Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 543 After Ascension to the Immortal World (23)

For some immortals with special roots, they will hide their feet tightly.

These include most of the plant-like demons.

No matter what kind of plant they are, once they become demon immortals, their bodies will be of great use.

The fairy world respects the strong.

Plant-like demon fairies grow slowly and are relatively weak.

Zhu Li, whose true form is Zhu Lihua, is worried that if True Immortal Guanghao needs to use her true form one day, her path to immortality will be ruined, but she is still willing to stay in the Realm Palace just in case. outside shelter.

Huo Qian was able to obtain Zhu Li's true form. The demon-level Zhu Li flower could refine a sixth-grade elixir, which would be beneficial for him to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian.

As for Tsurumi Shinsen's base, most immortals think they are human race, because Tsurumi Shinsen is always shown in human form.

A few people knew that He Jian Zhenxian was a demon immortal, but they didn't know what kind. Just because there was the word "Crane" in his name, they took it for granted that he was from the Crane clan.

Very few people will know that Tsurumi Shinsen is a plant-like demon immortal.

Immortal Lord Lingguang, who has become a disciple of Tsurumi True Immortal, knows this.

Lingguang Xianjun couldn't figure out whether the other party already knew about it, or whether he just heard about it and came to deceive him, so he asked, "How are you doing?"

Lingguang Immortal Lord's non-positive answer was unexpected by Zihua, "True Immortal Tsurumi may be in trouble."

Light words will not win people's trust. Immortal Lord Lingguang smiled and said, "Immortal Lord Ninghua is wrong. True Immortal Guanghao is the one who has more misfortune than good."

"True Immortal Guanghao doesn't mean that there are many misfortunes, but that there is only misfortune but no good luck." After becoming the Golden Immortal, Zihua gained confidence and no longer acquiesced to the banner of True Immortal Guanghao, "Otherwise, I would not be able to take over the vast world."

If you want to get a boundary city cheaply, only the golden immortal can see it. The real immortals have their own boundary city, so there is no need to ask for others.

Zihua is not afraid of the Golden Fairy coming to snatch her.

Immortal Lord Lingguang became serious, "What evidence do you have for saying that the real Immortal Hejian is in danger and has a lot of misfortune?"

Zi Hua popped out a little breath and gave it to Ling Guang Xianjun.

This breath he got from the chaotic time and space.

When he was using the rules in chaotic space and time to transform, he discovered that there were some rules that were not naturally generated when the initial rules were transformed into chaotic space and time.

Zihua extracted this rule and restored it into a breath.

It is vast and full of vitality.

It is so vast that the Golden Immortal cannot possess it.

It reminded Zihua of Tsurumi Shinsen.

The real roots of Tsurumi Immortal were obtained by Zihua from the memory of one of the black dragons. The black dragon was inadvertently obtained from Immortal Luan Yin, which has a certain degree of credibility.

There is no other true immortal in Huo Jing Tianyu whose roots are plants.

As soon as this breath came over, Lingguang Immortal became cautious.

It was definitely the aura of Tsurumi Shinsen.

The places where immortals have stayed are not deliberately cleared, but there will always be more or less aura left, and some will leave aura deliberately to show that they have been there.

If you want to intercept it, it is not difficult to collect the aura of Tsurumi Shinsen.

But when put together with what the other party had said before, this aura seemed unusual.

Immortal Lord Lingguang couldn't figure out the other party's purpose. What was certain was that the other party was not coming to Guiyun Realm. According to the rules of the immortal world, immortals can only own one boundary city. The opponent has a vast world and cannot take over the Guiyun world.

"Even if you intercepted Tsurumi Shinsen's aura, it doesn't prove what you said."

Ju Huaneng, he only needs to prove that this breath belongs to Tsurumi Shinsen.

The source of the energy and rules of chaotic space and time has been found.

It is Tsurumi Shinsen who incarnates as Tao.

When Zihua first came to the fairy world, she wanted to connect with the heavenly world, but she gave up after a bad premonition.

You can sense the rules of heaven without being connected.

It is a daily practice for immortals to sense the rules of heaven, and it is normal behavior for Zihua to do this.

He sensed something strange about the rules in Huo Jing's Tianyu.

Tianyu is equivalent to a larger boundary city.

When the Immortal Emperor controls a heavenly realm, he also needs to integrate his own unique rules into the heavenly realm's rules.

But the incorporation of such rules is limited.

The Immortal Emperor is equivalent to the steward of the Heaven Realm, not the Heavenly Dao of the Heaven Realm.

The unique thing about Huo Jing Tianyu is that the rules of integration do not belong to the same person.

Although Zihua didn't know what was going on, he could tell the subtle difference.

After accidentally discovering the chaotic time and space, Zihua gradually sorted out some of the context.

"Yes, no." After getting what she wanted, Zihua turned and left.

Lingguang Xianjun did not expect that the other party did not give any explanation and left directly.

Seeing the opponent's figure disappearing into the space passage, Lingguang Immortal Lord changed from cautious to solemn.

If something happens to Tsurumi Zhenxian, he, the Golden Immortal who has not fully accepted Guiyun Realm, will probably have a hard time.


Returning to the Realm Hall of the Vast Realm, I saw the adult Xiao Tao at a glance.

When Xiao Tao became an adult, he transformed into a chubby... boy.

Xiao Tao's adulthood was accelerated by immortal power and elixirs. His mind was not mature enough, so he transformed into a boy of twelve or thirteen years old.

However, his transformation is a natural transformation after adulthood, which does not damage his foundation. When his mind matures in the future, his appearance will tend to be the adult image of the human race.

What Zihua didn't expect was that Xiaotao took the shape of him, so Zihua saw a fat version of herself.

There is only a tuft of green hair on the top of Xiao Tao's head that represents the blue crest.

I don't care about the familiar monster form, and I have almost a common aesthetic. I always like to leave a little bit of identity in the human form.

There is no allusion about the green grassland above the head in Zilong Realm. If there is such an allusion, Xiao Tao would not have turned out this bunch of green hair on purpose.

Fortunately, this cyan is biased towards blue.

Xiao Tao is watering a piece of ginseng with celestial power with two ginseng spirits, extracting the celestial power from the celestial crystal and pouring it into the root of the ginseng.

In order to refine Jingyue Pill for Xiao Tao, it took more than 100,000 years of spirit power from four ginseng plants. Xiao Tao got along well with the two spirit ginseng spirits, so he recovered the spirit power of the four spirit ginseng plants.

The two ginseng spirits didn't hide everywhere when they saw Yuhua.

They knew that the other party would not do anything to the plants that gave birth to wisdom, and this time they needed to use spirit power to heal Xiao Tao's injury, so they only took the spirit power of the spirit ginseng that did not produce wisdom, and promised to make up for it in time.

It's just that I still have fear psychologically, and I haven't dared to get close to Yu Hua.

"Boundary Master." Zhu Li came back from the outside, and bowed slightly to Yu Hua as a salute.

Zhu Li now dares to go out for a walk.

Seeing Zhu Li, Yuhua thought of something, and asked Zhu Li, "I want to move a spiritual fruit tree in the boundary hall, where do you want to plant it?"

The lychee tree from which the name of the Lychee Space came from, after being promoted to Lingzhi, it could not be promoted again.

After arriving in the fairyland, I realized that it was limited by the small space and the small world.

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