Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 553 After Ascending to the Immortal Realm (33)

Another way is that someone input a memory for Bai Ning while Bai Ning was sleeping.

This is more likely.

There is great uncertainty in letting Bai Ning experience another life in the fantasy world, because Bai Ning has her own ideas and bottom lines, and the reactions and choices she makes in the fantasy world may not be as intended by the people behind the scenes. .

It is easier to enter a set memory.

Those who can do this are even less likely to be ordinary immortals.

Yuhua told Bai Ning his analysis.

Bai Ning was stunned, "I didn't realize anything. I just thought these memories were experienced in a fantasy world."

The matter of being instilled with memories is very common. Many immortals have had the experience of being instilled with skills during their cultivation. The instilled skills are a kind of memory.

When Bai Ning was in the lower realm, he received the alchemy inheritance from an ancient cultivator and was instilled with the memory inheritance related to alchemy.

The memory that was instilled was only equivalent to the jade slips stored in her brain. It was fundamentally different from her own memory, and she would not confuse it.

But the memory she thought was a dream didn't have the sense of isolation of foreign memories.

There are many powerful people in the immortal world, but Bai Ning did not dwell on this point, "Who would specially input a memory to me? Do you want me to experience what is called love calamity?"

However, Realm Lord, it doesn’t matter whether it is an illusion or instilled in the memory. What I want to ask more is, why do immortals still want to go through love tribulations? "

Bai Ning asked this question, which showed that this memory had little impact on her, but instead caused Bai Ning to question Qing Jie.

This is what Zi Hua admires most about Bai Ning. She has always been very clear-headed. Whether she is semi-imprisoned by Luan Yin in the palace of the Five Emperors or in the vast world with full freedom, she neither complains nor is proud of herself.

Maybe it was instilled into his memory unknowingly. Bai Ning knew that the other party must be very powerful. There was no point in being afraid. It was better to find out what he wanted to know beforehand.

Zi Hua is willing to discuss this matter with her, "My opinion is that there is no need for immortals to survive the calamity of love. Immortals have broken away from the category of mortals and have no natural constraints of reproduction to continue future generations. Bathing in love is not a necessity, at best it is a necessity. Dispensable condiments.

Do you know how human love|bath came about? "

Bai Ning nodded, "I know. When I was practicing in the mortal world, I have been a doctor for hundreds of years and have studied the origin of mortal love||bath. It is a thing called desire element produced in the mortal brain in the lower world where I am.

When the lust factor is gone, the passion || bath will recede, on the contrary, the passion | | desire will be high, if there is an external force to force the lust factor to be produced, ordinary people cannot resist it.

Everyone can produce desire element in their brain. Most people's desire element is colorless, but some will turn into red. People with red desire element are more extreme in doing things, and sometimes their temperament will become crazy. "

Zi Hua knew that some worlds were called dopamine, and the term desistance was more appropriate. Zi Hua used this term, "Mortal desistance is produced in the body. After the body is controlled by desistance, it then affects the soul."

The immortal body and the mortal body only look the same in appearance, but the inside is completely different from the mortal body. The immortal body does not produce desire elements, so there is no uncontrollable passion.

Since there is no uncontrolled lust||desire, how can there be passion that has reached the point of catastrophe. "

Bai Ning lowered her eyes and pondered for a while, then raised her eyes and asked Yuhua, "Since the immortal body doesn't produce lust, isn't it true that immortals practice the way of ruthlessness?"

After arriving in the immortal world, Zihua conducted research on the ruthless path and the sentient path, and discovered the secret. "The immortals have desire elements. However, the desire elements of the immortals are generated from the soul, not the body."

In fact, there is no difference between the ruthless way and the sentient way. The ruthless way is self-control to prevent the production of lust or to produce very little. Isn't ruthlessness a kind of love? Some so-called ruthless ways are actually selfish ways. "

Bai Ning's brows stretched out, "The master of the realm is right. When I was in the lower realm, I met so-called monks who killed their wives to prove the Tao.

I think that the monk either liked his wife in the past but now doesn't like him anymore, or he originally hated his wife, or he was jealous of his wife's talents, so he used the excuse of practicing the path of ruthlessness. I even believed it myself. "

"Well. If you kill him, you can use the excuse of killing passers-by to testify."

Bai Ning chuckled, "The Lord of the World is right, I will do that when I meet again."

Yu Hua gave Bai Ning a jade booklet, "There are records related to the Love Tribulation in the Immortal World, you can refer to it."

There are all kinds of items in the fairy world that record all kinds of information, and there are all kinds of items, all depending on the preferences of each fairy. The sage was refined into the shape of a jade book.

Emotional calamity, tens of millions of years ago, was not among the types of immortals in the fairy world to cross the catastrophe, but there is a record of an immortal who had a problem with his Dao heart due to love.

The immortals themselves can control the production and amount of desire element. If they leave it alone, excessive production of desire element will affect the body, and then the body will affect the temperament, so there is the term "emotional calamity".

And Immortal Emperor Qingyu has ruled Huo Jing Tianyu for hundreds of millions of years.


Heng Ling hurriedly came to find Zihua.

The time limit for the contract between Yu Hua and Heng Ling passed long ago, and Heng Ling chose to stay in the boundary hall, and the two still did not sign the subordination contract.

Hengling is under the protection of Yuhua, and if he does something for Yuhua, the two are evened out, and if the work exceeds the amount of the balance, Yuhua will pay Hengling.

This is the relationship between Bai Ning, Zhu Li and Yu Hua who live in the Palace of Realms.

Of course, Xiao Tao is an exception.

Seeing that Heng Ling's expression was slightly anxious, but complicated, Yu Hua asked, "What happened."

Heng Ling said, "Bai Ning was taken away. A few days ago, she went to Qingwei Mountain to look for an immortal plant. I just received her message for help. I was in a hurry and only left one sentence, saying that someone had attacked her. She might be a dragon.

I just went to Qingwei Mountain to inspect it, and there is a breath left by the Dragon Clan. Xiaoxian passing by saw two dragons chasing something in Lishan in their original form from a distance. "

This is why Heng Ling is not very anxious.

The person who captured Bai Ning was probably Immortal Luan Yin.

When Bai Ning came to the vast world, Luan Yin Xianjun came to look for Bai Ning once, but Bai Ning was unwilling to go with Luan Yin, so Luan Yin gave up.

Some time ago, for unknown reasons, Immortal Luan Yin came to Bai Ning again and brought up the matter of asking Bai Ning to go to the Dragon World with him, but Bai Ning still did not agree.

I just didn't expect that Xianjun Luan Yin would use this method to take Bai Ning away.

It's like arresting people blatantly.

"I see, I'll go to Longxingjie to find Luan Yin Xianjun later." Xihua Bihengling was still sure that it was Luan Yin.

Bai Ning has no affiliation with him, and Yu Hua seldom pays attention to her movements.

Xihua knew that Xianjun Luan Yin had come to look for Bai Ning, and she would never intervene in other people's private affairs.

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