Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 573 Passers-by who don't follow the plot (12)

Due to forced suppression, the whining sound was squeezed out from the lower part of the throat and even the abdominal cavity, and gradually turned into a roar.

Qiao Feiping was in extreme pain.

Zi Hua used physical pain relief - stabbing Qiao Feiping's acupuncture points with spiritual power, causing her to fall into a deep sleep.

The system floating close to the roof floated over, "Boss, I have a genetic medicine solution here. Give Qiao Feiping a dose and it will heal her and regenerate her new skin, which is guaranteed to be the same as before she was disfigured."

Zihua looked at it calmly, "You can open the mall now."

"I didn't contact the main god secretly. Really, boss, you have to trust me." The system hurriedly clarified, "The storage space used by the host is actually a part of the system space. Although the previous host and the former host are gone , but the things they exchanged for their points are still in the space, including all kinds of medicines.

If the boss is not used to things in the high-tech world, there is also a marrow-cleansing pill and a beauty pill from the world of immortality, which can cure Qiao Feiping. "

"Take them all out and let me see them."

"I listen to the boss." The system chuckled. This was a good start to improve the relationship with the boss.

A transparent medicine liquid and two jade bottles appeared in front of Yuhua.

She picked up the liquid medicine and inspected it mentally. It was a genetic drug, similar to the gene repair agent in her hand, but the ingredients in it were slightly different.

After a while, there was a change in the liquid, and the transparent liquid became turbid.

As she thought, some ingredients in the genetic medicine were rejected by the rules of this world.

She put down the medicine in her hand, opened a jade bottle, took out a pill from it, and placed it on the table.

Open another jade bottle and do the same thing.

After waiting for a while, I used my mental power to check again. The appearance of the two pill pills did not change, but the properties of the medicine inside had changed.

The system didn't understand what the boss was doing, "Boss, are there problems with these medicines?" It shouldn't be, the medicines sold in their system mall are all universal and can be used in similar worlds.

"There's a problem." The problematic medicine, Yuhua, will not be given to Qiao Feiping.

For now, we can only use medicinal materials from this world to make them now.

Juhua has prescriptions that are effective in relieving pain and treating the root cause. Buying medicinal materials is a troublesome task.

She looked at her short hands. Her current age is a big obstacle. If she goes to a pharmacy to buy medicinal materials, it is very likely that the clerk will not sell them to her, because some medicinal materials in the prescription are poisonous and will not be sold to a child.

She disappeared once, and it's hard to go out alone recently.

She could sneak out, but it was troublesome to fool the surveillance camera.

There are things you can ask the system to do.

Zihua turned on the computer and searched for medicinal materials in this world from the Internet.

The good thing is that many of the prescriptions in her hand have corresponding medicinal materials in this world. As for the problem of different medicinal properties, she will adjust them according to the specific situation after getting the medicinal materials.

Chemical drugs are more troublesome to make, and pharmaceutical equipment and raw materials are difficult to purchase.

Yuhua chose to make traditional Chinese medicine.

She is familiar with it and knows what kind of utensils are needed.

The greatest convenience in the information age is that most things can be purchased online.

After checking it, Zihua found that everything she needed could be delivered to her door within two or three days after ordering it.

There is only one problem right now and that is money.

Zihua checked Qiao Feiping's account and found that the total amount was less than 20,000 yuan.

Fortunately, the house I live in is my own and I don’t have to pay rent.

Between food, drink, clothing and Qiao Feiping's medicine, this little money won't last long.

The original owner worked as a babysitter in the hospital for half a year. He knew the financial situation of the family and knew that his mother could not go out to work in this state, so he wanted to make money by live broadcasting.

Zihua couldn't think of a good way to make money for a while because she was too young now.

There were a lot of gold jewelry in her dimension that could be used in this world, but she didn't find a reasonable reason to take them out.

The main one is that every move of the original owner and her daughter will be watched. If she takes out a valuable thing, people will quickly question its origin.

Even if you sell your house to pay for treatment, can you still leave a valuable piece of jewelry or utensils? Why didn't you take it out then?

Maybe He Shenghai's family members would come and snatch it away. Given their shamelessness, they would pretend that the items were left behind by the ancestors of the He family.

Qiao Feiping's illness could not be postponed, so Yu Hua immediately placed an order online and bought all the cheap medicinal materials that could be used.

Instead of buying the pharmaceutical equipment, Xi Hua is going to refine it with mental power.

As for the expensive medicinal materials, leave them to the system.

Seeing the boss looking at it, the system had the urge to run away.

Zi Hua sent a bunch of information to the system, "Here is a list of some medicinal materials. You can dig them out later."

"Boss, you want me to dig medicine?" The system was stunned, it had never done this kind of work before, "Boss, it's not that I don't want to go, but the system can't do it.

I can collect some inanimate things into the space, such as mobile phones, tables, and stones. Those medicinal materials are living things that grow in the ground, so I can't collect them. "

Yuhua has a solution, "You find a host, preferably a common small animal, which is convenient for digging things with its claws."

Common small animals are not easy to attract attention.

The system thought it had heard it wrong, "Boss, you want me to find a host? I am the system, so I can't host it." If it can host it, why would it need a host.

Yuhua released the power of rules to cover the system, and threw a few rules related to the soul and compatibility rules on the system, "Okay. Now you can find the body. Remember, you can only find the dead, Taking another person’s body is not allowed.”

According to the virtual and real rules, the system belongs to the divine soul type. In this case, it has the conditions to act as a soul. What is missing are some rules.

You Hua added these rules to the system, and the system can enter the body once it has the characteristics of a living soul.

However, because the system is not a real soul, it cannot inhabit highly intelligent creatures such as humans.

The system senses that there is something extra on its own body. It only knows that it is related to rules, but it is not clear what the specific rules are.

It began to be confused. Are the immortals in the immortal world so powerful? If so, what happened to those immortals caught by the Lord God.

It didn't dare to disobey the boss's instructions, "I'll go right away." In fact, it felt a little excited.

Although the host is just a tool of the Lord God, a helper for it to absorb energy, but it also envies the host for having a body, and it can only watch the host eat deliciously without knowing what it feels like to eat.

Jin Guang escaped.

Yuhua did a random search on the Internet.

Because of the disappearance of the original owner, Qiao Feiping asked for help on the Internet. In addition to scolding "he deserves it", many people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal contacted the local police station. The police station quickly issued an announcement saying that they were looking for it.

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