. Last time the six people were able to confess so quickly, it was directly related to the joints being removed and reinstalled.

He was still embarrassed when he recalled the scene at that time.

The technician checked out a problem, and the brake pads of the car were passively manipulated.

After Yu Hua left the community, she realized that she was being followed, so she pretended not to notice.

The other party just followed her all the way.

After she stayed at Shu Zhiyuan's house for a while, the car following her made some movement, two people got out, opened her car door deftly, and fiddled with the car for a while.

System 01 monitored the whole process, and now System 01 went to follow that car.

In fact, there is no need to investigate, there is no one else who can attack her at this juncture, except Zheng Ziyue.

The Zheng family will not attack her again at this moment, it can only be Zheng Ziyue's own initiative.

Yu Hua reckoned that all the materials she had sent to the relevant departments should arrive, including the Zheng family, and of course the Dong family.

The two families are now tied together, and they happen to live and die together.

All kinds of secret information are recorded by System 01.

There is a physical copy machine in Yuhua Space, which guarantees that the copy is exactly the same as the original.

Just waiting for the relevant departments to take action against the two.


There were pictures taken by micro-cameras, and the two suspects were caught more than three hours later.

The two of them never dreamed that they would be arrested so soon, and they collapsed on the ground in fright, asking what to say.

The two are car repairers, and they opened a small auto repair shop on the side of the national highway. Someone came to them yesterday and gave them 100,000 yuan to break the brake of a car. Give them one hundred thousand.

The person who instigated them was an unemployed person, one of the younger brothers that Zheng Ziyue used money to recruit when she was in school, and they did some shady things for Zheng Ziyue.

It was impossible for the man to pin the crime on himself, and he couldn't explain the source of the money.

Zheng Ziyue will not get out easily this time.

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