Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 484 Master is not online (19)

Heaven said that it wanted to evolve.

The spiritual core can be swallowed by another spiritual core. Tiandao wants the spiritual core in this world to swallow this fragment of spiritual core and increase its own spiritual core to attract more void energy and make this world more spiritual. .

One plane will cover many worlds, and the Purple Dragon Realm belongs to a small world in this plane of cultivation.

This Heavenly Way is only the Heavenly Way in this world, not the Plane Heavenly Way. What is easy to communicate is that this Heavenly Way has complete autonomy.

This spiritual core fragment fell into the Zilong Realm tens of thousands of years ago. Fang Tiandao has been transforming it according to the rules. Now it has been transformed by more than half, and it will be completely transformed in another ten thousand years.

After complete transformation, this spiritual core fragment will disappear from here and merge with the spiritual core of the Purple Dragon Realm.

It's rare to meet a motivated Tiandao, so Zihua said that we can discuss it.

But, "What benefits do I get?"

In the plane of cultivation, the most important thing is karma, and Tiandao very wisely said to let Yuhua make the request.

Zihua didn't make any demands first, but asked Tiandao, "It's getting more and more difficult to ascend in this world. What's going on?"

No one has ascended in the past six or seven hundred years, so the original owner, an ascended seedling, is valued by the sect.

Tiandao said that if Yuhua wants to ascend, it can send him away now.

Zihua wanted to ascend and see the spiritual world and the fairy world, but Heaven wanted to send him to heaven so much that he didn't want to leave here so soon.

At least stay for another hundred or eighty years.

Knowing what Zi Hua was thinking, Tiandao was silent for a while before answering why there were so few ascended monks.

Tiandao said that the cultivator of the Transformation God possesses a huge amount of spiritual energy. When he ascends, he will bring these spiritual energy, the treasures he possesses, and the energy that belongs to the Purple Dragon Realm to the upper realm.

The more it ascends, the more energy the Purple Dragon Realm loses. The loss exceeds what the spiritual core can absorb and transform from the void. If things go on like this, the Purple Long Realm will be unable to make ends meet.

So Tiandao controlled the number of people who ascended.

Zihua thought about it, "What happened to Jian Ningye must have something to do with you."

Jian Ningye is a seedling that may ascend, and Heaven wants to control the number of people who ascend. What could be easier than nipping the seedling in its bud?

Heaven said yes. It was not targeting Jian Ningye. According to its calculations, it would set more tests for monks who were more likely to ascend. If they withstood the test, it would not forcefully prevent them from ascending. .

Zi Hua now believes that it makes sense for the protagonist in the novel about cultivating immortals to call Heavenly Dao "dog Heavenly Dao". This Heavenly Dao is indeed very "doggy".

Just because those monks are more outstanding, they have to be treated differently and have to undergo more tests. Jian Ningye was in bad luck when encountering such a dog-like way.

I don't want people to ascend, so if I have the ability to close the ascension channel.

Tiandao answered this question: the ascension channel cannot be closed, and closing it will affect the operation of this world, because the ascension rule is the basic rule of the cultivation plane.


If you have self-awareness, it will be easy to handle.

Xi Hua released a disciplinary rule against Tiandao.

Tiandao with self-awareness can feel "pain".

This world has the rules of thunder and robbery, so the concretization of the punishment rules released by Yuhua appeared.

The external manifestation is that lightning suddenly appeared in the sky above the Wanzhang Cliff, one after another, each one as wide as a waterfall, spreading across the entire sky.

The thunder that followed rang through the sky.

The monks in the Wanzhang cliff were all confused, what's going on?

The first reaction was to hide, and only when I found that the thunder did not fall near me did I think about it.

"Could it be that someone is going through the catastrophe here? The thunder light is so huge, could it be the catastrophe of transformation!"

"Impossible, who crossed the God Transformation Tribulation at Wanzhang Cliff."

"How can it be a tribulation? Before the tribulation thunder comes, there must be tribulation clouds. Look at the tribulation clouds in this clear sky. Even if the lightning strikes, it is not in the same place."

"I think it's going to be a strange treasure! These days, it's been rumored that there are Lingyun beasts appearing in Wanzhangya, so why can't there be strange treasures where there are Lingyun beasts!"

"There is no cloud in the sky, but the sky is full of thunder. What kind of phenomenon is this?"

"...Wait a minute, why do I see this thunder striking the sky? Is this lightning going to strike the sky?" The person who spoke also felt that he was out of his mind, laughed a few times, and said it as a joke. .

Chi Huanyi, who took a shortcut and rushed to Wanzhang Cliff, was shocked when he saw these thunder lights high in the sky, [System, what's the matter with this thunder? Why did I look flustered. 】

System: [Of course you will panic, this is the Thunder of Punishment, which is used to beat Tiandao. 】

Chi Huanyi immediately thought of himself, [Beat Heaven? Who can beat Heaven with such a great ability? Immortal or god? System, do you think we should leave first to avoid the limelight?]

System: [No need... as long as you don't provoke this kind of existence, they won't pay attention to us]

Chi Huanyi was not comforted, [meaning that in their eyes we are just dust, they don't even bother to dust off, right]


After being slapped by Yuhua, Tiandao didn't dare to say anything.

According to the theory of cause and effect, Huahua vented Jian Ningye's anger, and he had to bear it.

After exhausting her anger, Yuhua asked Tiandao, "How do you want to evolve."

He originally thought he was a highly motivated Tiandao, but who knew that this Tiandao was too ambitious? He should ask about evolution so as not to affect him.

Tiandao said that the progress of civilization in his world has been stagnant for tens of thousands of years, and the world of immortality is still okay. After he controlled the number of people who ascended, the spiritual energy concentration did not decrease, and the progress was stable and did not go backwards.

There has been no major development in the mortal world for tens of thousands of years. It has been stuck in the agricultural era, and now there are signs of regression.

Yuhua agrees with Tiandao on this point.

It is inappropriate to stay in the agricultural era for tens of thousands of years. He has been to so many worlds, and it will take five thousand years to develop into a higher technological era.

This tens of thousands of years of stagnation in social development is abnormal.

The mortal world of the Purple Dragon Realm has also experienced several social system changes in the past tens of thousands of years, from the dynasty era under the control of the sects of the Immortal Realm to the era of supremacy of royal power in the mortal world that changed by itself.

Then return to the governance system under the control of the sect.

In short, it is the cycle of the times, not development.

If you don't advance, you will retreat. The mortal world is just a microcosm of the progress of this world. I'm afraid this world will go downhill.

There is only one way to avoid going downhill, and that is to evolve.

Tiandao's starting point has always been the world of immortality, hoping that people from the world of immortality will lead them to the mortal world, but the results always backfire.

The mortal world under the control of the sect was even more chaotic, and on several occasions the mortals in the mortal world were almost extinct.

Tiandao wants to start with the mortal world this time, but it cannot directly intervene in social changes, so it is not sure what the mortal world will become.

Come alive! Zi Hua said, "I'll help you. But the reward cannot be lower."

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