"Why don't you come and live in my tent, it's okay for me to go and squeeze with Ningguang, otherwise your tent is so small, how can

you live in it?" Keqing couldn't stand it, after all, their tent was really small, and it didn't look like it could live in people.

"No, you may not have used it, so you think this tent is small, but in fact, the space in it is quite large, and my words to Xi'er are just enough, so you don't have to worry about us."

Hearing this, Ke Qing had no choice but to give up, after all, she couldn't force these two people to live in her own tent, that would be a bit rude.

"Xi'er, what do you want to eat? I've got some instant noodles here, vegetarian meals, if you're hungry, you can eat more.

While speaking, Lu Ze lit a fire, set up a pot on top of the flame, poured some water into it, and prepared to cook some fast food.

After all, all you need is hot water to eat.

"Well, Ciel can do it. After

casually boiling two buckets of instant noodles and opening a few cans of canned food, the two of them started today's dinner, and the smell of the fragrance directly caused Keqing's dissatisfaction.

"What's the situation? you two, what's so fragrant?"

Keqing was still holding two cold membranes in her hands, compared to them, the gap was so big, she also wanted to eat hot things, but outside, the food was not easy to preserve, especially when she went out, she only brought dry food, and she could only cook some porridge if she was the staple food.

"Instant noodles and canned food, do you want to eat them? I have some here, do you want to eat them? If you want to eat them, I can make you a bucket." Hearing

that it was okay to eat, Ke Qing also immediately came over, and was glad that he didn't mess with Lu Ze, otherwise he wouldn't have eaten such a fragrant thing today.

Soon she also ate the hot instant noodles, and Ningguang looked at the meat bun in her hand, and then at the other party's hot instant noodles, I don't know why, I have some ...... in my heart Cold.

"Lu Ze, can you give Ningguang a bucket? after all, ......" Lu Ze

also nodded and took out a bucket from the system space.

"The one over there, if you want to eat, come and eat too, although I, Lu Ze, say that I am a person who holds grudges, but my friend's friend is my friend. "

In fact, the implication is that for Keqing's sake's sake, I won't hold your grudges today.

Ningguang also knew that he had enjoyed Keqing's blessing this time, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, so he just sighed, walked over, and sat next to Keqing.

He and her, maybe it's impossible in this life, right? Maybe, it's really too much......, right?"

And the last time, although I know what I can't undo, I still say I'm sorry to you. I'm sorry I did what disgusted you...... I'm really sorry.

Looking at the hot instant noodles, for some reason, Ningguang's pupils were a little moist, and the memory of the past poverty reappeared in her mind.

At that time, she naively thought that as long as she worked hard, anything could be obtained and anything was possible.

However, the reality of society hit her hard, and the death of her mother directly ......crushed the last straw in her heart

Since then, her heart has not been hot again, and the innocent little Ningguang who held a bowl of hot soup when she was a child no longer exists.

Some are just full of scheming and unscrupulous means to achieve their goals, and it is precisely because of this that she successfully sat in the position of heavenly power, using the scheming of businessmen, thinking methods, and means.

But now she is tired...... is extremely tired, since becoming a Tianquan star, in addition to working day and night, he also has to guard against the scheming of all kinds of people, and even backstabbing ...... Maybe she can really retire......

Just like Lu Ze, it is also a good choice to be an unrestrained person, with his strong assets, to travel around, or to open a store...... Do something you like and earn your favorite Mora, you might as well enjoy it.

Thinking about it, the moist eyes wept down drop by drop, and this once invincible condensation actually cried ......

Even Keqing was a little overwhelmed when she saw it, she didn't know what to say, she just stretched out her hands that dared to touch and didn't dare to touch, and she didn't know if she wanted to hug her

......?" I knew that I would do it again? But if you want me to believe in you again, it might be a little hard, it depends on your performance. In

fact, from her point of view, Lu Ze can also understand Ningguang, but he is a little disgusted by this kind of behavior, maybe too tough......, right?"

Thank you for your forgiveness......"

After Ningguang finished speaking, he silently ate the instant noodles in his hand, and the hot air floated to the sky.

The turmoil of dinner ended, after a simple wash, Lu Ze also returned to the tent, Xi'er followed, and the two faced each other in the tent, a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, go to bed early, you have to wake up early tomorrow, huh...... If you are a little ......"

Before the words were finished, Xi'er came over directly, directly bit Lu Ze, and then grabbed Lu Ze with both hands, and took a step closer.


pupils haven't changed color, why is Xi'er like a different person?

But the current situation is not optimistic, it's impossible to tell her about it, and her memory will be restored......, right?"

Suck...... The taste is okay, Brother Lu Ze...... Long time no see.

An evil smile appeared on Xi'er's face, her pupils were still blue, and she hadn't turned red, but her personality was different

?" "What are you talking about?" Xi'er

......? Damn! It turned out that Hei Xi succeeded first, and it seems that she can't be easily released in the future.

Hearing this, Lu Ze's face was a little nervous, and he silently took two steps back, but he hit the plastic sheet of the tent directly, such a small space, it seems that he can't hide from ...... tonight

"Hehe, don't you run, Brother Lu Ze...... You haven't thought about me for so long, haven't you missed me? I miss you so much...... Tonight, let me ...... Come to ......"

An hour later, Keqing came out to breathe, but heard a faint voice, had some doubts, and followed the sound to see Lu Ze's tent.

Listening to the voice, his face was slightly red, and something was wrong with the whole person.

"I'm really ashamed of you......"

As if hearing movement, the sound disappeared all of a sudden, and someone silently used Honkai energy to isolate the sound.

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